
Showing posts from March, 2010

School children promote drug use, murder and profanity in this elementary school performance of Al Pacino's violent and immoral movie Scarface.

James Hartline Report - School children promote drug use, murder and profanity in this elementary school performance of Al Pacino's violent and immoral movie Scarface. American christians are far too busy to be concerned. Churchgoers are busy promoting the homosexuality of Disney. Churchgoers are preoccupied spending their money at Starbucks where their money is being used to promote the global abortion industry. Churchgoers are funding the destructive entertainment industry with ticket purchases to Avatar and Alice in Wonderland starring Johnny Depp, a Disney actor who promotes and honors child rapist Roman Polanski. Churchgoers are busy like ants building their megachurch temples to Babylon. And the children suffer the consequences. There is a judgment coming. And it is a dire judgment coming upon the godless and the false godchasers because they refused to turn from carnality to honor God as the true God - when He requested them to do so. And the Lord declared to me, "Go, ...

San Diego's Gay Anarchy War Against Society: Sex Crimes, Illegal Drugs and Attempted Murder in the Heart of a Heartless Homosexual Community.

San Diego's Gay Anarchy War Against Society: Sex Crimes, Illegal Drugs and Attempted Murder in the Heart of a Heartless Homosexual Community. Gay Activists Create 72 Hours of Hell on Earth For Seniors, Families and Young Children on The Corner of Park Blvd. and University Ave. A porn store called The Crypt is located on the corner of Park Blvd. and University Ave. With open windows, thousands of young kids have been exposed to the satanic merchandise and pornographic filth on open display. The store is located at a bus stop used by the public school system. Evidence obtained by the James Hartline Report reveals the stories of individuals who have been involved with The Crypt, either as employees or customers, and who also have been deeply involved with witchcraft, paganism and satanism. Police investigate stabbing in Hillcrest Sunday, March 28, 2010 at 9:10 p.m. HILLCREST ā€” Police found a man with stab wounds Sunday lying in the street near the intersection of University Avenue a...

There's no sunshine in K. C. and the Sunshine Band: Co-founder of K. C. and the Sunshine Band is arrested on multiple counts of molesting young boys.

There's no sunshine in K. C. and the Sunshine Band: Co-founder of K. C. and the Sunshine Band is arrested on multiple counts of child molestation of young boys. Richard Finch has confessed to police authorities in Ohio to molesting several young boys. Richard Finch, the man behind "Get Down Tonight" and "I'm Your Boogie Man", is charged with having sexual relations with boys as young as 13 years of age. The demon spirit that used K. C. and the Sunshine Band to fuel the beginning of the sexual destruction of America through the disco music industry is now showing its evil in all its vileness. Former KC and the Sunshine Band Member Arrested on Kid-Sex Charge Today 8:10 AM PDT by Josh Grossberg

Congressional Closed Caption: U.S. Sen Blanche Lincoln has turned off the oven after her baked lasagna burned up & the kitchen was already burned down

James Hartline on Twitter - Congressional Closed Caption: U. S. Senator Blanche Lincoln has turned off the oven after her baked lasagna burned up and the kitchen was already burned down. After voting to secure Obamacare and the destruction of personal choice in the American healthcare industry, Democratic Sen. Blanche Lincoln voted today against a senatorial clarification of the Democratic healthcare bill. This is a meaningless flip flop gesture on Sen. Lincoln's part prior to her re-election bid in the upcoming Louisiana senatorial race.

The Journal of James Hartline: My Battle To Save Sister

I call her Sister. She always giggles and smiles her toothless grin approvingly when I call her Sister. I've known Sister for many, many years. Sister and I have always seemed to have a common bond. I consider Sister to be family and I am proud to walk and talk with her anytime. When I first got really sick from AIDS about ten years ago, I used to see Sister volunteering at Auntie Helen's. Auntie Helen's is a San Diego-based thrift store that uses its profits to provide a free laundry service for AIDS patients. One day, Sister was gone from the thrift store and she did not return. Over the years, I have run into Sister dozens of times on the streets of San Diego. Somehow Sister was never quite the same when she stopped working at the thrift store. Sister has spent many years roaming the streets, growing old, her health declining due to her constant use of street drugs and smoking cigarettes. She also suffers great mental health problems. I've taken her to the store to ...

Toupees, Homosexuality, Mormonism, and Millionaires: All traits of congressmen speaking in the debate right now during the healthcare debate.

