The Drag Queen, The New Sheriff in Town, A Lesbian District Attorney and Francine Busby's Angry Lesbian Posse: Rainbow Corruption in San Diego

The Drag Queen, The New Sheriff in Town, A Lesbian District Attorney and Francine Busby's Angry Lesbian Posse: Rainbow Corruption in San Diego's Soiled Political Climate -- Will it Prevent An Honest Investigation into the Criminal Conduct of Those Who Assaulted a San Diego Deputy Just Doing His Job?

Excuse me? Did I read this correctly: Union Tribune - June 3, 2009:

Democrat Francine Busby met yesterday with Sheriff Bill Gore and asked him to release the 911 tape that drew deputies to a June 26 fundraiser for her congressional campaign.
“We had a very productive conversation,” Busby said at a news conference outside the sheriff's administration center in Kearny Mesa.
“He was very gracious, very cooperative and extremely anxious himself to see this investigation completed as fully and quickly as possible.”
She said Gore told her he regretted the incident.

Why would the newly appointed Sheriff of San Diego, Bill Gore, be having a personal meeting with Democratic candidate Francine Busby during a criminal investigation regarding the crimes of two women charged with resisting arrest and the violent assault of a sheriff's deputy? Particularly when Busby could be charged with the cost incurred by the county which had to clean up after her campaign supporters' criminal behavior.

This is corruption San Diego Style. The people of San Diego are now going to get a first hand look at just how deeply flows the corruptive influence of the gay political machine operating within central San Diego. Fasten your seat belts, because it is a bumpy ride through the rainbow roads of San Diego's homosexual enclaves.

Homosexual transvestite activist Nicole Murray Ramirez is known for his promotion of the gay pornography industry and his anti-christian activism on behalf of the gay political machine in San Diego. A rabid fundraiser for liberal politicians who prostitute themselves with many of San Diego's local gay activists, Ramirez has been appointed by the San Diego City Council to chair the Human Relations Commission. In layman's terms, Ramirez has been the human glue which connects many politicians to San Diego's Gay and Lesbian Center.

Nicole Murray Ramirez, the San Diego transvestite activist, authors a column in the Gay and Lesbian Times. Ramirez utilizes a political platform via his column to gain direct access to many San Diego politicians. These politicians think that catering to Ramirez will give them constructive exposure within the voting portion of San Diego's homosexual political movement.

In the December 04, 2008 edition of the Gay and Lesbian Times, Ramirez began the first of many promotions of Undersheriff Bill Gore for Gore's 2010 campaign for sheriff.
Ramirez wrote in his column: "Denise Price for City Council? Marla Marshall for County Supervisor? Toni Atkins for State Assembly? Bill Gore for sheriff? Ben Hueso for City Council President - The five above-mentioned outstanding citizens and public servants are being urged to run for these offices in coming years.....Bill Gore has solid support to be elected our next sheriff and Denise Price is being urged by many citizens to run for Donna Frye’s council seat. There is a bandwagon campaign to get Denise to run. She is currently (lesbian city councilwoman) Atkins’ chief of staff."

In his Gay and Lesbian Times column (titled Conversations with Nicole) dated January 15, 2009, Ramirez celebrated the city councilmembers who were using their taxpayer funded offices to promote gay marriage. Ramirez went on to the worshipping of lesbian District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis in his column, and the promotion of Bill Gore as the next sheriff of San Diego County.
Ramirez wrote: "Council members Ben Hueso, Sherri Lightner, Marti Emerald, Kevin Faulconer, Todd Gloria and Donna Frye lit up their city offices “blue” on Jan. 9-10 in support of marriage equality, and Lightner is the top “blue ribbon” winner for lighting up her entire office inside and out! District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis remains on top of a poll that asked San Diegans which public official they most respect – which is why many are urging her to run for mayor in 2012.... Bill Gore continues to lock up major endorsements to become our next sheriff."

In the April 16, 2009 edition of the Gay and Lesbian Times, Staff Reporter Rick Braatz authored the article, "Day of Empowerment: Transgender community honors its past and present - Struggle for civil rights and representation continues." The author describes the connection between Bill Gore, Nicole Murray Ramirez, and a female impersonator named Paris who had been performing at a homosexual nightclub called Rich's.
Braatz wrote: "Last fall, (Nicole) Murray-Ramirez said, he had received a call from Richard Britton, manager of Rich’s nightclub. Paris, one of Britton’s performers, had been arrested for being over-intoxicated and sent to the county jail, where "she" was subjected to “the most disgusting and ugly, and unacceptable things [that I have ever heard],” Murray-Ramirez said.
Murray-Ramirez got in touch with Paris and persuaded "her" to go back to the jail, along with him and local transgender advocates Connor Maddox and Carolina Ramos, and tell "her" story to San Diego Undersheriff William Gore. In January, the San Diego Sheriff’s Department announced a new treatment policy on transgender people."

It should be noted that Connor Maddox, a woman who now lives as a man, is employed by the San Diego Gay and Lesbian Center. Carolina Ramos, a man who now lives as a woman, is also a staff member at the San Diego Gay and Lesbian Center.

