The Desperate Housewives of the New Soviet Union: Meg Whitman, Carly Fiorina, Nancy Pelosi, Cecile Richards, Gloria Allred and Mary Bono-Mack

The Desperate Housewives of the New Soviet Union: Meg Whitman, Carly Fiorina, Nancy Pelosi, Cecile Richards, Gloria Allred and Mary Bono-Mack.

Meg "Moscow" Whitman, global trotting RINO Republican candidate for governor of California is endorsed by Mormon Cult leader and fellow billionaire Mitt Romney. Whitman has just announced her endorsement of a new massive multi-billion dollar water tax increase on California. As she endorsed the new tax, Meg "Moscow" Whitman, a billionaire and former ebay ceo said of the $11.2 billion water bond that will cost taxpayers billions more in interest payments, "It is not a perfect bill by any stretch of the imagination. There is probably $2 to $3 billion in unnecessary expenses in that bill.”

Whitman backs water bond -
SAN DIEGO Republican gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman on Thursday endorsed the $11.2 billion water bond on the November ballot.

Carly Fiorina, the former Hewlett-Packard CEO, has no record of standing with the families of California. However, the wealthy, pro-abortion liberal executive is spending millions of dollars to become the next rich GOP senator from California. Fiorina is another member of the recycled GOP John McCain machine with no history of standing up for Biblical principles in her career. Fiorina recently released her notorious "Demon Sheep" campaign video against her even more liberal GOP challenger Tom Campbell.

Democratic Congresswoman Nancy "Botox" Pelosi is worth over $30 million and has become the single biggest advocate of turning the United States government into a one-woman Soviet-style dictatorship. While voting to give billions of tax dollars to bail out her wealthy Politburo banking friends,
Washington D. C. Madam Pelosi was holding on to millions of dollars in personal investments in Visa Inc. and credit card lines worth millions of dollars in various banking institutions.

Cecile Richards, the daughter of deceased former Texas Governor Ann Richards, is the biggest advocate for abortion in the United States. As the president of Planned Parenthood, Cecile Richards has overseen the extermination of millions of babies in her nationwide network of abortion mills. Richards is also one of the biggest mouthpieces in America for federal funding of her abortion empire. As governor of Texas, Ann Richards gained national fame when she stated in a Democratic National Convention speech about President George Bush, "Poor George. He can't help it - he was born with a silver foot in his mouth." Apparently her daughter Cecile was born with a sterling silver hatred in her heart for babies in the womb.

Gloria Allred, the Jezebel of modern anti-christian causes. As a rabid defender of the abortion industry, homosexuality, gay marriage, and attacks on the Boy Scouts, Gloria Allred has earned vast wealth as the attorney of choice for all things evil in America. She is currently representing the porn star mistress of Tiger Woods. When she is not seeking every dime she can squeeze out of the legal profession, Allred is on television advocating for the abortion industry and for women who have affairs with married men.

Mary Bono-Mack, the most dangerous Republican woman in America. Mary Bono-Mack recently voted for Obama's massive tax and cap trade bill that will add billions of dollars in new taxes to already overtaxed businesses. There is very little about Bono-Mack that would indicate she is a Republican. The widow of deceased entertainer Sonny Bono, Mary Bono-Mack is a rabid supporter of the anti-christian homosexual organization Log Cabin Republicans. She has repeatedly spoken at the homosexual acitivst group's events and has voted in support of a multitude of anti-family homosexual bills while in congress.


Anonymous said…
Jezebels! Every last one of them!

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