Yes on Prop. 8 Donors Giving Millions and Millions of Dollars to Save Marriage in California

Supporters of Homosexuality Give $15,000-20,000 per day for No on 8 Campaign compared to $400,000 per day in contributions from Yes on 8 supporters. Expect voters to pass Prop. 8 by a 54-46% margin.

Campaign Contribution filings with the California Secretary of State reveal that supporters of Prop. 8, the California initiative to ban same-sex marriage in the California constitution. are beginning to overwhelm the homosexual contributers to the campaign to stop Prop. 8.
On average, nearly $400,000 per day is coming into the various Yes on Prop. 8 campaigns. It is estimated that members of the Mormon Church have agreed to contribute $10-15 million dollars to the campaign, which would explain the enormous number of large individual contributions that are flooding the Yes on Prop. 8 offices. With one million voting Mormons in California, the Yes on Prop. 8 campaign is guaranteed to get 20-25% of the votes needed to pass Prop. 8 on Nov. 4th from followers of the Mormon religion.

Count on the growing trend by moderate Democrats and Independets towards supporting the McCain-Palin ticket to have a positive impact on helping pass Prop. 8. Those that vote for the Republican ticket are going to support Prop. 8.

Millions of dollars has also been promised from the Catholic Church and its followers for passage of Prop. 8. Already the Knight of Columbus, which is one of the charity ministries within the Catholic Church, has contributed in excess of $1 million to the Yes on Prop. 8 campaign. Traditional Values Catholics make up an estimated 15% of the voting population in California. An additional 10% or more of moderate Catholics who tend to vote Democrat, will break ranks with their party and will support the Catholic Church's order to support Prop. 8.

Over 15,000 Evangelical volunteers are giving up their summer and fall vacations to help pass the Prop. 8 campaign. These volunteers are already on the move and are out in neighborhoods across California talking to moms and dads, husbands, wives, teachers, union members, Democrats, Republicans, Independents and others about the need to pass Prop. 8.

Over 2,000 California pastors have signed up to fight for the passage of Prop. 8. Expect nearly 50,000 evangelical churches throughout California to bring the Yes on Prop. 8 message to their neighborhoods in the biggest grassroots church effort in California history. Most Christians view this battle over gay marriage in California to be a declaration of war against Christianity and a war mentality is beginning to grip the hearts and minds of most Christians in California in ways not seen since the civil rights movement of the 1960's.

It is clear that this is the biggest grassroots movement in the history of California when it comes to fighting for the passage of a state wide proposition. This is even bigger than when Californias got fired up to pass Prop. 13, the property tax amendment.

On the other side of the fence, the gay advocates against Prop. 8 are equally fired up, but are not even remotely close when it comes to the Yes on Prop. 8 side and giving of money. Perhaps, $15-20 thousand dollars per day is coming in on the No on Prop. 8 side. Homosexuals, lesbians and transvestites usually never give much money when it comes to politics. They simply want the government to come in and force the gay agenda on society for them, without them paying a price for such sexual benefits.

At the end of the day, coming November 4, 2008 expect California to pass Prop. 8 by a 54-46% margin.

There is a recent event which gives a clear picture of where Californians are really at when it comes to forcing an unwanted legal action on the voting population. Californians are very giving when it comes to allowing people to do what they want, good or bad, in the privacy of their own homes. But when the courts and the government come in and force a behavior or a law on voters that citizens simply do not want or the government forces them to accept something that violates their faith, then voters will take action at the polls to rectify such dictatorical actions on the part of the government. And it is clear that homosexual advocates plan to sue churches to force them to hire homosexuals as pastors, Sunday School teachers and to marry them in church sanctuaries. Like the ACLU has done hundreds and hundreds of times, money hungry homosexual lawyers will sue churches to get money out of churches for not marrying homosexuals. Every pastor in California knows that this is coming and it has pastors and their congregations worried and angry.

It is worth noting that the California legislature would not allow a church exemption to be put in the homosexual addition to the the Unruh act. This was a clear indication two years ago when this law came down that the liberal, anti-christian forces in the California Legislature were laying the groundwork for future lawsuits against churches once gay marriage was sanctioned by the California Supreme Court. It was a dirty plan and Prop. 8 is the only solution to such unconstitutional acts by California's anti-christian, pro-gay government.

This recent event worth scutinizing is the battle over the Mt. Soledad Cross.

