San Diego Mayor Jerry Sanders Sticks The Knife In & Executes A Vicious Betrayal Of San Diego Voters!

The James Hartline Report
- On The Frontlines Of The Culture War -
September 21, 2007

San Diego Mayor Jerry Sanders Sticks The Knife In And
Executes A Vicious Betrayal of San Diego Voters!

2005: San Diego Mayor Jerry Sanders Took Money and Votes
From Conservative Voters During Mayoral Race While Promising
To Oppose Same-Sex Marriage.
2007: After Seeking & Getting Republican Votes To Support
His Various Reform Initiatives, Mayor Sanders Joins Democrats
To Support Gay Marriage & Their Radicalized Homosexual Movement.

"The other part of it is, I don't think government belongs in it all....I think marriage
is an issue that's up to the churches."
Jerry Sanders speaking at the San Diego Gay and Lesbian Center
during his 2005 campaign for mayor of San Diego.
- Gay and Lesbian Times - July 14, 2005 -

Sanders said that he supports long-term, committed same-sex couples
receiving equal protection through domestic partner legislation,
but doesn't believe the government should be involved in the matter
when it comes to same-sex marriage bills.
Gay and Lesbian Times - July 14, 2005

(JHReport) No one in San Diego's Republican Party can say that they weren't warned about the radicalized homosexual agenda of Mayor Jerry Sanders. In early 2005, the James Hartline Report revealed that, then candidate Jerry Sanders, had been for years, implementing his scheme to promote homosexuality in San Diego. As San Diego police chief in the early 1990's, Sanders was responsible for bringing in most of the early homosexual policing policies into the department.

According to an interview with the Union Tribune during the 2005 campaign, Sanders called the gay agenda accusations by the James Hartline Report, "baloney". Here is a replay of the interactions between Sanders and the Union Tribune on the 2005 James Hartline Report which alledged the longterm promotion of homosexuality by Jerry Sanders:

Hopefuls turn in signatures as fiscal outlook worsens
May 28, 2005

(May 28, 2005) It is likely to be a bruising campaign. Sanders is already the target of attacks, including a newsletter launched Thursday by James Hartline, who accuses San Diego's former top cop of promoting a "radical homosexual agenda." The accusation is based in part on Sanders' use of the words "tolerance" and "diverse" in a conversation after appearing this month at the San Diego County Republican Party. In an interview yesterday, Sanders, a married father of two, called the newsletter allegations "baloney" and said he believes in "tolerance for everybody."

"I respect everyone as a person, and I'm just not going to change that," he said. "The issues are too important at City Hall to be focusing on this kind of stuff." Hartline's newsletter, which claims 3,000 readers, offended some Republican activists, including lobbyist John Dadian, who has not endorsed a candidate. "They call themselves Christian conservatives," Dadian said, "and I'm both a Christian and a conservative, and I'm glad to have nothing to do with this group. They're trying to smear somebody who was a very decent public official."

The Battle For Truth

Over the ensuing two years, James Hartline, publisher of the James Hartline Report, has been attacked by powerful local Republican forces for his exposes on Sanders. Saying that Hartline was fabricating the accusations on Sanders, these particular GOP consultants and powerbrokers have emphatically defended Sanders and attacked Hartline. The Sanders betrayal on the same-sex marriage issue certainly vindicates James Hartline and puts his liberal GOP attackers squarely in the bullseye for coming charges of cronyism, deception and greed.

The Gay Political Bondage Of San Diego Mayor Jerry Sanders

Soon after Sanders had manipulated conservatives voters during the 2005 mayoral election, he began to reveal his true political bondage to the homosexual movement. Sanders and his second wife, Rana Sampson, were seen waving from their car in the 2006 San Diego Gay Pride Parade. Hanging from the side of their car was a sign which read: Jerry Sanders, Mayor, City of San Diego. In that parade, Sanders was seen laughing while gay pornographers, nearly-nude male strippers, transvestites and his wife promoted gay pride. In a December 22, 2005 column in the Gay and Lesbian Times, Sanders can be seen snickering in a photograph of himself along with one of the male homosexual activists he hired to work in his newly acquired mayoral office. Sanders also hired homosexuals Jeff Gattas and George Biagi from lesbian Councilwoman Toni Atkins' office to take over key positions in the mayor's office. The betrayal of the conservative voters who had given Sanders the mayoral job was well underway.

There was, however, one major problem for Sanders in his quietly revealed gay agenda. The new mayor still needed conservative voters to support his package of reform initiatives. Thus, Sanders continued to offer conservative voters one, and only one, socially conservative bone to feed upon: his public refusal to support same-sex marriage.

