Urgent Action Alert: Help STOP Gay Marriage At The San Diego City Council

The James Hartline Report Action Center
- 13,000 Concerned Citizens Strong -
Urgent Action Alert - September 10, 2007

Tell the San Diego City Council To Vote NO On Same-Sex Marriage:
City Council to Re-Vote on Same-Sex Marriage Legal Brief
On Sept. 18, 2007

Tell Councilmen Jim Madaffer & Ben Hueso To Honor The Voters
In Their Districts Who Supported Prop. 22

- District 7 & District 8 Voters Overwhelmingly Approved of Prop. 22 -
And Traditional Definition of Marriage = One Man & One Woman
District 7: 58.5% Voted Yes on Prop. 22
District 8: 62.4% Voted Yes on Prop. 22

District 7 Councilman Jim Madaffer Violated 58.5% of District 7 Voters
By His Vote To Issue Legal Brief Supporting Same Sex Marriage.

District 8 Councilman Ben Hueso's Vote To Issue Same-Sex Marriage
Legal Brief Violated the Rights of 62.4% of His District's Voters
Who Supported Prop. 22 & Traditional Definition of Marriage

(Action Alert) On September 18, 2007 one of the great civic showdowns in San Diego history will occur when the San Diego City Council reconsiders an earlier failed attempt to issue a legal brief in support of a same-sex marriage lawsuit which is currently before the California Supreme Court. The city council is currently deciding whether it will override the will of San Diego voters who overwhelmingly rejected same-sex marriage when they approved Prop. 22 in 2000. Prop. 22, which is enshrined in state law, states that marriage shall be limited in California to a relationship composed of one man and one woman. Prop. 22 was approved by San Diego City voters (55.38% - 44.62%) and San Diego County voters (62% - 38%).

During the 2000 General Election, San Diego voters overwhelmingly approved Prop. 22, the state ballot initiative that now defines marriage as a civil relationship between one man and one woman. During that same election, Jim Madaffer, then chief-of-staff to Councilwoman Judy McCarty, was elected to the 7th District of the San Diego City Council. As a Republican, Madaffer greatly benefited from the conservative voter turnout for Prop. 22. Had Councilman Madaffer supported same-sex marriage during that 2000 election he would have been defeated.

Since the passage of Prop. 22 in 2000, Councilman Madaffer has been given great support for his personal projects and interests by Christian Conservatives who also support the traditional definition of marriage.

While Councilman Madaffer has asked the voters in his district to support his personal projects and agendas, he was not willing to extend that same courtesy when he voted to issue a "friend of the court" legal brief in support of same-sex marriage on Sept. 4, 2007. In overriding 58.5% of his district voters who voted to support Prop. 22, Councilman Madaffer reversed years of his previous public advocacy on similar conservative issues. From refusing to support medical marijuana to voting against the $950,000 city payout to the attorneys over the Boy Scouts lawsuit, Madaffer has a history of not violating the rights of the majority of Christian Conservatives who elected him to office.

Here is what Councilman Madaffer states on his personal city council website about the voter-approved preservation of the Mt. Soledad Cross:

"There is no question in my mind that the City should appeal the judge's decision.
This is what the people want and I continue in my unwavering support."

Currently, Councilman Madaffer is sending a very confusing message to the voters of San Diego, a majority of whom do not support same-sex marriage. While Councilman Madaffer said that he supports the preservation of the Mt. Soledad Cross because "that is what the voters want," he completely contradicted his typical approach on such matters when he voted on Sept. 4, 2007 to override the will of the people in his district on Prop. 22. Councilman Madaffer voted on Sept. 4th to radically redefine the institution of marriage by supporting the same-sex marriage lawsuit before the California Supreme Court even though this IS NOT what the people in his district want. 58.5% of Councilman Madaffer's district voters supported Prop. 22 and the traditional definition of marriage, yet Councilman Madaffer voted against the overwhelming majority of his district's voters on Sept. 4, 2007 when he supported the same-sex marriage legal brief.

Councilman Madaffer is now indicating that a concrete cross is more important to him than the will of his district's voters and the 5,000 year-old vital institution of marriage. Here is what Councilman Madaffer states on his website about the Mt. Soledad Cross:

"The Mt. Soledad cross story continues. On May 3rd a federal judge (U.S. District Judge Gordon Thompson Jr.) ruled that the City of San Diego must remove the cross from City property on top of Mt. Soledad. This issue has been tied up in the courts for way too long.
Last year the voters spoke loud and clear with a 75 percent margin that they want to keep the cross and war memorial. There is no question in my mind that the City should appeal the judge's decision. This is what the people want and I continue in my unwavering support. San Diegans voted on Proposition A last July to transfer the cross to the federal government and it was approved by 75 percent of the voters. The mandate was clear: keep the cross.
~ Councilman Jim Madaffer on his support for the will of the people."

