Racism & Bigotry Are Big Components of Gay Leaders Fighting Prop. 8

The Hypocrites Are Finally Showing All Of Their True Rainbow Colors, except the black color, that is.

Of all the many benefits that are now coming out of the passage of Prop. 8, there is one that is more gratifying then most: Gay activist leaders are finally letting their guard down so that their well-hidden and hideous racism and bigotry is finally starting to leak out.

I always knew it was there. Before I finally left the homosexual lifestyle for good nearly ten years ago, I was a long time witness to the grave racism that drives most white-dominated gay communities. I can recall many, many gay bars that went out of their way to make black men uncomfortable and unwanted. I have seen many black men who have been cast to the curb when seeking to have their say at the table of community and political discourse within elitist homosexual circles. And although I am no longer involved in homosexuality, it still bothers me to know of the pain that black men suffer at the hands of white homosexuals, as well as in other areas of our society.

There is a reason that Planned Parenthood and the homosexual political movement are so intertwined. Planned Parenthood was founded by Margaret Sanger, an avowed racist worshipper of Adolph Hitler. The ideology of Sanger and her ilk can be seen in the racism that is still a driving force within the elitist mindset of the homosexual political machine. And it is no wonder that homosexual activists have gone to great extremes to take over the civil rights movement in America so that they can gain dominance and control over the black leaders who have been historically in charge of the civil rights movement. Go to any Martin Luther King celebration and you will find white homosexual leaders, who have absolutely nothing in common with the grave injustices committed against blacks in America, running the celebrations and rememberance events.

Now, take a look at the disgusting verbage coming out of one of the gay political machine's most anti-christian bigots: Wayne Besen.

There is perhaps, no person in America who demonstrates more hatred and bigotry towards Christian Evangelicals than does Wayne Besen. Often masking his hatred by arguing that his disgust for Christians is because he claims they are so discriminatory, Besen is really a bigoted timebomb just waiting to blow up and reveal the depravity of his truely dark nature. Fortunately, Prop. 8 has now caused him to reveal that bigoted nature for all of the world to see.

In his latest rant against Prop. 8 and the African American heroes who helped pass the California Marriage Protection Amendment, Besen states some really deplorable and demeaning racist statements against the Black Community. Yet, for one who has spent years yodeling his intolerant and hateful religious bigotry, it comes as no surprise that this bigot would hit blacks below the belt as Besen has so wickedly done. And there is little doubt as to why Besen has been embraced by the closeted racist gay leaders who agree with his extremist anti-christian rhetoric. (There's that Margaret Sanger connection showing up again).

In his latest column for 365Gay.com, Wayne Besen has this to say about black voters who supported Prop. 8:

"I can understand why white gay people are angry. I certainly am.
But let’s take a step back and look at this dispassionately. I believe our failure with the African American vote (70 percent voted in favor of Prop. has more to do with education levels than race. In general, people with lower levels of education - of any race - do not vote for gay rights. White people are twice as likely to graduate college as black people. This accounts for the difference by race on Prop. 8."

Besen says that "people with lower levels of education" do not vote for gay rights.

And then there is this KKK-friendly verbage from Besen in his column:

"Uneducated people - black, white and Hispanic - often derive their power from physical strength."

"Mastah, shall I get the mule out to pick us zum cotton, sir? I'ze sure that my strength iz gonna bring uz sum sure enuff good money this year, sir."

"See boy, you ain't never gonna mount to nuthin', cause you can't be smart, just big and physical, boy. That's right! Now get on out there and bring me that cotton...boy. Hurry up, I need that cotton to make me some rainbow flags."

We now are left to wonder which chapter of the KKK does Besen belong to? The nauseating racism that comes out of this mouthpiece for the radicalized gay political machine also leaves us to ponder just how many other homosexual leaders are as equally racist as Besen clearly appears to be.

The idea that one must be of a lower education because one does not support gay rights is a thought straight out of Hitler's Nazi Germany and David Duke's Southern United States restaurant for the dining impaired. Apparently, Besen has been secretly feasting on Mein Kamp.

Furthermore, it is absolutely breathtaking in this 21st century, that anyone associated with being published by the so-called liberal media, would be supported at the same time that they imply that black voters are somehow less educated then white voters, whether it be because of the religious values they uphold, or the rules they have established when identifying a healthy family structure.

