2009 Statistics For The Average American Christian Conservative: Compiled by The James Hartline Report.

2009 Statistics For The Average American Christian Conservative: Compiled by The James Hartline Report. The average amount of time spent on the following activities in 2009 by those who claim to be Christian Conservatives.

During the entire year of 2009:
Total Time Spent on Obama: 400 hours
Total Time Spent on Entertainment: 150 hours
Total Time Spent on Vacationing: 120 hours
Total Time Spent on Sports: 100 hours
Total Time Spent on Hobbies and Shopping Malls: 90 hours
Total Time Spent on Pornography: 50 hours
Total Time Spent on Drinking Coffee like Starbucks: 45 hours
Total Time Spent on Attending Church Services: 40 hours
Total Time Spent on Bible Reading: 7 hours
Total Time Spent on Prayer: 6 hours
Total Time Spent on Evangelism of The Unsaved: 30 minutes
Total Time Spent on Preaching The Gospel: 10 minutes
Total Time Spent on Protecting Kids in Your Community: 0 hours


Anonymous said…
You do realize that the song is by the gay-friendly Depeche Mode and isn't intended as Christian-friendly? It's about giving up Jesus as a placebo-fix-all and finding some thing or person more meaningful than the son of god. It's said to be specifically about Priscilla Presley's devotion to Elvis.
Anonymous said…
This is a great message James. Every Christian needs to read your message again and again.

Here is something else we need to be aware of. This article was published today:

We need to ask, "what does my pastor REALLY believe?".

Keep up the good work James.
Michael said…
I don't find those numbers believable. Not at all. It brings into question the reliability of the compiler and what the definition of the word Christian is. The blog headline was definitive. Despite the modifier in the writing, this article comes across as malicious.

A Christian prays for six hours a year and reads the Bible for seven? Zero time protecting children? No. Not believable. What was the point of the posting?

On can say one is a Christian and then engage in habitual hate, theft and other deviant behavior.

Like the posting, that would blow away credibility.
James Hartline said…
Wasn't it Canadian geese that flew into an American jet in an attempt to crash it?




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