With the help of then-closeted homosexual Republican activist Carl DeMaio, Sanders began to piece together a plan to sell his 2006 reforms to Republican voters while the mayor continued expanding acceptance of his gay social agenda inside of local moderate GOP circles. A press release dated March 24, 2006 from Scott Maloni revealed DeMaio's involvement with the Sanders' reform plan:

“Our campaign is up and running, and we have the financial and volunteer support necessary to qualify the initiatives for the November 2006 election,” said Performance Institute President Carl DeMaio, sponsor of one of the initiatives. “The question is not if San Diegans will have a chance to vote on the Mayor’s City Hall reform measures, but whether or not the Council will be part of the solution and vote on Monday to place the measures on the ballot,” he said. . “If the Council fails to act or waters down the Mayor’s measures, then we are on schedule to collect the requisite number of signature to give San Diegans a chance to vote on real City Hall reform this November,” said DeMaio. San Diegans for City Hall Reform is comprised of a broad coalition of taxpayer advocates, business and civic leaders, and government watchdogs.

The reform initiatives passed overwhelmingly and two revelations began to manifest afterwards: Sanders no longer had any reason to bow to conservative voters, he had gotten them to buy his reform package salespitch. AND then-closeted gay Republican Carl DeMaio was promoted as a business "genius" inside of the local GOP. This was all working to Sanders' benefit. Now the mayor could slap down conservative opposition to the gay movement in San Diego. In April of 2007, DeMaio finally revealed his personal involvement in homosexuality after the local GOP-Sanders machine had promoted DeMaio as a business genius. And now homosexual Carl DeMaio is running for the San Diego City Council in the most conservative district in the city.

The Sanders Gay Marriage Deception

With his reform initiatives approved by the voters, Sanders was no longer needing to contemplate further support for his opposition to same-sex marriage. In reality, it was simply a matter of whether or not Mayor Sanders could be trusted to keep his word to voters on the issue.

Fast Forward to September 19, 2007: Here is what the San Diego Union Tribune had to say about the willingness of Mayor Sanders to keep his promise to oppose same-sex marriage:

Mayor supports effort to overturn state ban
By Jennifer Vigil
September 20, 2007
A tearful Mayor Jerry Sanders made a dramatic shift yesterday, explaining that he can no longer oppose same-sex marriages because he does not want to deny justice to people like his daughter, who is a lesbian. “I decided to lead with my heart, which is probably obvious at the moment,” said Sanders, moments before he revealed his daughter's sexual orientation.

Broken Promises and A Broken Moral Compass

While Jerry Sanders may be attempting to manipulate voters with his disturbing emotional meltdown, it is clear that he has a far darker agenda then just his same-sex marriage schizophrenia. Mayor Sanders may have used his own daughter as an excuse for flip-flopping--John Kerry Style--but it is clear to those who have watched the mayor's social engineering-in-action over the past twelve years that Sanders has been aggressively attempting to implement an anti-christian, European-style society. Case-in-point: the recent Sanders' appointment of lesbian Tracy Jarman as the San Diego Fire Chief. With the Sanders' gay agenda fully implemented, it was lesbian Fire Chief Jarman who recently forced four San Diego firemen to violate their personal beliefs by forcing them to march in the 2007 pornographic San Diego Gay Pride Parade - the same parade that Sanders proudly participated in for the ninth time.

Judgment of the Sanders' Deception

Judgment of the Sanders' marriage betrayal has been swift and decisive. The James Hartline Report has received a multitude of emails and telephone calls requesting that Hartline lead a renewed campaign against the Sander's corruption. Christian leaders throughout San Diego are telling the James Hartline Report that they will work against the Sanders' vision of anti-christian bigotry.

The Roger Hedgecock Show was just as confrontive with Sanders on his September 20, 2007 program, two days after the mayor lied to voters about his intent to veto the same-sex marriage legal brief. Hedgecock made a significant point that moved the discussion beyond the homosexual issue and into the arena of voters not being able to trust Sanders to keep his word. According to Hedgecock, certain Republican leaders are contemplating the reversal of previous endorsements for Sanders' 2008 re-election as mayor.

Since that 2005 San Diego Union Tribune report when Sanders called Hartline's allegations of the mayor being a promoter of the homosexual agenda "baloney," Sanders has rabidly promoted the more radical elements of the homosexual movement within his office and the city. It is clear that if Sanders had stated in 2005 that he was for same-sex marriage, he would have violated the Prop. 22 mandate and been defeated.

With Jerry Sanders finally revealing his dark agenda in its full manifestation, churchgoers and Christian Conservative voters are reminding the betraying Sanders that when they voted for him, they didn't elect him to be his lesbian daugther's mouthpiece for gay marrige: they elected him to represent the city and the voter's will on issues like marriage. When Sanders decided to run for mayor, that is where his responsibilities should have been directed, not to create a public opportunity to feel better about his daughter's lesbian sexual choices.

In completely abdicating his responsiblity to the voters, Sanders, in a complete meltdown, stated:

“I’ve decided to lead with my heart, which is probably obvious right now, to do what I think is right and to take a stand on behalf of equality and social justice. The right thing for me to do is to sign this resolution.”

San Diego voters are now concerned about what kind of heart is Sanders leading with. "If the heart is corrupted it can be a very dangerous thing to lead with," one Republican leader told the James Hartline Report. "Hitler led with his heart too, and we know what kind of evil he ended up doing."