Besen just cannot control the racism that oozes from the festering void within his soul now that Prop. 8 has passed by those Christian brothas'. After divulging the bigoted inner sanctum that lies within, Wayne Besen then has the audacity to offer his "solutions" to what he sees as "the lack of education" among black voters (only those who don't support homosexuality are uneducated according to Besen -- don't you dare forget that either.)

Besen Solution: "We must air public service announcements with people like former basketball star Charles Barkley - who is a tough guy and supporter of same-sex marriage. We must show masculine African American figures who are supportive, every chance we get. "

And this deplorable and bigoted Besen Solution: "until we raise education levels, there is only so much we can do to win support of urban blacks - or rural whites."

Less anyone forget to be angry at those blacks who voted for Prop. 8, Besen offers up this racist gem:

"It is understandable that black support for anti-gay efforts drives white gay people nuts. It is difficult to understand how people affected by bigotry can promote bigotry - as if they are selfish people who learned all the wrong lessons from the civil rights movement. "

And then Besen adds this twisted reminder of how utterly idiotic his racism really is: "But, remember, uneducated people - of all races - are not students of history. They react to the environment around them, which often rewards homophobia."

The old Nazi racial elitism sought to eliminate those who they deemed to be of lesser value to humanity. As homosexual leaders like Besen continue to elevate their status through the devaluing of those who do not line up with their tyrannical ideologies, the world will begin to see the homosexual political machine increase their attacks on all groups, races and beliefs which do not bow to their "educated" standards.

If 365gay.com continues to allow the bigoted racism of Wayne Besen to continue producing a regular column on its website, then the world will have a much better look at the racist spirit that has long been a driving lane inside of homosexual communities throughout America. After all, there is no black stripe on that rainbow flag. And by the sound of it, Wayne Besen plans to keep it that way.

And thanks to Wayne Besen, we are also comforted in knowing that the gay political machine is really very dumbed down. And that is becoming more apparent as they open up their mouths to attack the very intelligent and sophisticated African American citizens who voted to pass Prop. 8.


Regan DuCasse said…
I am a black heterosexual woman, and YOUR claims regarding Wayne Besen are extreme.

You make a claim, but have no substance within it.
It's true that uneducated people are more vulnerable to believing fear tactics. And blacks ARE a group that doesn't graduate from college on the same par as whites, and the proponents of Prop 8 DID use scare words.

Black men have been painted with the same broad brush of sexual aggression, irresponsibility and criminality as gay men.
The stigma was so intense and the paranoia of black males so aggressive, casual contact got black men murdered, the same is true for gay males as well as defamation in the media and indifference from law enforcers when they are violated.

This is a legitimately shared legacy that institutionalized discrimination has wrought.

Jim Crow laws were based on the fear of black sexuality AND it's exploitation at the same time.

The color bar was an easier way of achieving segregation, it was the means to an end, not the end itself.

I dare you to argue with me, a black woman old enough to remember those bad old days and what it caused my family.

Being black and being gay ARE two different things, but so is being a Jew, a woman...or someone with disabilities.
But one common thread runs through all that:

institutional discrimination and tyranny towards those groups perpetually suspect.

You're in no place to argue about what that means. You display no courage to go against the status quo, but attack those who do.
If I believed for a second Wayne Besen was a racist, I wouldn't have responded to you.
And I DO know one when I meet one.

Your headline here will get attention, but I assure you sir, your tactics, fearmongering and supremacist values resembles that of those on the worst side of history.
And if you REALLY knew that history as well as I did, you'd know that too.
Anonymous said…
James, for someone who is no longer involved in homosexuality you seem to spend a lot of time reading the homosexual media. Also, your hysterical rants are suspect because they propose no alternatives or actions to eliminate the problems. Any fool can complain (and many do) but a true disciple of Christ moves to the next level and puts his efforts where his mouth is. We need more hands that work rather than hands that just pray.
Anonymous said…
James, you have it wrong. The gay community is not racist, they just don't understand the black community. Please do more research before writing your articles.

I am a perfect example of why the fight against Proposition 8, which amends the state Constitution to ban same-sex marriage, failed to win black support.

I am black. I am a political activist who cares deeply about social justice issues. I am a lesbian. This year, I canvassed the streets of South Los Angeles and Compton, knocking on doors, talking politics to passers-by and working as I never had before to ensure a large voter turnout among African Americans. But even I wasn't inspired to encourage black people to vote against the proposition.

