San Diego City Council Mocks United States Military by honoring a gay city commissioner who has made sexually degrading comments about veterans.
The San Diego City Council prepares to mock our United States military by honoring a homosexual city commissioner who has made gross and sexually derogatory comments about U. S. veterans and military heroes. The James Hartline Report published an article on October 18, 2009 which detailed the disgusting comments made by transvestite homosexual Nicole Murray Ramirez in a Gay and Lesbian Times column. Ramirez, who has been appointed by the city council to serve on the Human Relations Commission, a local governmental board overseeing discrimination in San Diego, wrote the sexually explicit and degrading comments in the Gay and Lesbian Times about certain military veterans including Congressman Duncan Hunter Jr. Ramirez wrote: Yes, our very own City Councilmmember Todd Gloria was named San Diego’s sexiest politician in a recent San Diego News Network poll. The top four are: Todd Gloria, State Assemblymember Nathan Fletcher and a tie for third place between Congressmember Duncan Hunter an...