Voters, in both Councilman Madaffer's district, as well as the entire City of San Diego, voted to preserve the cross that sits atop the Mt. Solead War Memorial. Councilman Madaffer states that he supports the will of the people on the issue of the Mt. Soledad War Memorial Cross, and of course this won him many political supporters. On the issue of defining marriage as an institution limited to one man and one woman, San Diego voters have been equally adamant. Yet, Councilman Madaffer has refused to apply the same legal standard and reasoning on the voter's mandate for Prop. 22 that he applied on the Mt. Soledad Cross. The political double-standard on the part of Councilman Madaffer is creating great turmoil and anger among his constituents.

Christian Conservatives Have Stood With Councilman Madaffer Many Times

On a number of instances, Councilman Jim Madaffer has asked Christians and Conservatives in San Diego to support the Boy Scouts. This has been a personal agenda of Councilman Madaffer as both of his sons are members of the Boy Scouts. While radicalized gay activists were attempting to drive the Boy Scouts out of San Diego's city-owned parkland, it was Christian Conservatives who stood with Councilman Madaffer and his two sons in the fight against the ACLU and gay political leaders who were seeking to force the Boy Scouts to accept gay scout leaders. Christian Conservatives sacrificed hundreds of hours of their own personal time to help Madaffer fend off repeated attacks against the Boy Scouts. Madaffer's thank you to those same Christian Conservatives who gave so much of their time and energy to the councilman and his sons has been Madaffer's drastic new-found support for same-sex marriage.

On Sept. 4, 2007, Councilman Madaffer was not willing to give back to the thousands of San Diego voters who had given him so much of their time and energy to support his family, his sons and the Boy Scouts. When Councilman Jim Madaffer asked the Christians of San Diego to be there for him and his sons on the matter of the Boy Scouts, Christians didn't hestitate. Conservatives replied to Madaffer, "We're there for you Jim. You and your sons can count on us." When those same Christians asked Madaffer to be there for them on the preservation of the vital institution of marriage, the councilman, like so many other politicians in America today, turned his back and walked away.

Two years ago, when San Diego City Councilman Charles Lewis suffered a catastrophic and fatal liver failure, it was Councilman Jim Madaffer who stated:

"He (Lewis) was mild-mannered yet a fierce fighter for his beliefs and the people he represented," Madaffer said in a statement. "He was solid like a rock, firm in his faith and a guiding force in the community."

Yet, when the 58.5% of his district voters who supported Prop. 22 thought they could count on Councilman Madaffer to represent them on the critical vote in support of marriages, he refused. While Councilman Madaffer has used the Boy Scouts and the Mt. Soledad Cross issue to win over people of Faith during his two city council terms, he mysteriously abandoned the majority of San Diegans and people of faith by refusing to support their legally pre-existing vote on Prop. 22 and the will of the voters on marriage.

Councilman Madaffer Has Free Speech Rights - But He Must Still Uphold The Law

While Councilman Madaffer has a right to articulate his personal opinion on any matter that he chooses, he has a legal obligation to carry out the will of the voters when it comes to voter-mandated initiatives. There is simply no legal basis for Councilman Madaffer to violate the will of his district's voters on their previous and overwhelming approval for Prop. 22. When District 7 voters elected Councilman Madaffer in 2000, they also voted 58.5% to support Prop. 22. There has been no other vote to indicate to Councilman Madaffer that he is to represent his district's voters with a vote to authorize a legal brief in support of same-sex marriage.

Again, Councilman Madaffer can give his personal opinion on any matter. However, his district, in an overwhelming 58.5 -41.5%, voted to support Prop. 22. Councilman Madaffer must honor the legally-certified will of his district's voters on sustaining the Prop. 22 mandate. Councilman Madaffer, at anytime of his choosing, could have conducted a special district election to allow voters to override Prop. 22. He did not do this. Thus, his district mandate for approving Prop. 22 stands and he must not vote to issue a legal brief in support of same-sex marriage.

District 8: Overwhelmingly Approved Prop. 22

Although District 8 Councilman Ben Hueso is relatively new to the San Diego City Council, he still has an obligation to honor the will of the voters in his district. District 8 has a tremendous voter constituency of latino voters who are faithful Catholics. Although the district has a large Democratic majority, they still voted 62.4% for Prop. 22 and the traditional institution of marriage.

In District 8, 62.4% of all voters supported Prop. 22 and traditional marriage. Only 37.6% of voters opposed Prop. 22. Yet, Councilman Hueso still voted to override the vast majority of the voters in his district on Sept. 4th by supporting the same-sex marriage legal brief. For Councilman Ben Hueso, the violation of 62.4% of his district's voters on something as important as marriage, has placed him in a very precarious and unpopular position with District 8 voters.

On September 18, 2007, the San Diego City Council will re-consider
it's failed vote to support the same-sex marriage legal brief.

