The James Hartline Report
October 2, 2006

The Love Of Money - The Root Of Evil:
How Christian Voters In California's 77th State Assembly District
Continue To Be Betrayed By Republican Joel Anderson

Money From Pro-Gay & Gambling Interests Continue
To Flood Alledged "Pro-Family" Anderson Campaign

One of Biggest 2006 San Diego Gay Pride Sponsors, Viejas Enterprises
Owner Viejas Band of Kumeyaay Indians
Has Given Thousands of Dollars to Anderson Campaign

(JHR) For the past year, the James Hartline Report has been warning voters in California's 77th State Assembly District about the moral compromises swirling around alledged conservative Republican candidate Joel Anderson ( From taking nearly $400,000 in payments from pro-homosexual, pro-abortion San Diego City Council candidate Phil Thalheimer during Thalheimer's 2004 campaign, to taking thousands of dollars in new campaign contributions from the destructive gambling industry, Anderson has made a habit out of compromising his publicly professed morality during his drive to seek public office.

Despite the fact that the JHReport has provided irrefutable evidence that Anderson was employed by Thalheimer as a campaign staffer and consultant in 2004 when Thalheimer was participating in the 2004 San Diego Gay Pride Parade and Festival, family values voters in the 77th District chose to vote for Anderson anyway in the 2006 primary election. Catholics, pro-lifers and family values conservatives were critical to Anderson's 2006 primary election victory. According to the Gay and Lesbian Times, Phil Thalheimer employs a man who has had a sex change operation. Why would Joel Anderson, who claims to oppose homosexual rights, then work on the campaign of Thalheimer in 2004? It now appears that Anderson's intense support of pro-gay rights Thalheimer was not a temporary lapse in judgment. JHReport has now obtained new evidence that Anderson is continuing his pattern of taking money from disturbing, anti-family sources.

One of Joel Anderson's biggest supporters during his current campaign for the state assembly has been Jim Holman, the leading supporter and financier of the pro-life movement in California. There is perhaps no better defender of family values in the state of California than Jim Holman. That is what makes the betrayal of Anderson even more hurtful to Catholics and other pro-lifers who want to see an end to abortion. Duane Roth, one of the leading proponents of embryonic stem cell research has contributed twice to Anderson's campaign, including a contribution as recent as June of 2006, months after the initial JHReport which exposed Anderson's financial dealings with Phil Thalheimer.

While Jim Holman has given the Anderson campaign thousands of dollars in contributions, Anderson has been taking even more money from one business who is preparing to go to war against Holman and his publication, the San Diego Reader.

During the recent 2006 San Diego Gay Pride Parade, one of the biggest sponsors and participants of that vile event was Viejas Enterprises, the casino and entertainment conglomerate owned and operated by the Viejas Band of Kumeyaay Indians in San Diego County ( The Viejas presence during this gay pornographic spectacle included marching in the gay parade and hosting a booth within near vicinity of a gay S & M sex tent in the festival. While Joel Anderson has been taking thousands of dollars from Viejas for his campaign: a $2,744 gift from the gaming tribe on Sept. 6, 2006; $1,345 on May 10, 2006 prior to the 2006 gay parade, and $1,954 on Aug. 1, 2005 during that year's gay parade, Viejas was joining forces with the Gay and Lesbian Times to attack one of Anderson's other biggest contributors, Jim Holman, publisher of the San Diego Reader (

According to the Gay and Lesbian Times, Viejas is seriously looking at pulling out all of its advertisements from the San Diego Reader because Holman, one of San Diego's staunchest supporters of traditional family values, refuses to advertise the Gay Pride events in his publications. While Joel Anderson continues to take larges sums of money from the gambling interests of Viejas and that company's avowed support for homosexuality, he has done so in a Judas-style fashion when it comes to Jim Holman. According to filings with the California Secretary of State, Anderson has received $3,300 from Jim Holman and another $3,300 from Claudia Holman in campaign contributions (

There is no bigger supporter of family values and the pro-life movement in California than Jim Holman. Records show that Holman has given at least $2 million dollars this year alone for the passage of Prop. 85, the new pro-life, pro-child, parental notification initiative. Homosexual activists and radical abortion activists have, for years, martyred Jim Holman in the liberal press for his stand on family values. The idea that Joel Anderson has taken thousands of dollars from groups and individuals tied to the very people mocking Holman, while taking thousands of dollars in contributions from Holman himself, is truly repugnant. But it gets worse with Anderson --- much worse.

Cush Auto - One of Gay Pride's Biggest Friends
Cush Owner Stephen Cushman - One of Joel Anderson's Biggest Donors

If the Viejas/GayPride connection isn't enough evidence for conservative voters in the California 77th District to understand Joel Anderson's willingness to prostitute his feigned "family values" to the highest bidder, then perhaps his current reception of a huge contribution from Cush Enterprises CEO Stephen Cushman should do the trick. According to a Sept. 7, 2006 filing with the California Secretary of State, Anderson received a new $1,000 campaign contribution from Cushman ( Cush Auto recently changed its name to Cush Enterprises.