Biblical lessons taught by many San Diego pastors bring into focus the question of the condition of the "heart" of Mayor Jerry Sanders and his decision to support the radical redefining of the institution of marriage for the personal benefit of his homosexual staffmembers and his daughter. Often quoted by local pastors, the Book of Proverbs allows voters to consider the condition of the heart that Mayor Jerry Sanders claimed he was leading with when he betrayed the entire city of San Diego on the same-sex marriage lawsuit:

"There are six things the Lord hates--no seven things He detests:
haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that kill the innocent,
a heart that plots evil, feet that race to do wrong,
a false witness who pours out lies,
and a person who sows discord among brothers."
Proverbs 6:16-19

One church leader in San Diego likens the fact that Mayor Sanders decided to execute judgment against San Diego Christians by choosing to honor the lesbian sex relationship of his own daughter over the voters to an eerily similar situation in the Gospel of Mark. In that Gospel, King Herod was faced with a critical decision over the future of John the Baptist who was telling Herod and the culture to repent of their sins. Instead of repenting and doing the thing he was required to do by the law, Herod behead John at the behest of his own daughter.

There is something truly offensive about the recent betrayal of voters by Mayor Jerry Sanders. To understand how significant is that betrayal, voters must be reminded of an article written by Elizabeth Malloy for the Daily Transcript on Oct. 21, 2005. Malloy documented the statements made by Sanders and Donna Frye when they appeared at a 2005 mayoral campaign forum at the San Diego Gay and Lesbian Center:

Social issues take center stage at Hillcrest forum
By ELIZABETH MALLOY, The Daily Transcript
Friday, October 21, 2005

Social issues were discussed more prominently than in most campaign stops for San Diego's mayoral candidates when they visited a forum in Hillcrest on Friday. Though both City Councilmember Donna Frye and former San Diego Police Chief Jerry Sanders discussed their fiscal recovery plans at a breakfast sponsored by the San Diego Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Community group, they also expressed their views on gay marriage, the Mt. Soledad War Memorial cross and drugs in the community.

Sanders used the opportunity to clarify his stance on same-sex marriage:

"As you know, I don't support same-sex marriage, but that's because of the religious reasons," he said. "I believe civil unions, domestic partnership benefits should be supported and should be supported for everybody. I also oppose constitutional amendments to limit those rights."

Basing his previous campaign statements of opposing same-sex marriage because of "religious" reasons, voters will certainly be asking themselves what religion is Sanders now following in lying to voters and betraying the 5,000 year-old bedrock institution of marriage?

This exclusive article has been provided by The James Hartline Report.
Now Read Daily By Over 13,000 Concerned Citizens Of Conviction.

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Jame Hartline, Publisher
The James Hartline Report
Educating The Church
Fighting For Our Generation


Anonymous said…
Homosexuality is the Achilles heel of too many Republicans. There are some, of course, who have family members who are homosexual. However, there are too many who are RINOs (Republican In Name Only). This is the variety of Republican social liberals people of your parents' and grandparents' generations called blueblood, country club, establishment, moderate, and Rockefeller Republicans. In reality, they never liked Ronald Reagan or the culture conservatism he represented.

Homosexuals are some of the most brainy and talented people there are. The majority have at least a Bachelor's Degree. This translates into much greater than average lifetime earning potential. In addition, most homosexuals have no dependents. Thus, they can bankroll anything and anyone they choose to. By contrast, scores of heterosexual married people struggle to support themselves and their families on dull I.Q.s. They cannot buy power and influence.

Being homosexual is not comparable to being Asian, black, or Hispanic. Most cultural conservatives understand this. However, RINOs don't see things the way Average Joe and Joanne do.
Anonymous said…
Wow. Just wow. Do we even believe in the same Jesus and God?

--Shayne Carmichael
James Hartline said…
No, Shayne Carmichael, I don't see how we could believe in the same God and Jesus. Firstly, your website is full of honors for witchcraft and paganism; AND this note on one of your pages: Does contain graphic m/m sexual scenes... AND this one: Erotic Romance Onyx is m/m erotica, containing D/s, BDSM and a medical fetish scene.
The Bible that I believe in condemns such practices. The Jesus that I believe in is the One that said in the Bible, "that if you believe in Me and love me, then keep My commandments."

We cannot say that we believe in God, but then we go on to violate His purposes and will for our lives. If you love Christ, then you repent: turn from your sinful ways. And you also need to seek out what is God's eternal purpose for your assignment on this earth. That assignment certainly isn't to engage in sin and rebellion against the mandates of Christ.

Secondly, what is the real problem with going after Jerry Sanders? He lied to the voters!

I think it is ridiculous for liberals to condemn Pres. Bush for alledgedly lying about the reasons for going to war, but they rejoice when Sanders has lied in such a serious way. He emphatically stated when he was campaigning, that would not support same-sex marriage. It is that simple, he lied and should be confronted for doing so, rather than celebrated.

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