URGENT ACTION ALERT: San Diego City Council To Vote To Support Gay Marriage on Tues. Sept. 4, 2007

The James Hartline Report Action Center
Urgent Action Alert
August 31, 2007

This Is The Most Dangerous Attack On Christian Values
To Ever Come Before The San Diego City Council

On Tuesday - September 4, 2007, San Diego City Council
To Vote On Issuing Legal Brief To California Supreme Court
To Support Legalizing Gay Marriages In California

Christians Are Urged To Make Their Stand Against Lesbian
Councilwoman Toni Atkins' Attack Against Institution of Marriage

(Urgent Action Alert) Over the past seven years, lesbian San Diego City Councilwoman Toni Atkins has attacked Christian values over and over and over again. From regularly endorsing the annual gay pride parade, to honoring the leader of Planned Parenthood, Atkins has used her official position on the San Diego City Council to engage in a constantly repugnant war on family values. Next year, Councilwoman Atkins is termed out and she is determined to do as much damage as possible to the institution of marriage and family. On Tuesday - September 4, 2007 Councilwoman Atkins will challenge the institution of marriage in her most dangerous attack yet. On that day, Councilwoman Atkins has proposed for the city council to approve a legal document which says that the City of San Diego approves of gay marriage. This document called a "friend of the court" brief will be submitted to the California Supreme Court. This legal brief will be heard during the current lawsuit in the California Supreme Court where the state's highest court is deciding whether to legalize same-sex marriage in California.

The decision to issue the legal brief must be passed by a majority vote
on the San Diego City Council. Let us speak out against this evil act
and let us see which councilmembers are really on the side of protecting
marriage and which ones are not.

If Councilwoman Atkins gets her way and the City Council votes to approve her item (#331) it will say that all voters in the City of San Diego are in agreement that gay marriage should be legalized in California. We cannot allow this to happen! We must speak out on this historically critical issue!

We urgently need every concerned Christian in the San Diego area to come to the San Diego City Council on Tuesday - Sept. 4, 2007 to oppose the Atkins' attack on traditional marriage. If we remain silent this radical lesbian will speak for every Christian in San Diego by telling the California Supreme Court that the citizens of San Diego want gay marriage.


If lesbian Councilwoman Toni Atkins succeeds on Tuesday, Sept. 4th, 2007
she will have the San Diego City Council to vote to issue a special legal brief
calling on the California Supreme Court to legalize same-sex marriage.

ON TUESDAY - SEPT. 4, 2007 at 9:30am.

On Tuesday, the San Diego City Council will consider joining other local governments across the state in asking the California Supreme Court to legalize same-sex marriages.If approved by the council, the city of San Diego would sign onto a friend-of-the-court request, known as an "amicus brief," that other California cities and counties have endorsed in support of legalizing same-sex marriage.The proposal to the council, sponsored by Councilwoman Toni Atkins, reads:
The amicus brief argues that the mere desire to exclude a traditionally disfavored group -- even a desire that is popular and of long standing -can never be a constitutionally sufficient reason to deprive Californians of any right conferred by the laws of this state. The brief further asserts that the creation of a separate, but somewhat less equal, institution for same sex couples -- that is, domestic partnership -- does not fulfill the state's obligation to equal protection. Not only is domestic partnership an inferior institution because it provides fewer rights and obligations than marriage in a variety of ways, it is also inferior in that it does not carry with it the societal imprimatur of approval and support for a couple's commitment to each other that is associated with marriage. The state Supreme Court is considering the issue in lawsuits that numerous same-sex couples filed after their marriages were deemed unconstitutional by the state Court of Appeal in 2006. San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom had issued the marriage licenses to same-sex couples, but those were overturned and subject to the court review in 2004.The cities of Los Angeles, Oakland, Berkeley, Santa Cruz and San Jose and several Northern California counties have signed onto the amicus brief. The deadline for the city of San Diego to join is Sept. 17, according to legislative materials.

We may be at the San Diego City Council all day.
The meeting begins at 10:00am, hopefully the item #331
will be heard first, but could be moved to later in the day.

Let it not be said, that when Christians in San Diego were
faced with such a vicious attack against families and marriage, that they looked the other way and did nothing.
Instead, let it be known, that San Diego Christians rose up
and made the greatest stand on behalf of Biblical values
that this nation has ever seen.

Where: 202 "C" Street - 12th Floor
San Diego City Council Chambers
Downtown San Diego, California

Tuesday - September 4, 2007
9:30am - As long As It Takes!


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