I was involved for several years in that battle and we ultimately prevailed. Despite the fact that gays, Democrats and atheists were determined to see the cross removed atop Mt. Soledad (the gay Democratic Club endorsed a no vote on saving the cross, as did the Democratic Party), voters in San Diego voted 76% - 24% to save the Mt. Soledad Cross and turn it over to the Federal government. This means Republicans, Democrats, Independents, every group across the board, were so insulted in the tyranny of a federal judge and the liberals on the San Diego City Council who were determined to removed the cross, that they revolted and saved the cross on election day. That cross is still there despite its enemies.

The same type of energy and anger is moving throughout the state of California in support of the Prop. 8 campaign. Voters of all types are angry that four activist judges on the California Supreme Court decided to legislate from the bench rather than upholding the will of 61% of California voters who voted in 2000 to pass Prop. 22, the law which makes marriage in California a covenant relationship between one man and one woman.

Those who decided to engage in homosexuality and lesbianism and then force their ideas of playing house on the vast majority of Californians who voted for Prop. 22 thanks to an unconstitutional ruling by four activist judges, have now angered the voters of California in the same way that 76% of San Diegans were angered when one federal judged attempted to tear down the Mt. Soledad Cross.

Evidence that multiple millions upon millions of dollars are flowing into the Yes on Prop. 8 coffers demonstrates that many voters who typically are quiet on the gay agenda issue are finally coming out of hiding to engage the culture on something as fundamental as passing a constitutional amendment that will protect the reality of what marriage really is: a covenant between one man and one woman. These pro-marriage voters are determined to save the historical significance of marriage from those who really want to do away with marriage and family altogether via their efforts to create a catstrophic society overrun with sexual anarchy and an oppresive government that holds the pieces of society together after such anarchists destroy it.

You can review the contributions to Prop. 8 by going to the California Secretary of State website:


Anonymous said…
"At the end of the day, coming November 4, 2008 expect California to pass Prop. 8 by a 54-46% margin."

Did those numbers appear from the sky on a couple of flaming stones, James?

That's not what I read in the papers. The current polls have Prop 8 either neck and neck or going down to defeat, and those polls don't include voting aged young people without landlines.

Twice, the elected representatives of the people of California sent marriage equality bills to the Governor. We live in a representational democracy, James.

The Supreme Court's decision was not unconstitutional. The Republican-appointed judges did their job. Under the State's Constitution benefits available to one group cannot be denied another group.

You right-wingers trot this activist judges nonsense anytime a decision doesn't go your way.

And you know very well that churches will be exempt under the law from any involvement with gay marriages.

Personally, as a devout atheist, I can't imagine wanting any churches approval. They're only in it for the money.
Anonymous said…
Marriage is a religious institution. The Gay community owes the Christian community a huge expression of gratitude for saving us from an institution that only has a 50% success rate in the straight community. The benefits of marriage can be obtained through contract agreements that keeps the government and the church out of our lives. The culture war ended when the Supreme Court decided Lawrence versus Texas. Proposition 8 would protect the gains made in Lawrence versus Texas. Gay people should not let the government or the church rule their lives. This proposition deserves to pass in order to strengthen the gay agenda. Only 10 percent of the gay community wants gay marriage. Gay people fought many battles to get the church and government out of our lives. Government sanctioned marriage would only invite the government back into our lives at a very high cost. Vote YES on proposition 8!
Anonymous said…
"Homosexuals, lesbians and transvestites usually never give much money when it comes to politics. They simply want the government to come in and force the gay agenda on society for them, without them paying a price for such sexual benefits."

That's another annoying little lie you keep dancing around, James.

Gay people pay taxes, lots of taxes, and we, for the most part, don't get the benefits and services straight people get for their families.

And in case you forgot, your religious businesses (you can cll them churches if you like) don't pay a cent in taxes and they keep bilking little old ladies of their life savings and pensions with fear tactics to build huge, megachurch monuments to their own egos.
James Hartline said…
Mr. Tidmus, I will allow your accusation of lying just this once. I am fully appraised of your Euro-atheistic agenda. I am also fully aware of your gross, anti-christian atheistic comments about me and my stand for the Lord. If you choose to remain respectful, I will engage your verbage. If not, then dance on back to Amsterdam.
Anonymous said…
Much ado about nothing.

If Proposition 8 passes, the sun will still rise, homosexuality will still continue unabated. Gays will still be free to enter domestic partners agreements, if they wish.
For the less monogamously inclined, multiple lovers will still be legal.

If Proposition 8 passes, gays can still flaunt their lifestyle, seduce the guy next door, and even get elected to political offices.

If McCain and Palin get elected, gays can keep more of their earnings and continue to party on as if nothing ever happened.

