HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF: The Wealthy White Gay Political Movement Reveals Its Racist Bigotry & Hatred Towards Blacks & Christians

Here in lies the great deception that the radicalized homosexual movement continues to argue in their weakly veiled hope of manipulating black Americans into giving of their time and energy to help enshrine into law the radical goals of the homosexual political movement.

The homosexual movement has NOTHING in common with the racist holocaust that was perpetrated against Africans for hundreds of years as muslim and European slave traders enslaved our black brothers and sisters. Yet, these radical homosexual activists are driven to try and equate the two as equal partners.

It further keeps alive the crimes that were committed against men and women because of the color of their skin, when these radicalized homosexual activists seek to equate the homosexual political movement with the war that African Americans have had to wage in our own nation just to be able to put bread on the table or place children in schools so that they could learn to read and write.

What a disgrace for wealthy white homosexual Americans, who have never been deprived of their crystal meth and their pornography and their sexual lubricants, to try and pull down the holy place that the black civil rights movement so rightly belongs and place it on equal status with the overwhelmingly white, suburban, wealthy homosexual political movement.

Once again, African Americans find themselves being abused, this time by these wealthy white homosexual activists, who want to parasite off of the historical suffering of the African racial cause, just so they can use black Americans as a stepping stone to legalizing and enshrining their radical idea of sexual anarchy in America. Fortunately, the intellectual and discerning black voters in California were not so easily duped into being used by the radical homosexual political movement during the November 4th election. These maturing black voters simply refused to be manipulated into voting against Prop. 8.

And of course, the wealthy, white-dominated homosexual political movement has now exposed its true agenda and attitudes towards blacks, as they have been heard on a multitude of occasions after losing the Prop. 8 battle to be calling my black friends and brothers and sisters, "niggers" and "worthless welfare beggars."

The same radical white-dominated homosexual groups who have taken over many of the Martin Luther King celebrations in large urban California cities and using such celebrations to push the so-called "rainbow" homosexual agenda, are also affiliated with people who are referring to blacks as "niggers" now that they didn't get the black vote in their insidious attempt to stop Prop. 8.

Now, we shall see a righteous revolt in California against the dirty deeds of this radical homosexual political movement.

REMEMBER: It was the sacrifices of the Christians and their churches which helped to win the civil war. It was the grace and dedication of Christians like Willian Wilberforce which ended slavery. It was the commitment of President Abraham Lincoln to his Christian faith that caused him to so bravely wage the great U.S. Civil War for the ending of slavery. And Abraham Lincoln lost his life because of his brave example to liberate our black brothers and sisters from the racial holocaust of early America.

Is it any wonder that the Christians in America are so hated by the radical white homosexual political movement? It is the Christian Church that has so valiantly stood up for the liberation of our black brothers and sisters throughout history. Thus, it is no shock that the same white radical homosexual activists who hate Christians in America, are also now demonstrating such racist bigotry towards black voters who voted for Prop. 8. There is no difference between the white slave masters who hated the Christians that fought to end slavery in early America, and the wealthy white homosexual activists of today who also hate Christians and black voters who supported Prop. 8.

The truth is a very dangerous weapon in the hands of those who are truly seeking real justice and real liberty for all of mankind. For that truth will always prove who are the deceivers, who are the liars, and who are the real slavemasters.


