Boycott of San Diego Padres Spreads Nationwide As Team Exposes Kids To Gay Pride

The James Hartline Report
- On The Frontlines Of The Culture War -
June 27, 2007

Boycott of San Diego Padres Spreads Nationwide
As Team Continues to Expose Kids To Gay Pride Event
July 8th San Diego Padres Gay Pride Event Booked During Children's Free
Floppy Cap Giveaway At Petco Park Causes Big Backlash Against Team.

Nationwide Protest Against San Diego Padres Intensifies As The
Number of Petco Park Concession Workers Who Will Be Walking
Off Of Their Jobs On July 8, 2007 Grows To 52.

(JHReport) What started out as a local protest against the San Diego Padres has now grown into a nationwide boycott against the national league's top baseball team. At the center of this growing controversy is an outrageous attempt by the San Diego Padres to hold a homosexual celebration at the same time that the team is inviting children into Petco Park for a free floppy cap giveaway.

According to a number of gay media sources the San Diego Padres be will honoring the San Diego Gay Pride organization during a July 8th game with the Atlanta Braves. As part of that celebration of homosexuality, the San Diego Gay Men's Chorus will sing the national anthem. In their current edition of the Gay and Lesbian Times, the weekly periodical stated this about the Padres involvement with the homosexual celebration:

San Diego Pride presents “Out at the Park” with the Padres
San Diego LGBT Pride has teamed up with the San Diego Padres to present a game event that gives recognition to participants and volunteers of Pride, as well as the Gay Men’s Chorus of San Diego, which will sing the national anthem at the game.
“Out at the Park” begins at 5:05 p.m., Sunday, July 8, at PETCO Park, where the Padres will take on the Atlanta Braves. Discounted tickets have been made available to the GLBT community on Pride’s Web site,, and by entering the promo code “PRIDE.”

One Christian father who contacted the team management told JHReport that the Padres communications director continues to deny any overt involvement by the team in the homosexual event. All homosexual sources continue to counter the Padres "spin" on the team's role in the gay pride celebration. It is clear from gay pride sources that the Padres are playing a significant partnering role in the gay pride event at Petco Park. Clearly, the Padres know that kids will be exposed to the radical elements of the homosexual movement when they come in for their free floppy caps.

What began as a few angry parents in San Diego, has now turned into a major blunder on the part of the political powerbrokers within the Padres administrative offices. However, the Padres are not backing down. They are choosing the side of homosexuality over the protection of kids, as well as the rights of parents to choose when they teach their kids about sexuality. Parents at the July 8th game will be forced to explain homosexuality, lesbianism and transsexuality to their little boys and little girls because of the celebration of gay pride during the Braves-Padres game.

The angry parents are not backing down either. Dozens of major Christian ministries from around the United States are joining San Diego parents to sponsor a rally at Petco Park to protest the Padres Gay Pride event. The July 8th rally will be held in the front of Petco Park. Rally organizer James Hartline hopes that educational flyers being distributed to families coming to the ballpark will discourage parents from bringing their children inside of the stadium where they will be exposed to radical elements of the homosexual movement. Rally sponsorer Scott Lively, President of Defend the Family International, hopes that the Christian response to the gay pride celebration at Petco Park will serve as a catalyst for awakening parental responsibility in a very sexualized culture.

- Christians Will Hold Major Rally At Petco Park On July 8, 2007 -
Event Could Lead To Major Spiritual Awakening In Troubled Downtown San Diego

Hundreds of Christians are expected to attend the Christian protest at Petco Park. Calling it the "Save Our Kids" Rally, Hartline expects his event to have a positive impact on the youth of San Diego. Joining Hartline during the rally will be some of San Diego's most recognized Christian ministries. Set Free Ministries and The Training Center, two highly effective Christian rehabilitation programs, will be sending in large street teams to help with prayer, street evangelism and one-on-one encounters with parents and their children during the rally.

Earlier reports of a growing boycott of the July 8th game by Petco Park Concession Stand Workers are motivating Christian ministries from around America to help sponsor the July 8th rally. America Asleep Know More and C.R.A.V.E. (Christians Reviving America's Values) are two of the more than thirty national groups that are providing moral, financial and logistical support to the San Diego Christians who are making their stand on behalf of their community's youth. Don Swarthout, President of C.R.A.V.E., recently told Hartline, "We may be all the way out in Kentucky, but we are proudly standing with you all in San Diego to make sure that all of our kids are protected and America is a better place for them."

Mike Farmer, a local San Diego father and active San Diego Padres fan, is engaging the Padres team management over the gay pride event. Farmer, who is very involved with being a good role model for his own son, felt that he could not abandon other kids to be exposed to homosexuality during the July 8th game. "I have been going to Padres games for many years and I had to let them know that I think it is wrong to expose kids coming to a baseball game with sexual images that are a routine part of the gay pride celebrations," said Farmer.

Mike Farmer and Don Swarthout are not alone in their concern over what the Padres intend to do to the kids of San Diego on July 8th. Dennis Martinez, pastor of The Training Center in Spring Valley, California, tells JHReport that his ministry has decided to join in the protest on July 8th by having his employees walk off of their concession stand jobs that day because of the homosexual celebration in front of the kids at the stadium.

The Training Center employs 12 concession stand workers at Petco Park during the regular baseball season. Like Set Free Ministries, which has 40 concession stand workers at the stadium, The Training Center receives a sizeable amount of their program revenue from the Petco Park jobs. Martinez and his workers will be making an incredible financial sacrifice so that the youth of San Diego will know that they are not being abandoned to the gay pride partygoers.

The two ministries of Set Free and The Training Center provide a total of 52 employees for the concession stands at Petco Park. There could not be a bigger moral statement in this entire anti-child debacle than the stand that Set Free and The Training Center are making for the kids of San Diego. Set Free Ministries partners with the Canning Hunger Organization to contract with ARAMARK to provide labor services for concession stands at various sporting and special events in and around San Diego County. These particular 52 concession stand workers don't have much in this life, but what little they have they are sacrificing on behalf of the thousands of kids who will be exposed to homosexuality, lesbianism and transsexuality during the San Diego Padres Gay Pride celebration.

"We will not abandon these kids to the destruction of homosexuality," says Dennis Martinez, a former national skateboard champion. A committed Christian and well-respected minister among America's troubled youth, Martinez decided that he could not allow his ministry or its employees to compromise their commitment to Christ. The Training Center, as well as Set Free Ministries, will be among the estimated 200-300 Christians attending the rally outside of Petco Park on July 8th.

Some things are more important than jobs, money and sports. For Dennis Martinez, Set Free Ministry leader J. D. Loveland and rally coordinator James Hartline, the protection of the next generation is far and above more important than being entertained by the San Diego Padres. The stand that these three Christian leaders are making on July 8th proves that they have their priorities in correct order. The same cannot be said for the Padres or the San Diego Gay Pride partygoers.

This article has been provided by The James Hartline Report.
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James Hartline, Publisher
The James Hartline Report


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