Amazing Stories Of Miraculous Healings: James Hartline Helps San Diego Women Experience Tremendous Restoration Of Their Health

The James Hartline Report
- On The Frontlines Of The Culture War -
May 21, 2007

Amazing Stories Of Miraculous Healings:
James Hartline Helps San Diego Women
Experience Tremendous Restoration Of Their Health

"Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper
and be in good health,
just as your soul prospers."
III John, Verse 2

(JHReport) In the world of modern Christianity, it often seems that the Biblical accounts of Jesus performing miracles and healings are part of a distant episode in the church. According to the teachings of Christ, healings were supposed to be a routine aspect of every believer's ministry. Yet, in today's churches, healings are rare and talk of miracles even rarer. There is, however, something unusual happening in San Diego, California which may turn the healing naysayers right on their heads.

What do you get when you put one former homosexual into a Christian ministry and then add three outstanding Christian women to the story? You get the ingredients for a modern day healing revival. The lessons that James Hartline has learned in his battles to overcome homosexuality, AIDS and hepatitus have provided him with tremendous insights into healing and deliverance from some of life's greatest adversities.

You are about to enter the world of James Hartline and the San Diego Christian women who have benefited from the lessons he has learned in his walk with Jesus Christ. Get ready to be amazed with the stories of Beverly Wyer, Beverly Parker and Tamela Reed: Women On The Frontlines Of A San Diego Healing Revival.

- Women On The Frontlines Of A San Diego Healing Revival -

Beverly Wyer - Eighty Years Young & Still Fighting The Good Fight!

One of San Diego's most recognized faces in the area of Christian Conservatism is eighty year-old Beverly Wyer. Not one to pull any verbal punches, Wyer has been on the frontlines of America's culture war for decades. Since committing her life to Christ in 1979, Beverly Wyer has never looked back. A widow and regular attendee at Alpine Christian Fellowship, Beverly also serves on the board of the powerful women's political organization Volunteers in Politics.

While she is determined to continue her battle to save America from the national onslaughts of illegal immigration and political corruption, Beverly has been forced to physically slow down because of the many ailments which have attacked her eighty year-old body. Confident that God is her protector and provider, Mrs. Wyer will rarely mention the fact that she has had both of her knees replaced in the last three years. With her home located in Harbison Canyon, Wyer's property was ground zero during the 2003 catastrophic fires that destroyed 3,000 San Diego County homes. Beverly's angel during the deadly fire came in the form of her next door neighbor of thirty years, Ed Manning. Manning stayed behind while Beverly was evacuated. "For hours, Ed sprayed water on both of our homes and he saved my property. That means alot to a widow," Wyer tells the James Hartline Report.

For James Hartline, Publisher of the James Hartline Report, Beverly Wyer is more than just another face in the busy highway of San Diego County politics. To Hartline, Beverly is a caring friend and confidant. Beverly knows that James is a walking miracle, especially in his battle to beat AIDS. In need of a new miracle herself, Beverly recently told Hartline that she was really suffering in her digestive system and asked James to pray for her healing. "Beverly's digestive system was really breaking down," says Hartline. "She was suffering from numerous ailments including diverticulitis."

With a vast reservoir of knowledge in the natural health arena, James helped Beverly pick several nutritional supplements that would help her resolve the digestive problems that were making her life miserable. In just two short months, Beverly has had miraculous results. No longer on prescription medicine for her digestive ailments, she is now experiencing totally normal functions in her digestive system. "The probiotics and amino acids that James recommended that I take have really helped me regain my health," Beverly states.

Beverly Parker: The Miracle Woman Of San Diego

Another good friend of James Hartline is Beverly Parker. Parker met James at Mission Valley Christian Fellowship, a church they both attend in San Diego, California. After committing her life to Jesus Christ in 2003, Beverly Parker began praying earnestly for her healing from Hepatitus C. Standing in prayer with this woman of God has been her loving husband Dan Parker.

According to medical reports, the prognosis was not good for Beverly Parker. From working in the children's ministry at church to praying for those in need, Beverly Parker believes that her life closely models itself after the teachings of Christ. All Beverly wants is to receive a miracle of her own so that she can continue to be a loving wife to her husband and to continue her active walk with the Lord.

