A Dynamic Learning Experience in San Diego for One Night Only! Coach Dave Daubenmire & Dr. Gregory Thompson

The James Hartline Report
California Christian News
A Dynamic Learning Experience

For One Night Only!
Coach Dave Daubenmire
Dr. Gregory Thompson

Dr. Gregory Thompson: Superintendent fired for acknowledging God. Founder of America ASLEEP kNOw MORE and Fellowship and Association of Christian Teachers uniting Christians to step out of the boat.

Coach Dave Daubenmire: Spurred into action when attacked and sued by the ACLU. Founder of Pass the Salt Ministries and Ohio Director of Minutemen United. President of Fellowship and Association of Christian Teachers (FACT) and talk show host.

Dr. Gregory Thompson and Coach Dave Daubenmire are two of America's leading voices in the battle to save America from the encroaching forces of secularism, humanism and atheism. If you are a teacher in the public schools, or a parent with kids in the public school system, then you will want to hear the enlightening stories of Dr. Thompson and Coach Daubenmire.

From 1998 to 2004, Dr. Thompson was Superintendent of humansville R-IV School District in Polk County, Missouri. With eight other administrators he worker with MSHSAA to form the State Sportsmanship Committee, helping to put together the first State Sportsmanship summit, and chairing the committee from 2002 to 2004. He was officially fired on September 8, 2004, for refusing to keep the Ten Commandments out of the school, the Cross off of his office wall, the Bible off of his desk, and for indicating he would pray for the Veterans, children, and their families, openly.

Earlier this year, Dr. Thompson was arrested along with presidential candidate Dr. Alan Keyes and several pro-life demonstrators at the University of Notre Dame as President Barack Obama gave his infamous commencement speech to the the university's graduating class.

You will not want to miss the exciting and dramatic testimony of Dr. Gregory Thompson. He will also be signing copies of his powerful new book, "Giving Aid And Comfort To The Enemy - An Eleventh Hour Wakeup Call For Sleeping Pastors, Leaders, Families & Nation."

Dave Daubenmire, a veteran 25 year high school football coach, was spurred to action when attacked and eventually sued by the ACLU in the late 1990’s for allegedly mixing prayer with his coaching. After a two year battle for his 1st amend-ment rights and a determination to not back down, the ACLU relented and offered coach an out of court settlement. God honored his stand and the ACLU backed off. Coach’s courageous stand, an inspiration to Americans everywhere, demonstrated that the ACLU can be defeated.

As a result of the experience, Coach heard the call to move out of coaching a high school team, to the job of coaching God’s team. PASS THE SALT was formed to encourage the Body of Christ to step into the cultural war. “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood...” PASS THE SALT is convinced that God has given the Body a window of opportunity to take our culture back.

Challenging the "church of the Status Quo", Pass The Salt is calling Christians to engage the culture. By taking the fight to the enemy Coach Daubenmire has become a recognizable voice with the media as he is an unashamed, articulate, apologist for the Christian world view. Coach's willingness to stand with Judge Moore in Alabama, Terri Schiavo in Florida, and the 10 commandments in Washington DC, has enabled him to partner with some of the nationally known voices in America.

An adjunct professor at Mt. Vernon Nazarene University in Mt. Vernon, Ohio, Coach is using his knowledge of education and educational issues to equip Christians to defend the Judeo-Christian world view. A popular, high-energy speaker, Coach Daubenmire's motivational lectures, laced with Scripture verses, is challenging Americans all across the country.

In addition to his weekly radio show, Coach has made regular national appearances on Hannity and Colmes, CBS Evening News, Scarborough Country on MSNBC, Fox News, The Edge with Paula Zahn, Dayside with Linda Vester, and Court TV.

San Diego is pleased to have Dr. Thompson all the way from Humansville, Missouri and Coach Dave Daubenmire from Hebron, Ohio. This a free event for those who would like to attend.

For further information contact James Hartline
This has been an Action Alert from The James Hartline Report
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Anonymous said…
You might want to credit WorldView
Times from which you pulled your copy about Daubmire. Otherwise you are commitinG plagarism. Incidentally the ACLU did not back down they made it so Daubmire could not preach and promote his religious agenda in the school where he coached. The very fact that he left the school does not show someone not backing down and making his stand in the name of god, it shows what a quitter he is in the face of diversity and when people expose him for what he is, and for violating the seperation of church and state as he deems fit.
James Hartline said…
I happen know Dave Daubenmire personally and I have never, ever seen him back down or run from the enemy. When you get all of your facts "straight" and speak directly to him about your concerns, then form some accurate conclusions about his stands on public issues.

And plagarism? Please! the biography is provided courtesy of his website. Your fortunate that I have even given you any platform associated with me to articulate your deep misconceptions and confusion.
Anonymous said…
A "real" reporter cites their sources......

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