School children promote drug use, murder and profanity in this elementary school performance of Al Pacino's violent and immoral movie Scarface.

James Hartline Report - School children promote drug use, murder and profanity in this elementary school performance of Al Pacino's violent and immoral movie Scarface.

American christians are far too busy to be concerned. Churchgoers are busy promoting the homosexuality of Disney. Churchgoers are preoccupied spending their money at Starbucks where their money is being used to promote the global abortion industry. Churchgoers are funding the destructive entertainment industry with ticket purchases to Avatar and Alice in Wonderland starring Johnny Depp, a Disney actor who promotes and honors child rapist Roman Polanski. Churchgoers are busy like ants building their megachurch temples to Babylon.

And the children suffer the consequences. There is a judgment coming. And it is a dire judgment coming upon the godless and the false godchasers because they refused to turn from carnality to honor God as the true God - when He requested them to do so.

And the Lord declared to me, "Go, and tell this people: 'Keep on hearing, but do not understand; Keep on seeing, but do not perceive. Make the heart of this people dull, and their ears heav. And shut their eyes; Lest they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and return and be healed.'"
Isaiah 6:9-10


Anonymous said…
Today is April Fool’s Day and James Hartline was the first in line to become a fool.

James said, “James Hartline Report - School children promote drug use, murder and profanity in this elementary school performance of Al Pacino's violent and immoral movie Scarface.”

Elementary school performance?? School children??? James we know you never went to a real school but you must learn to do your homework before you start your hate tirades. If you had done your homework you would have learned that this was not an elementary school performance and school children were not used. It was satire with a purpose.

Many viewers expressed outrage at the post, while others - correctly - suspected the clip was not genuine. Its creator, Marc Klasfeld, a commercial and music video director, told CNN the video aimed to illustrate the pervasiveness of sex and violence in the media confronting children daily.

Internet users wondered if the video was a real grade school theater performance. Now, they have their answer: It's a fake.
Music video director Marc Klasfeld todl the LA Times that the video, which used child actors and was filmed last month in a rented theater in Los Angeles' Koreatown, was a blast to make.
Klasfeld said the most interesting part is watching the outrage boil over from pockets on the Internet, but he wondered why critics of the video don't speak out more against on-screen violence or the sexualization of young girls in media.”
James Hartline said…
Try reading my Twitter comments as I posted this before you interject your latter day rants. Mr. Klasfeld, as I clearly identified on my Twitter yesterday, is responsible for directing the filthy homosexual video Bears and has a pattern of promoting sexually charged music videos featuring Jay-Z, Beyonce and other evil subjects. His motive behind using children is proven by his promotion of their destruction in all of his other works.
You are foolish - April Fool's Day.

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