Anonymous said…
Throughout history, passages in the Bible have been used as justification of the keeping of slaves, and for guidance in how it should be done.
Therefore, when abolition was proposed, many Christians spoke vociferously against it, citing the Bible's apparent acceptance of slavery as 'proof' that it was part of the normal condition.
The bible supports the practice of buying and selling of other humans as private property. Christians themselves were active participants in the slave trade for 1500 years. American Christians were the worst of the lot with abolitionists being referred to as infidels and accused of blasphemy for speaking/writing against the practice of slavery.
Unfortunately, one of the most abominable chapters in the history of how the Bible has been used and interpreted involve the questions of race and slavery. Racial relations, especially between whites and blacks, have long been deplorable in the United States. They started out badly, got worse before they got better, and are nevertheless still poor with slim prospects of improving a great deal any time soon. Although Christians will be loathe to admit it, their religion shares a significant part of the blame for this situation.
James Hartline said…
Your conclusions about Christians are rife with erroneous information and are the articulations of one who already has a predetermined bias against true Christians. Firstly, those who use the name "Christian" under the guise of accomplishing some goal, i.e. the KKK and their cross burnings, are, in fact, not Christians at all according to the Bible. Or, the idea that Fred Phelps somehow is a Christian because he acts under the title of reverend, does not qualify him as a Christian. Yet, the radical homosexual agenda will point to those obscene examples as the pattern of true Christians as a means of discrediting who we really are as Christians.

The pattern of false individuals, who hang a title of "Christian" next to their agenda, now include homosexual activists who have also falsely hijacked the identification of "Christian" to create a newly conceived bogus concept of "gay christian", much like the KKK did in years gone by, to elevate themselves to the level of true Christianity in the hopes of dispossessing true followers of Jesus Christ from their rightful place as the only advocates of Christianity, justice, truth, faith and spiritual liberty.

The Bible says that even Satan comes in the form of an angel of light to deceive mankind.

And, as to another erroneous interpretation of yours regarding what the Bible actually says, you are clearly uninformed and uneducated on what the Bible was referring to when God approved slavery in the Old Testament. The useage of slaves by Israel had nothing to do with what we have come to understand in modern times as slavery. In Old Testament times, Israel bought the debt of foreigners and made them slaves, much like our American citizens borrow money and mortgage their houses and the bank owns everything until the debt is paid off. We have a welfare state in America that provides for those who cannot provide for themselves. This was the exact same concept that was at work in ancient Israel and was titled slave and slavery. It had nothing to do with the kind of slavery that occurs upon the continent of Africa by muslim slave traders. In ancient Israel a slave was adopted by his owners much like a employer hires a emploee and pays for his healthcare, education, et. If that person was in debt to the nation of Israel they were placed in the category of slave for seven years. At the end of seven years their status changed and during the year of Jubilee all slaves were set free and their property returned to them regardless of whether they had repaid all of their debts.

It is so obvious when homosexual activists misuse and misquote the Bible for their own personal agenda, that they do not know the Bible and have no personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Which is why they are still stuck in the sin of homosexuality rather than becoming free to be what God intended them to be with the few years He has granted them to live on His earth.
Anonymous said…
You talk about people using foul language by calling your "brothers and sisters" niggers. I, too, hate that word....but how can you honestly talk about foul language, when you, on public access television, (at City Council meetings), you graphically discuss various "homosexual sex acts" when there are young people in the room. You could be a little more eloquent and not so graphic.
James Hartline said…
Well, I only repeat for documentation purposes the evidence that I have received about those who are trying to hurt children. We provide that evidence for the voters to use for the purposes of forming conclusions about those who are trying to hurt children. It is sort of like the documents we have compiled about your disturbing threats and violations of federal laws due to your illegal sending of profanity over the internet. In those documents we sometimes have to repeat pornographic things as a means of presenting evidence so that law enforcement can begin to proceed with the case against you. We only do what is necessary to protect our youth.
Anonymous said…
First you say that there's no comparison, between the two movements:

"The homosexual movement has NOTHING in common with the racist holocaust that was perpetrated against Africans for hundreds of years as muslim and European slave traders enslaved our black brothers and sisters. Yet, these radical homosexual activists are driven to try and equate the two as equal partners."

And, then...you go and compare them:

"There is no difference between the white slave masters who hated the Christians that fought to end slavery in early America, and the wealthy white homosexual activists of today who also hate Christians and black voters who supported Prop. 8."

Certainly your comparison is in a different light than the comparison that people fighting for same-sex marriage. But I don't see how you can invalidate their comparison by saying there is nothing in common, and then go and make your own...

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