One day, a light seemed to shine directly on Beverly Parker's path. "I was so encouraged when I heard James Hartline's testimony," exclaims Beverly. "When he revealed that he had been fighting Hepatitus C for over twenty years and his liver scans had come back normal, I was so thrilled and hopeful." Parker sought out James for counseling. After counseling with Beverly, James recommended several natural supplements to be incorporated into her diet. Within ten days of taking the various supplements, Beverly called Hartline and told him that she felt completely rejuvenated.

"My energy level is amazing," Parker told Hartline. What is even more amazing: Beverly Parker's liver exams came back completely normal. The scans were done two months after Beverly went on the health supplements recommended by James. "I have experienced a real miracle in my liver and I believe James played a key role in my getting well," she joyfully remarks.

Tamela Reed: A Shining Example Of A San Diego Overcomer

Tamela Reed, a San Diego mother of two, is one of the great miracle women to cross James Hartline's path in the last several years. Reed was on the brink of enormous success when her world was shaken in 2006. With two small children, her loving husband Major, and a growing catering business, Tamela Reed seemed to have it all. However, in February of 2006, a doctor's report hit Tamela below the belt when she was diagnosed with bone cancer.

Tamela immediately went on a grueling regimen of medications to treat the cancer. Miraculously, her bone cancer was resolved in a very short period of time. Tamela agreed to go on further rounds of chemotherapy to ensure that she would not have a recurrence of the bone cancer. Declared cured, Tamela was left with excessive weight gain, extreme fatigue and a completely degraded immune system. Tamela, her friends and her family were praying that God would help restore her physical well-being. It was a draining time for Tamela to get up each day and home-school her children.

One Friday night during a church home fellowship meeting, James Hartline heard about Tamela's condition from her mother. After asking Tamela's mother if he could meeting her, James began to pray for her recovery. Soon, James got to see firsthand the great fatigue that Tamela was experiencing. As director of the Hillcrest Mission, James Hartline has made it a top priority in his ministry to see that San Diego's Christians are healed and whole.

One of the main aspects of the ministry is to provide nutritional supplements and counseling to those who are sick. James could see that Tamela was drained and desperately needed help with her energy. After picking out several supplements to help her condition, James gladly gave Tamela a new nutritional profile which would help restore her energy and detoxify her body from the effects of the chemotherapy. After only ten days of taking the supplements, Tamela told Hartline about her incredible rebound.

Excitingly, Tamela reports that she has experienced an amazing restoration of her energy levels since taking the nutritional supplements provided by Hartline. "I've even continued to lose weight, the result of taking the organic fiber supplement that James started me on." Reed reports that she is slowly losing an additional one pound of weight per month. Although Tamela will need to have serious knee surgery in the near future, the result of running track for many years, she is pleased that she has miraculously recovered the rest of her health and energy while taking the supplements recommended by James.

- Who Would Have Ever Thought? -
One Former Homosexual and The Many Women In His Life

James Hartline was involved in the homosexual lifestyle for thirty years. During those dark days of sin and debauchery, James rarely involved himself with women. After becoming a Christian, he completely left the sin of homosexuality. It is a funny thing to James that he would now have so many women in his life. Even more strange to James is the fact that he would be able to bless these women. Beverly Wyer, Beverly Parker and Tamela Reed are just three of the many women who have become friends with James Hartline since he became a fully born-again Christian.

The Bible teaches that we each are given gifts from God to help the body of Christ. James Hartline has been blessed with great healings and restoration. "I believe that the annointing we receive to be healed will be released onto those who become connected to our lives," Hartline says. With his own medical reports verifying restorations in his liver and immune system, James believes that he has gained tremendous insights on how to heal and repair broken bodies.

"I believe that God is allowing me to be an igniter for a tremendous wave of healings within the body of Christ," declares Hartline. "These women are truly living epistles of what God can do when we obey Him. I am just glad to know these ladies and to have blessed them with the knowledge that God has given me to bring His people to good health."

This Amazing Story Of Healings In San Diego
Has Been Provided By The James Hartline Report.
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They Were Wrong!
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