James Hartline Report: Toupees, Homosexuality, Mormonism, and Millionaires: All traits of congressmen speaking in the debate right now during the congressional Obama Healthcare debate. And I haven't even got to the Democrats yet. Congressional Republicans have closet homosexual Congressman David Dreier of California leading the GOP side in the congressional debate. Pro-life Christian activists are also grinding their teeth in dismay that they have been "betrayed" by Congressmen Bart Stupak, a lifetime member and promoter of the pro-abortion Democratic Party. Stupak recently voted to expand specials rights for homosexuality when he voted YES on the Democrats federal hate crimes legislation. While in Washington, D.C., Stupak rented a room at the C Street facility of The Fellowship, also known as the Family, a Christian organization which operates the property as a tax-exempt church and subsidized residence for several congressmen and senators. Recently Stu...

2009 Statistics For The Average American Christian Conservative: Compiled by The James Hartline Report.

2009 Statistics For The Average American Christian Conservative: Compiled by The James Hartline Report. The average amount of time spent on the following activities in 2009 by those who claim to be Christian Conservatives. During the entire year of 2009: Total Time Spent on Obama: 400 hours Total Time Spent on Entertainment: 150 hours Total Time Spent on Vacationing: 120 hours Total Time Spent on Sports: 100 hours Total Time Spent on Hobbies and Shopping Malls: 90 hours Total Time Spent on Pornography: 50 hours Total Time Spent on Drinking Coffee like Starbucks: 45 hours Total Time Spent on Attending Church Services: 40 hours Total Time Spent on Bible Reading: 7 hours Total Time Spent on Prayer: 6 hours Total Time Spent on Evangelism of The Unsaved: 30 minutes Total Time Spent on Preaching The Gospel: 10 minutes Total Time Spent on Protecting Kids in Your Community: 0 hours

San Diego Gay Community On Edge As Suspicious Package At Fire Station Causes Streets To Be Blocked Off For San Diego's Metro Arson Strike Team

Suspicious package at fire station forces shutdown of main section of San Diego's homosexual community . San Diego's Metro Arson Strike Team used a robot to open the foot-long cylindrical package. It turned out to be a harmless Australian noisemaker. Despite the false alarm, this incident follows a week of murders and shooting rampages inside of the fourth largest gay community in the United States. Hillcrest has earned a notorious reputation in recent year's for being one of the most violent and dangerous of all homosexual enclaves in America. The firehouse where the package was left was the home fire station for the four San Diego firefighters who won a lawsuit against the City of San Diego after the city's lesbian fire chief forced them to march in the annual San Diego Gay Pride porn parade .

The Boy Scouts and the Mormon Cult have been sued for hiding thousands of homosexual pedophile sex acts against boys.

The Boy Scouts and the Mormon Cult have been sued for hiding thousands of homosexual pedophile sex acts against boys. What is expected to be one of many lawsuits filed, a lawsuit charges that the Boy Scouts kept 1,000 confidential "perversion files" detailing sex acts against young boys in the organization. Boy Scouts Hid Sex Abuse, Lawsuit Claims - CBS News Scouts Allegedly Kept Secret "Perversion Files" on Abuse Cases; Documents Expected To Be Released During Oregon Trial The Mormon Cult has already settled one of the lawsuits and was recently exposed for participating in the bribery of a 15 year-old baby sitter who was molested by the Mormon Cult leader of the Utah State legislature. Is it another bribe OR will Mormon cult politician Mitt Romney return campaign contribution from Mormon child molester? Mormon cult leader Mitt Romney, who is campaigning for the 2012 presidency, has received a substantial amount of campaign money fro...

BREAKING NEWS ALERT: San Diego Payola Pharmacy Scandal: Politicians and gay leaders working in partnership to control millions of dollars in funding

James Hartline Report News Center - San Diego Payola Pharmacy Scandal: Politicians and gay leaders working in partnership to control millions of dollars in funding and medication expenditures. James Hartline Report investigation has uncovered a massive diversion of public funds to friends of gay leaders and politicans in one of the biggest corruption scandals in San Diego history. This story is still unfolding. Stay tuned for updates in the San Diego Payola Pharmacy Scandal by joining James Hartline on Twitter Side Note From James Hartline on Twitter : True journalists hold the feet of ALL politicians to the fire. San Diego reporters REFUSE to report on corruption involving GAY politicians. San Diego news reporters and journalists who REFUSE to report on corruption in the homosexual community have become partners in the corruption. And then, what credibility will your publications and media enterprises have with the public when they find out that you REFUSED to report on the taxpayer...

BREAKING NEWS: James Hartline Report - Fire and explosion rocks apartment building in San Diego's violent homosexual community.

BREAKING NEWS: James Hartline Report - Fire and explosion rocks apartment building in San Diego's violent homosexual community. A fourth consecutive night of violence in San Diego's homosexual community has been capped off with a fire and explosion two hours ago, leaving five apartments destroyed and fourteen people homeless. Fire damages North Park apartment building By Jose Luis JimƩnez, UNION-TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER Tuesday, March 16, 2010 at 9:53 p. m.