In the April 09, 2009 edition of the Gay and Lesbian Times, Ramirez made this statement about then-Undersheriff Bill Gore as long time Ramirez-confidant San Diego Sheriff Bill Kolender was retiring: "San Diego County Sheriff Chief Bill Kolender, 73-years young, is retiring..... I’ve worked with Kolender since the 1970s, and his door was always open for dialogue and education......Thank you, Bill. As the history of San Diego continues to be written, Bill Kolender will be among its most respected and loved leaders and citizens. I urge the San Diego County Board of Supervisors to appoint the greatly respected and hard working Lieutenant Bill Gore to fill Kolender’s vacancy." The Gay and Lesbian Times had to correct Ramirez the following week by reminding readers that Gore was Undersheriff, not a lieutenant.

In an extremely contentious and controversial move, the San Diego County Board of Supervisors proceeded to appoint Gore to replace the retiring Bill Kolender as San Diego County Sheriff. Former La Mesa City Councilman Barry Jantz wrote in his June 16, 2009 column for the Flash Report of the troubling nature of the Gore appointment as acting sheriff:

"As previously predicted, Undersheriff Bill Gore was just appointed by the County Board of Supervisors to the vacant position created by Bill Kolender's mid-term resignation. It was expected the Supervisors would conduct interviews today, with a vote next week. However, the board proceeded with the decision to fill the spot just minutes ago. If it doesn't seem to add up, that's because each Supervisor was allowed more than one vote if needed to narrow the field.... Gore will now be able to run as the appointed incumbent in next year's election."

California State Assemblyman and former Undersheriff Jay LaSuer, a candidate for the 2010 sheriff's position, said this in response to the San Diego County Supervisors voting to appoint Gore prior to next year's election:

"It appeared the decision was made long before any of the candidates walked through the door....On two occasions during the interview, I advised the Board I did not support their policy of appointing a Sheriff. It was like taking the vote away from the people and electing a sheriff by committee. A caretaker sheriff should have been appointed with the proviso that the caretaker not run in 2010." At least they impeached the governor in Illinois for his backroom deals. Common sense, character and integrity were not in attendance yesterday."

In his May 28, 2009 column for the Gay and Lesbian Times, Nicole Murray Ramirez details the push within the homosexual community to elect Bill Gore as sheriff in 2010. Ramirez writes, "GLBT (Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgener) leaders and businesspeople will be hosting a June 30 (2009) event for our next San Diego County Sheriff Bill Gore, and among the many hosts are (lesbian)District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis, Urban Mo’s owner Chris Shaw, Robert Gleason and (gay Republican City Councilman) Carl DeMaio.

Robert Gleason is currently listed as a Boardmember of the San Diego Gay and Lesbian Center, having joined their board in 2001. Chris Shaw, owner of Urban Mo's, formerly known as Hamburger Mary's, is a rabid supporter of the gay political machine in San Diego. Shaw and his homosexual partner have given thousands of dollars in contributions to the San Diego Gay and Lesbian Center.

Among many of Nicole Murray Ramirez's connections to the San Diego Gay and Lesbian Center are "The Nicole Murray Ramirez LGBT Student Scholarship Fund"; the establishment of the Gay Center's "Community Wall of Honor " which promotes and honors homosexual activists in the gay political movement; and his regular involvement with the Gay and Lesbian Center's monthly Community Coalition Breakfast, an event that oftentimes features candidates and elected officials as speakers who are committed to promoting the political interests of San Diego's homosexual political movement. A press release from the LGBT Center announced that Democratic Congresswoman Susan Davis was the featured speaker at the event in September 2007.

The San Diego Gay and Lesbian Center is a 501(c)3 charity which receives nearly $2 million per year in taxpayer funded grants and subsidies. It is forbidden by federal and state law from promoting, funding or helping any candidate for public office.

In the week of June 22-28, 2009, the San Diego Gay and Lesbian Center had listed on its calendar of center-sponsored LGBT events, the June 26th Campaign Fundraiser for Democratic Candidate Francine Busby. The San Diego Gay and Lesbian Center violated federal and state laws regulating charities and organizations receiving federal grants by promoting the Busby campaign event on their website. Added to the IRS violation is the recent cover-up by this 501(c)3 charity as they expunged the campaign event from their archived June 22-28 calendar to give the appearance that the campaign event was never advertised on their organization's website. (The James Hartline Report has maintained before and after copies of the evidence which is being supplied to investigators)

Among the many lesbian activists who were participating in the Francine Busby Campaign fundraiser at the home of lesbian couple Shari Barman and Jane Stratton were Jennifer Campbell & Suzanne Hawkins. Campbell and Hawkins are sustaining financial members of the radical homosexual political group, the San Diego Democratic Club. In 2006, Busby was endorsed by the San Diego Democratic Club. Many of the club's radical homosexual and lesbian activists are currently listed on her 2010 campaign website. And, the 501(c)3 charity San Diego Gay and Lesbian Center promotes the San Democratic Club on its website in its Community Resources - Political/Civil Rights webpage.