Much ado about nothing.
Anonymous said…
At my church, St. Priapus Church, we believe that sexual orientation is divinely bestowed and that homosexuality is a reward given by OUR God, just as heterosexuality is given by the gods of Christianity. Marriage benefits can be assigned by the government in order to lure people into the heterosexuality but as recent history has shown, these same benefits can be obtained in other ways. Government assigned marriage benefits are like a Trojan Horse that will bring grief to many. Heterosexual marriage “benefits” pale when compared to the benefits given by St. Priapus. Freedom of religion is embedded in our constitution and this right should be given priority above all others.

The priest at the local St. Priapus Church in North Park says that we should try to treat our heterosexual brothers and sisters with love and compassion because they are confused and disoriented about their role in this world. The purpose of heterosexuals is for procreation and nothing more. Throughout history beauty , creativity, and human advancement has been the domain of the gay person. That is why we have been spared the burden of child bearing and assigned more challenging and purposeful goals for our lives.
Anonymous said…
Fools and their money are soon parted. Win or lose, what will each side gain that is worth the millions of dollars being spend on Prop 8?

Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.
Better it is to be of an humble spirit with the lowly, than to divide the spoil with the proud.
-- Proverbs 16: 18-19 (KJV)
James Hartline said…
Dear St. Priapus Church:
I will only be posting your one post so that a response can be made. We are fully aware that you are not a church, but are merely a mockery of Christians. You worship the male genitalia as is indicated by your various public statements. And of course, you don't mention anything about the Bible when saying that you "believe" sexual orientation is divinely bestowed. The shallowness in your so-called beliefs is quite revealed in the fact that the term sexual orientation is a term created in recent times by gay activists. Couldn't you think of a concept that is older than twenty years that God could have bestowed upon you instead of a recent term like sexual orientation?
It is quite sad that you are really not looking for God's will to be done in your life, but rather you spend your time finding ways to fulfill the destruction of your own flesh and the mocking of Christianity. Not too bright in the eternal scheme of things.
I would suggest that you really seek God's will with the time you have left in this life rather than what fulfills the temporary and mortal flesh, a flesh that can never be satisfied. You will find in your search for the will of God that you might have a far more significant destiny upon this earth than the wasted years and the wasted seed of the sin and rebellion of homosexuality.
Anonymous said…
James said, “I would suggest that you really seek God's will”

Each religion has their own god. Why would St. Priapus members seek the will of a cult religion like Christianity? The bible used by Christians is filled with violence, ignorance of science, contradictions, and obscene stories. Why would ANYONE want to worship such a god when there is not a sliver of evidence that the bible which supposedly expresses the will of the Christian god, has never been proven to be true?
James Hartline said…
"Why would ANYONE want to worship such a god when there is not a sliver of evidence that the bible which supposedly expresses the will of the Christian god, has never been proven to be true?"

Oh really. And your worship of the male genitalia gives you a whole lot of crediblity when it comes to theology. And we are supposed to discredit the truth of 5,000 years of accepted teachings in the Bible for your teachings on the cult of penile worship. NOT! Your thoughts and conclusions, particularly when you believe in a demonic and ancient cult based upon Greek mythology and fertilization of the earth with seminal fluids, is sheer idiocy. In reality, you have never asked the Holy Spirit to give you understanding as a guide for studying the Bible. No, instead you reject the Bible because it does not affirm your desires to engage in your lusts of the flesh and homosexuality. If you had any desire to give up the sin of homosexuality and your involvement in cult worship, then you would be seeking the eternal truths conveyed to us by God in the Bible. I would suggest you contemplate the reality that you are not guaranteed tomorrow. And if you pass away then what excuse will you bring before God for your rejection of Jesus as messiah and Lord? Today is the day of salvation and you had better choose wisely.
I have seen many who I gave this word to, and now they are gone. And there is nothing so horrible for me to see than those who went to hell because they gave more power to their homosexual desires than they did for repentance of such sins. The Bible says that the wages of sin is death.
Oh, foolish man who sacrifices all of eternity in heaven for a days worth of sexual sins and the eventual consequences of torment in hell forever. What a terrible investment you are making oh foolish man.
Anonymous said…
James said, “..And there is nothing so horrible for me to see than those who went to hell”….
… consequences of torment in hell forever.”

James, you are delusional. There is absolutely no evidence that anyone in all of the history of mankind has ever gone to a place called “hell”. This is an invention of the Catholic Church to put fear into the hearts of their members. You are also ignoring the fact that there are many Gods, not just your Jehovah, Yahweh, or whatever you chose to call your imaginary friend.

