There's no sunshine in K. C. and the Sunshine Band: Co-founder of K. C. and the Sunshine Band is arrested on multiple counts of molesting young boys.

There's no sunshine in K. C. and the Sunshine Band: Co-founder of K. C. and the Sunshine Band is arrested on multiple counts of child molestation of young boys. Richard Finch has confessed to police authorities in Ohio to molesting several young boys. Richard Finch, the man behind "Get Down Tonight" and "I'm Your Boogie Man", is charged with having sexual relations with boys as young as 13 years of age. The demon spirit that used K. C. and the Sunshine Band to fuel the beginning of the sexual destruction of America through the disco music industry is now showing its evil in all its vileness.
Former KC and the Sunshine Band Member Arrested on Kid-Sex Charge
Today 8:10 AM PDT by Josh Grossberg
What a surprise.