
Showing posts from October, 2010

The 2010 Election Winners of James Hartline's List of It's Not Hip To Be A Hypocrite Award - Hypocrite Award Recipient: Scott Barnett

The 2010 Election Winners of James Hartline's List of It's Not Hip To Be A Hypocrite Award Hypocrite Award Recipient: Scott Barnett James Hartline will be releasing his list of the most hypocritical candidates in this year's 2010 general elections. Here is the second of many recipients of the 2010 It Ain't Hip To Be A Hypocrite Awards -- Scott Barnett, Republican candidate for school board of the San Diego Unified School District. Scott Barnett's campaign slogan: Barnett for School Board - Children First! (Unless you are a sex offender targeted by Jessica's Law or convicted money launderer Joel Anderson: they are really first in Scott's book!) In addition to being one of the most nasty of the nasty personalities among this year's list of hypocrites seeking to get elected in San Diego, Scott Barnett is one of the most disgraceful when it comes to the issue of protecting kids. In 2006, Barnett's group injecte

The 2010 Election Winners of James Hartline's List of It's Not Hip To Be A Hypocrite Award - Hypocrite Award Recipient: Michael Crimmins

James Hartline Report: The 2010 Election Winners of James Hartline's List of It's Not Hip To Be A Hypocrite Award - James Hartline will be releasing his list of the most hypocritical candidates in this year's 2010 general elections. Here is the first of many recipients of the 2010 It Ain't Hip To Be A Hypocrite Awards -- Michael Crimmins, Republican candidate for congress in San Diego's 53rd congressional district. Michael Crimmins runs on a platform of associating himself with conservatives and military veterans. Crimmins has a very unhealthy habit of getting photos of himself with very famous people and then posting those photos on his campaign website - in a creepy sort of political groupie/stalker vein. Spending a good deal of his time slithering around evangelical church groups seeking to get the Christian vote as part of his "get rid of Barbara Boxer and Susan Davis" rhetoric, Crimmins' usual campaign signs paint him as a typical conservative. Y

‎"Let Him Speak! Let Him Speak!" 1,000 Citizens and Priscilla Schreiber Force GOP Cronies To Allow James Hartline To Speak At Grossmont School Board

‎ "Let Him Speak! Let Him Speak!" 1,000 Citizens and Priscilla Schreiber Force GOP Cronies To Allow James Hartline To Speak At Grossmont Union High School Board Meeting. This is one of the most important videos that you will ever watch. This video shows the corrupt agenda of the Old Boys Network in San Diego's Republican Party and their evil agenda to silence James Hartline. One woman had the courage to take on the rotten corruption of GOP chairman Ron Nehring and GOP crony Jim Kelly as they tried to prevent James Hartline from speaking out at the Grossmont Union High School District Board Meeting. A massive turnout of San Diego citizens rose up in protest against Nehring and Kelly as senior board member Priscilla Schreiber fought these wicked men of the Old Boys Network. Shouts of "Let him speak! Let him speak!" and stomping feet on the bleachers could be heard all over the crowded gymnasium at Steele Canyon High School as Priscilla fought for Hartline's ri

The Adventures of James Hartline and Mr. Squirrel in Balboa Park.

The squirrels love me in San Diego. Check out my friend coming down from his tree house to visit me in Balboa Park in San Diego. Mr. Squirrel loves my preaching!

The James Hartline Report: Used Condoms, Cigarette Butts and Piles of Trash photographed on the property of San Diego elementary school.

The James Hartline Report has documented numerous violations of state law occurring on the property of Central Elementary School , a pre-school and K-5 grade school in the City Heights area of San Diego. Dirty used condoms, thousands of illegal cigarette butts, mold, mounds of trash and other disturbing scenes on the actual school property were photographed by James Hartline. One dirty used condom was located near the front door of the school principal's office while young students were on campus during school hours. Dirty used condom lying near an old crushed water bottle in an area near the front door of the principal's office of Central Elementary School in City Heights. Thousands of illegal cigarette butts were found on Central Elementary School Property. Today, James Hartline photographed thousands of the illegal cigarette butts throughout school property including those lying on the ground outside of the door to the school's kitchen. Thousands of cigarett

James Hartline Protests taxpayer-funded celebration of witchcraft at UCSD pharmacy.