James said, “The Bible says, …….the Bible,…….the Bible……

James, there are many Bibles in this world. None of them have proven to be any more reliable or truthful than another. I like Oprah Winfrey’s approach; choose that which your inner spirit tells you is true, regardless of the source, and leave the rest for someone else; just like in a cafeteria. I have never met a Christian yet that lives his or her life 100 percent in accordance with the King James bible. When I see Christians stoning people for adultery, preaching against divorce, killing their disrespectful children, and etc., then I will take notice.

If your Bible makes you feel better, by all means keep reading it. Just don’t expect us who actually have an education and know how to use our brains to adopt your lifestyle. The founding fathers of this country were very wise in establishing a wall of separation between church and state. As long as you stay on your side of the fence you can pray, read your bible, and do all those silly rituals that will get you into your make believe heaven. This is your constitutional right, just as I have the right to believe and teach my kids a different philosophy.
Anonymous said…
"Look back at the life of our Lord Jesus. He was misunderstood, deserted, unjustly accused, and cruelly killed. Yet we all confess that it was the will of God, for by his wounds we are healed ... Could it be that the homosexual, obedient to the will of God, might be the church's modern day healer-messiah?"
Anonymous said…
First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." - Mahatma Gandhi

Why bother fighting to pass Prop 8? Let's say Prop 8 passes. Will the homosexual population say "OK, we give up. You win." No I think they will keep fighting until they win.

Meanwhile the opponents of same-sex marriage will be spending millions of dollars to stop what will eventually happen. Wouldn't that money be better spent on providing food for children? Providing shelter for poor families? Providing education for all? Or even spreading the Christian word of faith? Aren't those better Christian values then banning same-sex marriage?
Anonymous said…
Can someone -- ANYONE -- give a cogent, intelligent answer as to how my brother's marriage to his partner of 22 years is going to destroy ANYONE'S heterosexual marriage? When I say "cogent, intelligent," I mean without some incoherent babble about the bible, scripture, Jesus, Noah's second zebra on the arc or any of that nonsense. Keep it REAL WORLD!!! I want to know!b
James Hartline said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
James Hartline said…
Oh, and uh, can any please tell me who created this "real world" you want to keep it "real" on? Perhaps, you need a dose of the coherent babble from the Bible rather than your MTV "Real World" trivialization of marriage.
Anonymous said…
There are many legitimate non-religious reasons why Prop 8 needs to pass:
1) Onslaught of Lawsuits for further marriage rights (slippery slope) - If Prop 8 fails and homosexual marriage remains valid in California, then it will open up the courts to never ending lawsuits for individual rights to marry. Lawsuits for the right to have multiple wives (more than one spouse). Lawsuits for the right to marry pets or living organisms. Lawsuits for the right to marry family members (incest relationships). Lawsuits for the right to marry children and with that right to have sex with children at any age.
For if marriage is an individual right as the CA Supra says, then that individual should also have a right to marry a family member (1st cousins and children), more than one person, a child, or an animal. This will cost the State of California (CA tax payers) millions and millions of dollars to defend such lawsuits and most importantly will degrade society.
2) Requirements for Professions - The door will be open for personal and business litigation to any quasi-government profession or business to hire homosexuals (including churches). It could also require certain professionals to give services that such professionals do not religiously or non-religiously believe in. Examples of this would be Pastors or other religious leaders having to perform gay marriages or hire gay clergy men, attorneys having to represent in homosexual matters (marriage, divorce and family law), adoption agencies having to give children to gay couples. All these things take away a persons individual rights to choice.
3)AIDS - The leading cause of spreading AIDS in the U.S. is homosexual activity. Most in the scientific community believe that stopping homosexual activity would stop AIDS in the United States (and eventually wipe it out). Why would CA want to perpetuate AIDS in society.
4) Children - Children have the right to be born into a family that includes a mother and a father. A child is more likely to succeed in a home with a mother and a father (studies have proven this). Society has already hurt children with the high divorce rate, why further the problem with gay marriage.
5) Classroom Teaching - CA will most likely require children to learn about gay sex in 6th grade sex education. Children will also be taught that the gay lifestyle is a good choice. However, such teachings should be the choice of the Child's parents and not pushed upon the child by the state.
6) Constitutional Law - The United States Supreme Court has already ruled that marriage is a family right in furtherance of bearing children. The purpose of marriage being - to have and raise children. Gay marriage removes this right of the family and the purpose of marriage - to have and raise children.
7) Full Faith and Credit clause of the U.S. Constitution - The U.S. Constitution requires that states honor licenses, marriage, etc of that of another state (limited rights). With California marrying homosexuals, other states will have to honor such marriages even though currently 23 states have constitutions or law that do not allow gay marriage. Why should CA be able to dictate the rights of 49 other states.
8) The fall of Families - Families are the building blocks of society. If families fall, then the entire society fails. By allowing gay marriage, CA degrades the the family by taking the rights of man and a woman in marriage to have and raise children. By example, the fist country to allow gay marriage was Holland and since that time they have had unprecedented divorce rates, having children out of wedlock has skyrocketed, and couples getting married have gone down by over 20%. Many believe this is because the society does not value marriage as it once did. What ever the reason, a direct cause of the degradation of families is gay marriage.