The James Hartline Report is working on this breaking story of gross apathy at the taxpayer-funded San Diego Gay and Lesbian while the district's homosexual community is rocked by violence for a 4th consecutive day. This expensive SUV belonging to the media-hyped Stonewall Citizens' Patrol has been seen sitting unmanned and idle for weeks on the Gay and Lesbian Center property. The facts behind this story will shock San Diego taxpayers, citizens and the scores of seniors, parents and kids who are being affected by the neighborhood violence in the district. In a disgusting and putrid slap to the family of recently murdered teenager Chelsea King, the Stonewall Citizens' Patrol website says: All of us at Stonewall Citizens' Patrol Mourn with Chelsea's Family - Source The acting president of Stonewall Citizens' Patrol, Aaron Heier, is tied to the propaganda homosexual website gltnewsnow. Heier recently wrote an article highlighting transvestite porn p...

BREAKING NEWS from The James Hartline Report - Citizens in pitched battles inside of San Diego's Gay Community as Police Cars Line University Ave.

BREAKING NEWS from The James Hartline Report - Citizens in pitched battles inside of San Diego's Gay Community as Police Line the Street of University Ave. in Hillcrest. Fourth consecutive night of violence consumes homosexual district. James Hartline was on the spot photographing the line of police cars parked on University Ave. as police officers investigated several men sitting in the dark in front of a notorious gay nightclub. Earlier in the day , one man was stabbed multiple times near a San Diego gay sex club in the area. This follows a weekend murder at a strip club in the district represented by homosexual San Diego City Councilman Todd Gloria. James Hartline will be bringing this breaking story with photos in a soon-to-be-released upcoming report. In the mean time, James Hartline asks for all his readers to pray for him in this very dangerous situation as he makes his stand for the families and kids of his community.

Where are your children tonight? More importantly: Where are YOU tonight?

Then what was said through the prophet Jeremiah was fulfilled: "A voice is heard in Ramah, weeping and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children and refusing to be comforted, because they are no more." Matthew 2:17-18 All over this nation, mothers and fathers are ignoring and abandoning their kids. Forgetting the children they have brought into the world, parents run back out into the world to party, get drunk, sleep around, do drugs, and entertain their sad, fleshly desires. And they abandon their own children to the predators of this present darkness. Remember Kids: Help is on the way! There are 704,777 Registered Sex Offenders in the United States For the first fourteen years of my life, I was beaten and abused almost everyday by an older adult. At fifteen, I was molested by a homosexual male who was 35 years old. At seventeen, I was abused by several adult homosexual men. For the past ten years, I have been leading a fight to make sure that the terrible things that...

BREAKING NEWS: VIOLENCE ROCKS GAY COMMUNITY IN SAN DIEGO - San Diego Gay Councilman Todd Gloria Parties As Gun Battles and Murders Overwhelm Citizens

BREAKING NEWS: VIOLENCE ROCKS HOMOSEXUAL COMMUNITY IN SAN DIEGO - San Diego's homosexual community is rocked by overnight violence as the district's gay city councilman Todd Gloria is too busy with parades and parties to create an emergency plan of action. Gun battles, homicides and a drug addict hit and killed by an oncoming car in the middle of the street were just part of the violent crimes that occurred last night in San Diego's homosexual enclave. Man found shot at topless bar in North Park dies at hospital - A gun battle at the notorious Ten's Showclub stripper bar in Councilman Todd Gloria's district left one man dead and an employee injured after being hit in the face with a drinking glass. Another man, under the influence of drugs, ended his life by walking into oncoming traffic at a nearby intersection. He was killed instantly after being hit by a car. These Sunday night massacres were preceded by a Saturday night suicide in downtown ...

She was all alone: Juanita Goggins, the first black female representative in the South Carolina legislature, froze to death at age 75.

"My mother always tried to serve people, to be someone who made a difference," said Horace Goggins Jr., her only child. All alone, living in poverty, Juanita Goggins has died at 75. She froze to death in her rented South Carolina house just four blocks from the gleaming statehouse dome. Sister Goggins was a real revolutionary heroine in her time. In the racist environment of South Carolina, the Honorable Juanita Goggins became the first black female to be elected to the South Carolina General Assembly. Thirty-five years later, the 75 year-old senior citizen and civil rights warrior succumbed to freezing tempatures in her little house located in Columbia. Coroner Gary Watts said Sister Juanita died of hypothermia, probably about Feb. 20th. Watts said he found indications of dementia. When she died, during a cold snap, Goggins was wearing several layers of clothing, yet her heat was working at the time. She had money to pay her bills, but the utility company tu...