The Satanic Cult of Mormonism Wants America To Believe That Mormons Are Christians Too!

The Satanic Cult of Mormonism Wants America To Believe That Mormons Are Christians Too!

Mitt Romney and Glenn Beck are rabid avowed members and promoters of their satanic Mormon Cult. Glenn Beck continuously promotes Mormon business leaders and merchandise on his Fox Channel television program.

Believing that Adam and Eve are the parents of God, that Satan is the brother of Jesus, and that men will become actual "gods" destined to rule over the earth, Romney and Beck are two of many media/political mouthpieces for the satanic Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Because members of this Mormon Cult spend their money within Mormon businesses, and give two entire years of their lives as Mormon Cult missionaries, they are able to build up vast wealth within the Mormon Cult. This allows them to manipulate and buy more and more greedy money-hungry men and women within the political and corporate arena. This is why Meg "Moscow" Whitman, apostate celebrity pastor Joel Osteen and leaders of the GOP continue to promote Mormon Cult politicians like cult elder Mitt Romney.

Contrary to every sound teaching of the Bible, the Mormon Cult actually teaches that God inhabits the planet Kolob. This demonic Mormon astrological myth was the basis for the Mormon science fiction television series Battlestar Galactica. It is also the theme behind an infamous hymn in the cult Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormons) called, " If You Could Hie To Kolob"

And the idea behind Mormon Cult adherents Donny Osmond and the Osmond Brothers and their record company Polydor/Kolob Records.

The twisted hellish teachings of the Mormon Cult are foundational in Mormon Cult activist Stephanie Meyer's teen vampire series and movies called Twilight. Again, we are reminded that this is the satanic spirit behind Mormon Cult members Mitt Romney and Glenn Beck and is what apostate megachurch pastor Joel Osteen called "Mormons are Christian too" on Larry King Live.

The Mormon Cult also teaches that the black race is the cursed line of Cain. The abominable racist ideology of Mormonism was invented by the deceived founders of the Mormon Cult. On August 27, 1954, racist Mormon apostle Mark E. Petersen delivered a disgusting and appalling rant against blacks during the Convention of Teachers of Religion on the College Level at Brigham Young University. Petersen declared, "Now we are generous with the negro. We are willing that the Negro have the highest kind of education. I would be willing to let every Negro drive a cadillac if they could afford it. I would be willing that they have all the advantages they can get out of life in the world. BUT LET THEM ENJOY THESE THINGS AMONG THEMSELVES, I think the Lord segregated the Negro and who is man to change that segregation?"

The racist ideology of the Mormon Cult explains why you have Democratic Senator Harry Reid, an avowed member of the Mormon Cult, making racist remarks about Barack Obama. In the future when you hear deceptive multimillionaire Pastor Joel Osteen on Larry King Live saying that he believes Mormon Cult leader Mitt Romney is a Christian too, just remember three things: What the Bible actually says, that Joel Osteen needs millions of dollars to keep his megachurch express operational, and that Larry King's wife is an avowed member of the Mormon Cult.


Anonymous said…
I guess you have two things in common with the both support Prop. H8 and I do not believe that you're also a "Christian".
Anonymous said…
The Morman church has become the 4th largest religious group in America and now has almost 14 million members. They are the fastest growing Christian church in the world. They must be doing something right.
Seth R. said…
I'd kind of like to know exactly what you mean by the word "cult."
Anonymous said…
You both Lie for the Lord and neither of you actually follow the teachings of Christ so what are you whining about?
James Hartline said…
What do you mean by the word "cult" - A picture is worth a thousand words: If I had photographs of you in your Mormon classes I would post them.
James Hartline said…
The Morman church has become the 4th largest religious group in America and now has almost 14 million members. They are the fastest growing Christian church in the world. They must be doing something right.

That is the exact same philosophy that Lenin, Hitler, Mao and Lucifer have held: Growth must me good. Hell is full of growth.
Seth R. said…
Which basically means that my question taxed your brain a little too much, and you are incapable of answering it.

Got it. You don't really know what the word "cult" means.

Except that it's really, really bad. Or something like that...
James Hartline said…
Satanic, cult, Mormon. Duh. You have been swimming in the satanic cult of Mormon isolationism for so long that you have no idea who I am.
Seth R. said…
OK, I'll try to use small sentences so you can follow.

Do you think "cult" means we sacrifice virgins?

Do you think "cult" means we drink poison Kool-aid?