Why? Because I don't see why the right to marry should be a priority for me or other black people. Gay marriage? Please. At a time when blacks are still more likely than whites to be pulled over for no reason, more likely to be unemployed than whites, more likely to live at or below the poverty line, I was too busy trying to get black people registered to vote, period; I wasn't about to focus my attention on what couldn't help but feel like a secondary issue.

The first problem with Proposition 8 was the issue of marriage itself. The white gay community never successfully communicated to blacks why it should matter to us above everything else -- not just to me as a lesbian but to blacks generally. The way I see it, the white gay community is banging its head against the glass ceiling of a room called equality, believing that a breakthrough on marriage will bestow on it parity with heterosexuals. But the right to marry does nothing to address the problems faced by both black gays and black straights. Does someone who is homeless or suffering from HIV but has no healthcare, or newly out of prison and unemployed, really benefit from the right to marry someone of the same sex?

Maybe white gays could afford to be singularly focused, raising millions of dollars to fight for the luxury of same-sex marriage. But blacks were walking the streets of the projects and reaching out to small businesses, gang members, convicted felons and the spectrum of an entire community to ensure that we all were able to vote.

Second is the issue of civil rights. White gays often wonder aloud why blacks, of all people, won't support their civil rights. There is a real misunderstanding by the white gay community about the term. Proponents of gay marriage fling it around as if it is a one-size-fits- all catchphrase for issues of fairness.

But the black civil rights movement was essentially born out of and driven by the black church; social justice and religion are inextricably intertwined in the black community. To many blacks, civil rights are grounded in Christianity -- not something separate and apart from religion but synonymous with it. To the extent that the issue of gay marriage seemed to be pitted against the church, it was going to be a losing battle in my community.

Then there was the poorly conceived campaign strategy. Opponents of Proposition 8 relied on an outdated civil rights model, engaging the National Assn. for the Advancement of Colored People to help win black support on the issue of gay marriage. This happened despite the warnings of black lesbians and gays that it wouldn't work. While the NAACP definitely should have been included in the strategy, it shouldn't have been the only group. Putting nearly a quarter of a million dollars into an outdated civil rights group that has very little influence on the black vote -- at least when it comes to gay issues -- will never work.

Likewise, holding the occasional town-hall meeting in Leimert Park -- the one part of the black community where they now feel safe thanks to gentrification -- to tell black people how to vote on something gay isn't effective outreach either.

There's nothing a white gay person can tell me when it comes to how I as a black lesbian should talk to my community about this issue. If and when I choose to, I know how to say what needs to be said. Many black gays just haven't been convinced that this movement for marriage is about anything more than the white gays who fund it (and who, we often find, are just as racist and clueless when it comes to blacks as they claim blacks are homophobic).

Some people seem to think that homophobia trumps racism, and that winning the battle for gay marriage will symbolically bring about equality for everyone. That may seem true to white gays, but as a black lesbian, let me tell you: There are still too many inequalities that exist as it relates to my race for that to ever be the case. Ever heard of "driving while black"? Ever looked at the difference between the dropout rates for blacks and for whites? Or test scores? Or wages? Or rates of incarceration?

And in the end, black voters in California voted against gay marriage by more than 2 to 1.

Maybe next time around -- because we all know this isn't over -- the gay community can demonstrate the capacity and willingness to change that America demonstrated when it went to the polls on Nov. 4. Black gays are depending on their white counterparts to finally "get it."

Until then, don't expect to make any inroads any time soon in the black community on this issue -- including with this black lesbian.
Anonymous said…
Dear regan and anonymous,

Thank you for opening this conversation even in the most unlikely of places. I have learned many things from you. Thank you for expressing your point of view. As a GWM I have actively supported get out the vote efforts for Barack Obama. He is the best hope for America.

I supported Obama's campaign knowing it could result in more anti-marriage votes. A risk I was willing to take for the greater good. How can minorities work together if we do not stand up for one another? I know that black Americans only want the equal opportunity and justice that has been so long denied.

I agree that gay and black are two different things. Sadly they still both result in being targets of bigotry. Minorities suffer differently based on the stereotypes that are used against us.

Wedge issues are pushed by powers that be to keep minority groups fighting amongst each other rather than working together.

I hope that efforts within the LGBT community to get out the vote for Obama helps to show we are getting it.
James Hartline said…
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James Hartline said…
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James Hartline said…
Here in lies the great deception that the radicalized homosexual movement continues to argue in their weakly veiled hope of manipulating black Americans into giving of their energy to help enshrine into law the radical goals of the homosexual political movement.