On Sept. 4th, Councilmen Madaffer & Hueso voted for
same-sex marriage. On Sept. 18, 2007 these two councilmen
can correct their legal mistake.

Both Councilmen Jim Madaffer & Ben Hueso
can correct their vote and reaffirm their support
for the majority will of their district's voters.

~ Take Action ~

Please Contact The Offices Of
Councilmen Jim Madaffer & Ben Hueso
Tell Them to Vote NO on the Same-Sex Marriage Legal Brief
And Tell Them To Support Their Distict's Voters
Who Supported Prop. 22
District 7: 58.5% Voted Yes on Prop. 22
District 8: 62.4% Voted Yes on Prop. 22

Contact Information
(Please email / telephone/ and fax)
District 7 - Councilman Jim MadafferE-mail: jmadaffer@sandiego.gov
Telephone: (619) 236-6677 Fax: (619) 238-1360
Navajo Community Service Center Phone: (619) 668-2700
Please Contact These District 7 Staffmembers:
afaucett@sandiego.gov / eagey@sandiego.gov / elowe@sandiego.gov
lwebb@sandiego.gov / dmullen@sandiego.gov / jwilson@sandiego.gov
lperkins@sandiego.gov / mluque@sandiego.gov / rroberson@sandiego.gov

Contact Information
(Please email / telephone/ and fax)
District 8- Councilman Ben HuesoE-mail: benhueso@sandiego.gov Telephone: (619) 236-6688 Fax: (619) 231-7918 San Ysidro Community Service CenterPhone: (619) 424-0230
Fax: (619) 424-0235
Please Contact These District 8 Staffmembers:
Dterry@sandiego.gov / agonzalez@sandiego.gov / earmendariz@sandiego.gov
eburton@sandiego.gov / slevy@sandiego.gov

Please Contact These San Diego City Councilmembers
And Mayor Jerry Sanders
Tell Them To Support San Diego Voters & Prop. 22
By Voting NO on the Same-Sex Marriage Legal Brief
Office of the Mayor: Jerry Sanders JerrySanders@sandiego.gov
Telephone: (619) 236-6330 Fax: (619) 236-7228

District 1 Council President Scott Peters E-mail: scottpeters@sandiego.gov
Telephone: (619) 236-6611 Fax: (619) 236-6999From North County (858) 484-3808
Staff Contact: bkinsley@sandiego.gov / MStrauss@sandiego.gov
District 2 Councilmember Kevin Faulconer E-mail: kevinfaulconer@sandiego.gov
Telephone: (619) 236-6622 Fax: (619) 236-6996
Staff Contacts: smcnally@sandiego.gov / jfoxrice@sandiego.gov
District 4 Council President Pro Tem Tony Young E-mail: anthonyyoung@sandiego.gov
Phone: (619) 236-6644 Fax: (619) 236-7273
Staff Contacts: jslack@sandiego.gov / pburnham@sandiego.gov
District 5 Councilmember Brian Maienschein E-mail: bmaienschein@sandiego.gov
Telephone: (619) 236-6655 Fax: (619) 238-0915From North County: (858) 673-5304
Staff Contacts: lwitmondt@sandiego.gov / jrivera@sandiego.gov
District 6 Councilmember Donna Frye E-mail: donnafrye@sandiego.gov
Telephone: (619) 236-6616 Fax: (619) 236-7329
Staff Contacts: shadley@sandiego.gov / lgonzalez@sandiego.gov

~ This has been a James Hartline Report Urgent Action Alert ~
We Are Now 13,000 Concerned Citizens Strong!

The James Hartline Report is part of the California Christian News Network.
One Voice, One Family, United For The Cause of Jesus Christ!

I Am Making My Stand in 2007!
Have You Started Making Yours Yet?

James Hartline, Publisher
The James Hartline Report
Educating The Church
Fighting For Our Generation


Anonymous said…
I hope you succeed in overcoming this - unlike us in the UK. It is now illegal for us to 'discriminate' against gays with regards to our own businesses (a Christian printer would be forced to print pro-gay propaganda for example), under the Sexual Orientation Regulations (give it a google search). Sadly gay marriage has also been legalised.

Gay pride events around the world just go to show what a perverted lifestyle it is that is now being forced upon the rest of decent society. How brave of them to use the law to shut us up, eh?
Anonymous said…
Its no different that you forcing your religious agenda on the rest of society. Go to church read your little books of fables and mind your own business.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said...

Its no different that you forcing your religious agenda on the rest of society. Go to church read your little books of fables and mind your own business.

No, it is gays who are forcing their agenda on the rest of society by redefining marriage (a religious ceremony created by Judeo-Christians thousands of years ago) to include same-sex 'relationships' which are prohibited under Biblical law.

So all gays are doing is forcing changes to a Biblical ceremony to include sinful actions.
Anonymous said…
Wow, marriage is a Christian invention? That must be a surprise to the other 3/4 of the world which has practiced commitment ceremonies thousands of years before Jesus.

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