June 26, 2009: San Diego Sheriff's Deputy, responding to a noise complaint, arrives at the home of lesbian Democratic Party activists Shari Barman and Jane Stratton who are holding a campaign event for liberal Democratic candidate Francine Busby. Attending the event are a number of radical lesbian activist members of the Democratic Party. Responding to the presence of a member of law enforcement, the women resist cooperating with the Deputy. Barman responds by resisting arrest and assaulting the deputy. Barman has a previous arrest record for assaulting a law enforcement official.

June 29, 2009: Francine Busby goes into political spin mode, placing the blame on the Sheriff's Deputy rather than her anti-establishment lesbian gal pals for the riot during her campaign fundraiser. Busby wrote in a letter to her followers,
"In case you haven't heard, a politically motivated phone call and an over-reaction by a deputy sheriff sent a violent message across San Diego County and the national news wires."

In the same letter, Busby's "shake, bake and political fake" motivations come out as she writes: "It's the 11th hour to show that you have the courage and the commitment to stand with me against the strong forces that are gathering against us. It's also the 11th hour for you to join with over 650 supporters to help me reach my goal of raising $200,000 by tomorrow. I would have asked you sooner, but this violent disruption distracted me from working to achieve this important campaign goal."

July 1, 2009: Lesbian District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis announces she is investigating the events surrounding the campaign fundraiser. The San Diego Union Tribune does not publish a picture of the criminal who assaulted the sheriff's deputy during the campaign fundraiser. Instead of assaulter Shari Barman's photo, the Union Tribune publishes a photograph of the arresting deputy, a photograph allegedly provided by one of those in attendance at Busby's fundraiser.

Now back to the starting point of this entire James Hartline Report investigation:
On July 2, 2009 newly-appointed Sheriff Bill Gore meets with Francine Busby.

Why is the Sheriff meeting with Francine Busby to privately discuss anything related to what should be a criminal investigation of a woman who assaulted a Sheriff's Deputy?
According to the Union Tribune, read what newly-appointed Sheriff Bill Gore's declaration to Francine Busby was during his meeting with her:
Democrat Francine Busby met yesterday with Sheriff Bill Gore and asked him to release the 911 tape that drew deputies to a June 26 fundraiser for her congressional campaign.
Gore said no. He said it was part of an ongoing internal investigation into the conduct of a sheriff's deputy who responded to a noise complaint.
The Union Tribune declares, "Deputy Marshall Abbott doused guests with pepper spray and arrested the host."
The Union Tribune further states:
After her meeting with Gore, Busby said she was confident he would handle the incident appropriately.
“We had a very productive conversation,” Busby said at a news conference outside the sheriff's administration center in Kearny Mesa. “He was very gracious, very cooperative and extremely anxious himself to see this investigation completed as fully and quickly as possible.”

She said Gore told her he regretted the incident.

Will Bill Gore and Bonnie Dumanis ethically prosecute lesbians for assaulting a San Diego Sheriff's Deputy? Or will they bow to the homosexual political machine which is backing their political aspirations? Somewhere over the rainbow the people of San Diego are watching and waiting.

The Drag Queen, The New Sheriff in Town, A Lesbian District Attorney and Francine Busby's Angry Lesbian Posse: Rainbow Corruption in San Diego's Political Climate -- Will it Prevent An Honest Investigation Into The Criminal Conduct of Those Who Assaulted A San Diego Deputy Just Doing His Job?

This has been an investigative report from The James Hartline Report.
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Anonymous said…
The flock of red herrings aside, one has to wonder what Sheriff Bill Gore is hiding.
Robert H. said…
It appears that you have already determined that Shari Barman is guilty, even before the results of the official investigation have been released. Has your investigation produced evidence that Ms. Barman is guilty? What facts do you have that Sheriff Gore does not have that proves the guilt of Shari Barman?
David said…
James wrote,
"Nicole Murray Ramirez, the San Diego transvestite activist, authors a column in the Gay and Lesbian Times. Ramirez utilizes a political platform via his column to gain direct access to many San Diego politicians."

When Nicole speaks, the City Council listens and acts. Nicole knows how to leverage political power to get things done for the people he serves. His long list of achievements is a testimony to his influential skills. Nicole's strategies should serve as a model for those desiring to change the community.
Anonymous said…
>>>(The James Hartline Report has maintained before and after copies of the evidence which is being supplied to investigators)

You're dreaming, James, if you think you can interest the IRS in investigating an online calendar at a gay community center. Ask the Reverend Barry Lynn of Americans United for Separation of Church and State. You can hand the IRS more evidence than it could ever require and they'll investigate if the spirit moves them.
Anonymous said…
I just discovered this blog recently and now everyday I read it. There sure is a lot that I didn't know before. It's a war between good and evil. I'm watching.
Anonymous said…
It is sad in this day and age that in San Diego we still cannot get along. Many of the E.U. countries and others around the world have realized gays are accepted by God and moved on. Sad to say that has not happened in the little third world of San Diego. We all hope and pray that some day those misguided individuals will see the error of their ways and make amends, finally joining the rest of the civilized world. We will wait for you.

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