The homosexual movement has NOTHING in common with the racist holocaust that was perpetrated against Africans for hundreds of years as muslim and European slave traders enslaved our black brothers and sisters. Yet, these radical homosexual activist are driven to try and equate the two as equal partners.

It further keeps alive the crimes that were committed against men and women because of the color of their skin, when these radicalized homosexual activists seek to equate the homosexual political movement with the war that African Americans have had to wage in our own nation just to be able to put bread on the table or place children in schools so that they could learn to read and write. What a disgrace for wealthy white homosexual Americans, who have never been deprived of their crystal meth and their pornography and their sexual lubricants, to try and pull down the holy place that the black civil rights movement so rightly belongs and place it on equal status with the overwhelmingly white, suburban, wealthy homosexual movement. Once again, African Americans find themselves being abused, this time by these wealthy white homosexual activists, who want to parasite off of the historical suffering of the African racial cause, just so they can use black Americans as a stepping stone to legalizing and enshrining their radical idea of sexual anarchy in America.

Fortunately, the intellectual and discerning black voters in California were not so easily duped into being used by the radical homosexual movement during the November 4th election. These maturing black voters simply refused to be manipulated into voting against Prop. 8.

And of course, the wealthy, white dominated homosexual movement has now exposed its true agenda and attitudes towards blacks, as they have been heard on a multitude of occasions after losing the Prop. 8 battle to be calling my black friends and brothers and sisters, "niggers" and "worthless welfare beggars." The same radical white homosexual groups who have taken over many of the Martin Luther King celebrations in large urban California cities and using such celebrations to push the so-called "rainbow" homosexual agenda, are also affiliated with people who are referring to blacks as "niggers" now that they didn't get the black vote in their insidious attempt to stop Prop. 8.

Now, we shall see a righteous revolt in California against the dirty deeds of this radical homosexual political movement.

REMEMBER: It was the sacrifices of the Christians and their churches which helped to win the civil war. It was the grace and dedication of Christians like Willian Wilberforce which ended slavery. It was the commitment of President Abraham Lincoln to his Christian faith that caused him to so bravely wage the great U.S. Civil War for the ending of slavery. And Abraham Lincoln lost his life because of his brave example to liberate our black brothers and sisters from the racial holocaust of early America.

Is it any wonder that the Christians in America are so hated by the radical white homosexual political movement? It is the Christian Church that has so valiantly stood up for the liberation of our black brothers and sisters throughout history. Thus, it is no shock that the same white radical homosexual activists who hate Christians in America, are also now demonstrating such racist bigotry towards black voters who voted for Prop. 8. There is no difference between the white slave masters who hated the Christians who fought to end slavery in early America, and the wealthy white homosexual activists of today who also hate Christians and black voters who supported Prop. 8.

The truth is a very dangerous weapon in the hands of those who are truly seeking real justice and real liberty for all of mankind. For that truth will always prove who are the deceivers, who are the liars, and who are the real slavemasters.
RGH said…
you may have left the homosexual lifestyle, but you're still one of us.

We wait for the day when you can lose the shame, fear, and dishonesty around your sexuality, and will be waiting with open, supportive arms when you decided to be the person you really are. Those of us who are gay and black know it's a struggle. Good luck to you.
Roth said…
Instead of bashing gay white men, you might consider encouraging the black community who did vote for prop 8 to be more accepting of their gay brethren, for they are the true victims. It's hard enough to be black in America, however to be black and gay must be much more difficult.

Your attempt to segregate a certain group is futile as homosexuality crosses age, race, class, blood, lifestyle, and all socio-economic lines, making segregation impossible.

The gay movement is not trying to gain dominance over civil rights. It just so happens that this eclectic group of American taxpayers is being denied the right to the same protection under the law that is guaranteed to all American citizens. It's as simple as that.
Anonymous said…
I don't know why your website appeared on my monitor. I was looking for issues involving racism and bigotry in the bible. So what happens is I get this gay racist bigot and I check it out.
Now when I younger back in the 60's I tried out the gay life and it didn't work for me "So either you are or you are not" this gay life style was a dissappointment for me. I do see what you mean when you talk about gay people being prejudice Iwas somewhat surprised that they were just like the rest of the squares in socity.

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