It is my opinion that citizens of CA need to vote YES on Prop 8 for these reasons. Please join me in voting YES FOR PROP 8.
Anonymous said…
It's important to stand up for this. It's true, this fight will not end, which is exactly why we must continue to defend marriage as it is supposed to be defined. Everyone has their own level of what they'd call morality or tolerance. Some people aren't that bothered by second-hand smoke, or if a person decides to walk naked in public claiming their expression of religion, but if you say religious fundamentalists are too nutty and liberals are too left, my question is: where do you draw the line? I agree that we should look into the future and the draw the line now.
Anonymous said…
It's important to stand up for this. It's true, this fight will not end, which is exactly why we must continue to defend marriage as it is supposed to be defined. Everyone has their own level of what they'd call morality or tolerance. Some people aren't that bothered by second-hand smoke, or if a person decides to walk naked in public claiming their expression of religion, but if you say religious fundamentalists are too nutty and liberals are too left, my question is: where do you draw the line? I agree that we should look into the future and the draw the line now.
Anonymous said…
It's important to stand up for this. It's true, this fight will not end, which is exactly why we must continue to defend marriage as it is supposed to be defined. Everyone has their own level of what they'd call morality or tolerance. Some people aren't that bothered by second-hand smoke, or if a person decides to walk naked in public claiming their expression of religion, but if you say religious fundamentalists are too nutty and liberals are too left, my question is: where do you draw the line? I agree that we should look into the future and the draw the line now. Good for you James.
Anonymous said…
Mike titmouse has failed to notice the trend line of Yes on 8 lately. Also, Yes has 10 million more in the bank for the late push.
Catinthehat said…
I can't believe that churches around the country are throwing so much money at this. We are in an economic crisis. People are losing their homes and jobs. But the church is more concerned with gay marriage? What about feeding the hungry? clotheing the poor,and Sheltering the homeless, you know, the things that christ actually said to do.
Unknown said…
I thought that the old testament laws were overturned by Jesus' death on the cross.

And what happened to Jesus' preachings on loving your neighbor. I really think your battle mentality is so off from what God's heart desires.

By the way, there is no homosexual agenda. This ballot measure is a part of the Christian agenda!!

And homosexual people just want the rights to visit each other on the death bed and cover one another with their health insurance.

Get a heart and soul!!!
James Hartline said…
Chris, It is obvious that you do not study the Bible. The Bible does not say anywhere that the Jesus dying on the cross overturned the laws in the Old Testament. The Bible says that Jesus came to fulfill the law, not do away with it. And as to you passing some kind of new found judgment upon my heart and soul, neither of which you know anything about or have control over, I have both my heart and soul and they belong to God and God alone.
Anonymous said…
Thank God Prop 8 passed! Now I know that the numbers of moral and sane people in California far outnumber the sexual perverts! The people have spoken. All the current rioting, blaming of the Black and Hispanic voters and harassment of the Latter Day Saints will accomplish nothing. The constitution was amended on November 5th and the same sex "marriages" will eventually be invalidated, no matter what Jerry Brown says. The gays have defeated themselves by being overly aggressive, overconfident and plain repulsive. This is their wake up call re: how most of society, including myself, truly views them. Hats off also to the voters in Florida, Arizona and Arkansas for rejecting the gay lifestyle and may all the other states and indeed the rest of the world, eventually follow.
Anonymous said…
You guys are funny. No matter what you think or say, gay people will always be gay, and straight people will always be straight. Why not put 1/2 of the money spent fighting this cause towards helping the less fortunate (whoever you believe the less fortunate are, I am sure we disagree on that as well). My god is amazing and loves me as i am and i am sad your god doesnt love me. Mine will always love you...Richie
James Hartline said…
And Richie Roman,
You get this information about this god of yours from.....from.....where did you say you get your information about your god at? I missed that part.

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