Hundreds Dealing Crack Cocaine Near downtown San Diego City Hall as the San Diego City Council focuses on promoting homosexuality and porn industry.
Hundreds Dealing Crack Cocaine Near downtown San Diego City Hall as the San Diego City Council focuses on promoting homosexuality, the gay porn industry and declaring Transvestite Day in the City of San Diego. The Voice of San Diego reports on 900 arrests for crack cocaine crimes in an eight block area of San Diego near multi-million dollar condos, Petco Park and just blocks from where the San Diego City Council makes all of its corrupt decisions.
The Crack Corner That Continues On
Recently, the two homosexuals on the San Diego City Council, Carl DeMaio and Todd Gloria, were partying at the San Diego Gay and Lesbian Center while hundreds of San Diegans were desperately searching for missing 17 year-old Chelsea King.
Scores of children are being raped, molested, abused and even kidnapped and murdered while DeMaio and Gloria march in gay parades and issue city council resolutions to honor porn-promoting transvestites and other perverted gay activists.
Homosexual San Diego City Councilmen Carl DeMaio and Todd Gloria acting as emcees at a homosexual party at the San Diego Gay and Lesbian Center while that night hundreds of San Diegans were in a race against time to find missing 17 year-old Chelsea King. The next day, DeMaio was at a bowling alley with his homosexual boyfriend doing a gay fundraiser called "Bowling For Equality". These two homosexual activists sit on the city council while hundreds of drug addicts sale and use crack cocaine just blocks from the city council offices.

Homosexual City Councilmen Carl DeMaio and Todd Gloria celebrating Gay Pride Month at the San Diego City Council while San Diego police officers are battling hundreds of crack cocaine dealers and users just blocks from city hall.

Chelsea King, a Poway Honor Student, had disappeared from Councilman Carl DeMaio's district. As Brent and Kelly King were pleading for the return of their kidnapped daughter on Friday, Feb. 26th, DeMaio, Gloria and lesbian District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis were partying it up with transvesites at the San Diego Gay and Lesbian Center. Dumanis and DeMaio was celebrating with the filthy Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence at the homosexual party the night Chelsea King's parents were searching for their missing daughter in Calr DeMaio's district.

Here is a photo of the disgusting abomination and blasphemy of the satanic Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence mocking the crucifiction of Jesus Christ during their homosexualized easter event in San Francisco. Lesbian San Diego District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis and San Diego City Councilmen Carl DeMaio and Todd Gloria were partying with the San Diego chapter of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence at the San Diego Gay and Lesbian Center while hundreds of San Diegans were out looking for kidnapped 17 year-old Chelsea King.

After Chelsea was brutally murdered and her lifeless body found, DeMaio and Dumanis hit the media circuit to portray a sudden and new found concern for protecting kids, a concern they did not express days earlier during their gay center party celebration on Friday night. And a concern they did not express in 2009 as they participated in the San Diego Gay Pride Parade where young school children were marched in the same public spectacle with xxx gay pornographers, male prostitution businesses and indecent drag queens and male go-go dancers from gay bars.
Lesbians marching small children in the perverted San Diego Dyke March Across The Street From A Gay Sex Club That is now shut down due to criminal drug usage and illegal sexual activities.

Notice that a female San Diego police officer is standing with the gathering of lesbians at the San Diego Gay and Lesbian Center with small children present as they prepare to march in the perverted San Diego Dyke March.

And they have small children carrying signs in the perverted San Diego Dyke March. One sign that says "Queer" and the other sign reads, "I love my Dyke Mom". Other perverted signs were carried in public and in front of kids. Also notice how a San Diego police officer on his motorcycle just drives by as children are forced to march in the midst of the lesbian perversions. One sign reads, "I love c*nt." Young teen girls like 14 year-old Amber Dubois and 17 year-old Chelsea King are brutally raped and murdered by child rapists in San Diego while the lesbian district attorney and homosexual city council members are partying, partying, partying with sexual deviancy in the homosexual community.

A woman marching in the San Diego Dyke March in front of small children. The woman multilated her body and had her breasts surgically removed and was carrying the sign which reads, "Lesbian born and raised".

San Diego police officers are in an all out war to fight back as much of the drug dealing as they can near city hall, but the city council offers no help in the battle. Recently, 22 law enforcement agencies in San Diego County refused to endorse lesbian District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis in her 2010 reelection bid. The mass no confidence vote and rejection of the corrupt lesbian prosecutor is made more problematic by the fact that the San Diego County Republican Party refuses to run any other candidate against Dumanis, a fellow Republican, due to the San Diego GOP's drive to promote homosexuality in the party.
Lesbian San Diego District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis riding in the back of a truck in the pornographic San Diego Gay Pride Parade. During this parade young children were exposed to pornography, nudity, profanity, indecent transvestites and male prostitution businesses.

