Priscilla Schreiber: California's Most Courageous Politician
The James Hartline Report - On The Frontlines Of The Culture War - September 30, 2008 A 2008 Campaign Profile In Courage: How one woman went from being a suburban mom to becoming a warrior for Christian values in San Diego County's Educational System. Introducing Priscilla Schreiber : California's Most Courageous Politician (JHReport) It was 1999 and Americans were finally closing up the tawdry episode of President Bill Clinton's immoral affair with Monica Lewinsky and beginning preparation for the somewhat confusing, yet historical, Y2K computer crisis. As the door to the 21st century began to swing open, voters across America's political landscape were finally starting to recognize the negative fallout that their communities were experiencing as a result of America's thirty year experiment with the sexual revolution of the 1960's. In the closing days of the 1990's, parents and politicians alike were waking up to a reality that they had never envisioned pr...