James Hartline Protests taxpayer-funded celebration of witchcraft at UCSD pharmacy. At a University of California San Diego pharmacy that is funded by the state of California, employees decided to decorate and celebrate witchcraft throughout the pharmacy. Serving thousands of patients suffering with AIDS, cancer and other life threatening illnesses, this particular hospital pharmacy may be the last place that some patients encounter before they die. However, that did not stop the pharmacy staff from hanging a black grim reaper on a noose from the ceiling, as well as skulls, black widow spiders, demons, witches, and staff wearing black witch hats and pagan witchcraft jewelry. Upon seeing these dark offerings to Satan, James Hartline immediately went into action to make his stand for his Lord. In 2004, James Hartline had previously protested the UCSD AIDS clinic and its displays of Halloween. As a Christian, James does not feel that he should have to participate in witchcraft or Hallowee

James Hartline Report: Follow this $85 million money trail and it will lead you to every corrupt GOP political kingpen and politician in San Diego

List of $85 Million in Religious Facility Deals James Hartline Report: Follow this $85 million money trail and it will lead you to every corrupt GOP political kingpen and politician in San Diego County. Some of the most corrupt politicians in San Diego County are being supported by church leaders who have extensive financial ties to these projects. Real estate deals, worth millions and millions of dollars, are bringing dumbed down congregations into direct support of politicians making dirty and immoral deals because the real estate brokers, agents and redevelopers have infiltrated the church memberships. This is why California's most corrupt state assemblyman Joel Anderson was recently convicted of money laundering, but he is still being supported in his state senate campaign race by numerous East San Diego County pastors involved in these church deals. This is why corrupt Brian Jones , who has extensive ties to deals listed among these $85 million transactions, is being support

Fox News Reports: Former Homosexual and Ex-Drug Addict James Hartline Now Fights To Clean Up San Diego.

Fox News Reports: Former Homosexual and Ex-Drug Addict James Hartline Now Fights To Clean Up San Diego. After years of suffering through homosexuality and a drug addiction he acquired inside of San Diego's gay community, former homosexual and ex-drug addict James Hartline now battles to save lives and clean up his city. This video features the battle between James Hartline and the insane advocates for supplying drug addicts with new needles to shoot up more drugs. The idiots who run city hall want to give out more syringes to drug addicts, thus fueling behaviors leading to sexual promiscuity, prostitution, AIDS and drug overdoses. James Hartline will continue to stand up for those who are being oppressed and destroyed by the insane politicians and powerbrokers who are running San Diego.

Former Homosexual James Hartline Leads A Successful Campaign To Save The Mt. Soledad Cross

Former Homosexual James Hartline Leads A Successful Campaign To Save The Mt. Soledad Cross. James Hartline coordinated hundreds of San Diegans to come to the San Diego City Council on numerous occasions to fight to save the Mt. Soledad Cross from being torn down by Philip K. Paulson, an avowed atheist. For nearly two decades, Philip K. Paulson, who was filled with hatred towards Christians until the day he died, had been suing to have the cross removed from the Mt. Soledad Veteran's War Memorial. As Paulson and his ACLU attorney were moving ever closer to having the cross removed, James Hartline rose up and took a stand against the atheist agenda and its bigotry and hatred of Christianity. In this speech at the San Diego City Council in 2005, you will hear James Hartline give one of his many speeches to save the Mt. Soledad Cross and how Jesus Christ saved him and leads him in his battle to fight for the cross. In a twist of fate, Philip K. Paulson can be seen sitting in this video