The Crack Corner That Continues On
Recently, the two homosexuals on the San Diego City Council, Carl DeMaio and Todd Gloria, were partying at the San Diego Gay and Lesbian Center while hundreds of San Diegans were desperately searching for missing 17 year-old Chelsea King.
Scores of children are being raped, molested, abused and even kidnapped and murdered while DeMaio and Gloria march in gay parades and issue city council resolutions to honor porn-promoting transvestites and other perverted gay activists.
Homosexual San Diego City Councilmen Carl DeMaio and Todd Gloria acting as emcees at a homosexual party at the San Diego Gay and Lesbian Center while that night hundreds of San Diegans were in a race against time to find missing 17 year-old Chelsea King. The next day, DeMaio was at a bowling alley with his homosexual boyfriend doing a gay fundraiser called "Bowling For Equality". These two homosexual activists sit on the city council while hundreds of drug addicts sale and use crack cocaine just blocks from the city council offices.

Homosexual City Councilmen Carl DeMaio and Todd Gloria celebrating Gay Pride Month at the San Diego City Council while San Diego police officers are battling hundreds of crack cocaine dealers and users just blocks from city hall.

Chelsea King, a Poway Honor Student, had disappeared from Councilman Carl DeMaio's district. As Brent and Kelly King were pleading for the return of their kidnapped daughter on Friday, Feb. 26th, DeMaio, Gloria and lesbian District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis were partying it up with transvesites at the San Diego Gay and Lesbian Center. Dumanis and DeMaio was celebrating with the filthy Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence at the homosexual party the night Chelsea King's parents were searching for their missing daughter in Calr DeMaio's district.

Here is a photo of the disgusting abomination and blasphemy of the satanic Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence mocking the crucifiction of Jesus Christ during their homosexualized easter event in San Francisco. Lesbian San Diego District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis and San Diego City Councilmen Carl DeMaio and Todd Gloria were partying with the San Diego chapter of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence at the San Diego Gay and Lesbian Center while hundreds of San Diegans were out looking for kidnapped 17 year-old Chelsea King.

After Chelsea was brutally murdered and her lifeless body found, DeMaio and Dumanis hit the media circuit to portray a sudden and new found concern for protecting kids, a concern they did not express days earlier during their gay center party celebration on Friday night. And a concern they did not express in 2009 as they participated in the San Diego Gay Pride Parade where young school children were marched in the same public spectacle with xxx gay pornographers, male prostitution businesses and indecent drag queens and male go-go dancers from gay bars.
Lesbians marching small children in the perverted San Diego Dyke March Across The Street From A Gay Sex Club That is now shut down due to criminal drug usage and illegal sexual activities.

Notice that a female San Diego police officer is standing with the gathering of lesbians at the San Diego Gay and Lesbian Center with small children present as they prepare to march in the perverted San Diego Dyke March.

And they have small children carrying signs in the perverted San Diego Dyke March. One sign that says "Queer" and the other sign reads, "I love my Dyke Mom". Other perverted signs were carried in public and in front of kids. Also notice how a San Diego police officer on his motorcycle just drives by as children are forced to march in the midst of the lesbian perversions. One sign reads, "I love c*nt." Young teen girls like 14 year-old Amber Dubois and 17 year-old Chelsea King are brutally raped and murdered by child rapists in San Diego while the lesbian district attorney and homosexual city council members are partying, partying, partying with sexual deviancy in the homosexual community.

A woman marching in the San Diego Dyke March in front of small children. The woman multilated her body and had her breasts surgically removed and was carrying the sign which reads, "Lesbian born and raised".

San Diego police officers are in an all out war to fight back as much of the drug dealing as they can near city hall, but the city council offers no help in the battle. Recently, 22 law enforcement agencies in San Diego County refused to endorse lesbian District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis in her 2010 reelection bid. The mass no confidence vote and rejection of the corrupt lesbian prosecutor is made more problematic by the fact that the San Diego County Republican Party refuses to run any other candidate against Dumanis, a fellow Republican, due to the San Diego GOP's drive to promote homosexuality in the party.
Lesbian San Diego District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis riding in the back of a truck in the pornographic San Diego Gay Pride Parade. During this parade young children were exposed to pornography, nudity, profanity, indecent transvestites and male prostitution businesses.
