James Hartline Report: Follow this $85 million money trail and it will lead you to every corrupt GOP political kingpen and politician in San Diego

List of $85 Million in Religious Facility Deals

James Hartline Report: Follow this $85 million money trail and it will lead you to every corrupt GOP political kingpen and politician in San Diego County. Some of the most corrupt politicians in San Diego County are being supported by church leaders who have extensive financial ties to these projects. Real estate deals, worth millions and millions of dollars, are bringing dumbed down congregations into direct support of politicians making dirty and immoral deals because the real estate brokers, agents and redevelopers have infiltrated the church memberships.

This is why California's most corrupt state assemblyman Joel Anderson was recently convicted of money laundering, but he is still being supported in his state senate campaign race by numerous East San Diego County pastors involved in these church deals.

This is why corrupt Brian Jones, who has extensive ties to deals listed among these $85 million transactions, is being supported by church leaders in his bid for the state assembly.

This is why Shari Groce is being supported by church leaders to replace Brian Jones on the Santee City Council. Groce attends Pathways, a church on this list involved in a multi-million dollar transaction.

In 2005, I investigated, reported on, and stopped a filthy San Diego nudist group from holding nude skating parties with minors in Santee, California.

Santee City Councilman Brian Jones, Santee resident Shari Groce and GOP activist Joel Anderson were all SILENT during my 2005 battle against the nudist group. They said nothing, and did nothing, to help support my successful efforts to protect the kids from the predators in Santee. Now, these greedy politicians want to be elected to office in East County to bring in more greedy deals for their friends.

This is the same ungodly Old Boys Network that I have been reporting on for five years. Many of the members of this
Old Boys Network have threatened me and done everything possible to silence me and get me out of the way.

In order for them to get me out of the way, they will have to go through God who is my way!

This love of money, this evil financial corruption, and this salivating thirst for greed and gain is rotting out churches throughout San Diego County. This is why God is coming soon to judge San Diego's false shepherds: because they will not repent of their untoward greed and corruption


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