Try answering those two unless it's just too much for you.
Anonymous said…
Mr Hartline... Look up the definition of cult... look up the definition of christian.... and then do some research about some very famous people that are mormon that unlike the Osmonds because of people like you do not publicize. It interests me that you call mormons racists etc etc when arent you really being rather stereotypical and judgemental yourself... Mormons give more money to non mormon charitable groups and global work than an ignorant person like yourself would ever know.. Please buy a book of mormon, the pearl of great price, the king james version of the bible and the doctrine and covenants and find the star of kolob stories taught as doctrine there... You wont.. I speak out against people like you in communities promoting cultural and religous tolerance for everyone... Mormon doctrine teaches living a CHRIST centered life and knowing him as your savior and begotten son of god... And just some clarification.. the satan was a fallen favorite of heavenly father... ALL CHRISTIAN RELIGIONS TEACH THIS in some form and all christian religions teach we are all children of god in either literal or more general terms... therefore you are taking the biblical teachings of being children of god (which yes the mormons do put a higher focus on but are not alone in this thought) and are making a generalization jump that mormons say lucifer and Jesus were brothers... hopefully no other human being that sees this drivel and hatred that is obviously eating you alive and falls into your web of hate... Remeber one thing christian teachings as well as mormons teach a christ like life and the aspiration to grow and repent in your sins to be more like him... love unconditionally as he loved (mary magdalin) being the most notable example of this. But think of your bible teachings sir... recall any stories of Jesus casting judgement on others? NO NOT ONE biblical proof of that will ever be found... God and only God the father has the right of judgement of righteousness and determines our eternal destinations.. So if christians are supposed to live a life of love faith learning from sin and being non judgemental... how can you sir look yourself in the mirror and call your self a christian. The only judgement god allows anyone is the judgement of one's own self... I suggest you put yourself on trial first, the only hitler stalin type behavior i see here is yours.... Your the bigot and you and your pool of followers fit the description of a satanic cult far more than the mormon church.
Anonymous said…
Seth, give it up man, Hartline is so far gone it is not worth it. He is just another example of someone who has some axe to grind and is clearly not interested in either researching or reporting facts.
Anonymous said…
Pick up a book up sometimes and READ. Just because something is big and has a lot of people doesn't mean its right!
The Titanic was the biggest ship ever and look what happened.
Eron was one of the biggest global companies and look how thieves brought it down to the ground.
I did not think that the American People as intelligent as we claim to be can be fooled or manipulated by the Morman Church and our current administration. If you don't get the real facts in the future , Our government will being voicing their opinion for you. WAKE UP! READ and STOP LISTENING TO ONLY WHAT THE MEDIA WANTS TO TELL YOU AND YOU THINKING IT IS FACT! YOU ARE SMARTER THAN THAT!
Tom Snyder said…
Also, Mitt Romney lied when he said he believes Jesus is the son of God; as a Mormon, he actually believes Jesus is the son of A God, not THE God.
Anonymous said…
Glenn Beck is the personal front man for stupidity on a national scale in The United States of America. He is and always was a complete idiot. His personal form of patriotism is false and you’d have to be a brainless, half educated, red necked idiot to believe anything this fool says. But that pretty well describes the tea party and the GOP. This closet homosexual never went to college and he knows nothing about World History, American History, World Religions or the US Constitution. He is simply a mocking bird for the twisted views of the John Birch Society and people need to wake up to the fact that Glenn Beck is just another uneducated charlatan who does not possess a single ounce of journalistic integrity. He is definitely not a conservative. In short, he is just another opinion pusher which is why he blends in so well with the bigots on Fox News Network. This self important racist climbed in bed with Satan a very long time ago as lies, half truths, fear and hate are his only products that he has for sale and he is making big money off of impressionable fools who love being told what to think. Glenn Beck is simply a product of mormon cult theology that he mixes with cherry picked parts of Catholicism, New Age Religions and his personal core as a washed up, dry alcoholic. Those really are his only qualifications for anything in this world. This makes Glenn Beck one very screwed up moron who sold his soul to the lowest common denominator of personal stupidity. And for the record…the religion of Islam has far more in common with Christianity than the mormon cult. Beck consistently demonstrates all the unstable behaviors of a dry alcoholic which include grandiosity, judgmentalism, intolerance, impulsivity, ADD, indecisiveness and blindness to truth. In short, Beck, Limbaugh, O Reilly, Hannity, Palin, O Donnell, Coulter and others like them who think they are conservative are all guilty of perverting truth, history, facts, religion and the US Constitution when they open their big mouths. They are all idiots who live in and speak to some alternate universe of stupid red necks that feed off of fear & hate mongering and love being fed a steady dose of extreme right wing lies. It is a breath of fresh air to finally see studies proving that Fox news viewers really are the most gullible and misinformed people on the planet.
Anonymous said…
The world is under controll of satan sad to say but their is not to but fight it and still he owns the world and most of the people but hopefully people will figure it out before its to late

Mr. No name, true beliver of god
Anonymous said…
If the mormon church is the 4th largest, what are the top 3? just curious if anyone has an idea or the actual answer to this question. Thanks
Anonymous said…
You are sugar coating this cult. Its not what they have or how they act. it's what they do that America hates. upside down stars on churches? Hmmmm
Unknown said…
As per the proper definition of cult:
1. a particular system of religious worship, especially with reference to its rites and ceremonies.
2. an instance of great veneration of a person, ideal, or thing, especially as manifested by a body of admirers: Example-the physical fitness cult.
3. the object of such devotion.
4. a group or sect bound together by veneration of the same thing, person, ideal, etc.
5. Sociology . a group having a sacred ideology and a set of rites centering around their sacred symbols.

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