According to the Gay and Lesbian Times in a May 13, 2004 article (, Stephen Cushman is a prominent businessman and owner of Cush Jaguar who strives to create a warm, caring and "you're family" atmosphere for his employees and his customers. But what kind of family is the Gay and Lesbian Times referring to in its article? The article was touting Cush's employee L.C. Cline, one of the biggest supporters of the radical homosexual agenda in San Diego. Cline stated in the article, "To me community means 'acceptance' and 'support'. I have so many things to be thankful for in my life. My (gay) life partner, Geo Barker, and I just celebrated 20 years together...I have worked on the (Gay) Pride Festival for five years and am community representative for the Cush Automotive Group. Mr. Cline and The Cush Auto Group were listed as the #139 entrant in the 2005 San Diego Gay Pride Parade (, the year that at least five registered dangerous gay sex offenders were found to be working with the event. One of the pedophiles, Marty the Clown, was hired to work in the San Diego Gay Pride Festival Children's Garden (

L.C. Cline isn't the only gay activist who has worked for Cush Auto. Frank Lechner, a previous Cush Auto salesman for Cush Honda, has been an even bigger promoter of the radical homosexual agenda in San Diego. According to a 2003 Gay and Lesbian Times article (, based upon Lechner's advise, Mike Smith Honda became the first auto dealership to advertise in the Gay and Lesbian Times -- over ten years ago (at the time). The 2003 article went on to state: "currently owned by the Cush Automotive Group, Cush Honda continues to advertise in the local gay press and remains a strong supporter of our community. "We were also the first dealer in the history of (Gay) Pride to openly support and sponsor (Gay) Pride and march in the parade," noted Lechner. "That really put our name out there at the forefront of the entire community in San Diego. And we've continued to do that for ten years." (said Lechner)."

Frank Lechner's support and promotion of homosexuality in San Diego has extensive roots, including regular donations to the Gay and Lesbian Center ( and membership in the San Diego Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce (GSDBA). According to the GSDBA, Lechner is serving as a sales representative of that gay business organization's annual directory (

Joel Anderson's Rainbow Coalition
Summation of Morally Compromised Donors
To Joel Anderson's Campaign

Phil Thalheimer - Participated in the 2004 Gay Pride Parade & Festival; Has a man who has had a sex change working as an executive in his flight school; supports gay civil unions and distribution of needles to drug addicts.
Duane Roth - San Diego's biggest promoter of embryonic stem cell research.
Viejas Band of Kumeyaay Indians - Owns Viejas Enterprises, one of the biggest sponsors of the 2006 San Diego Gay Pride Parade & Festival.
Steve Francis - Along with wife Gayle, are two of the biggest supporters of
the gay agenda in the local Republican Party. Gayle Francis was original producer of the Laramie Project, a homosexual play used to indoctrinate young teenagers into accepting the gay lifestyle. Steve appeared at the Gay and Lesbian Center in 2005 and stated that he supports gay civil unions.
Stephen Cushman - Cushman's auto enterprises (Now CEO of Cush Enterprises) has employed some of San Diego's biggest supporters of the radical gay agenda, including big support for the San Diego Gay Pride Parade each year and has advertised in gay newspapers in San Diego.
Frank V. Riolo - CEO of Viejas.
Mark Wyland - State Assemblyman who was one of the biggest promoters of pro-gay Steve Francis in his failed campaign for San Diego mayor in 2005.
RJReynolds - One of the largest tobacco companies contributing to massive
cancer deaths each year.
Pechanga Band of Mission Indians - Further immoral gaming money.
Southern Wines & Spirits of America - Number One ranked distributor of alcohol in the United States.
Bill Morrow - Wife continues to be lobbyist and attorney for the California Healthcare Institute, the primary promoter of embryonic stem cell research
in California. Sen. Morrow authored legislation to keep biotech companies in
California who do embryonic stem cell research. Currently working on reelection of pro-abortion, pro-gay Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Larry Stirling - Big supporter of homosexual activist Ralph Denney in his
campaign for state assembly.

This information has been provided by The James Hartline Report.
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James Hartline, Publisher
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Anonymous said…
Exactly WHICH part of "LOVE YOUR ENEMIES" don't you understand?

"Putting the FUN back into fundamentalism since 1919"

still undiscouraged
James Hartline said…
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James Hartline said…
2Cr 2:11 Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.

Which part of this do you not understand. Love does not require God's people to be ignorant or stupid in electing ungodly people to office. Love means protecting my neighbors from deceivers. Try reading the whole Bible, IN CONTEXT, instead of picking and choosing to dissect the Word so that it says something for your own personal agenda, that it does not even state.
We are called to openly rebuke ungodly leaders. Mr. Anderson is not a Christian and he is not a godly man. Thus, trying to use the Bible to let him off the hook for his ungodly drive for power and money, is not only, unscriptural, but is just plain ridiculous. I refuse to allow our culture to be taken further down the path of self-destruction by allowing deceptive and greedy people to go unchallenged in their quest to rule with their ungodly agendas. Jesus threw the moneychangers out of the temple. According to your diluted standard, Jesus was not showing love.
We need an entire army of those who have such a zeal for God that we all start throwing the moneychangers out of the temples throughout America and let it begin with me, right now!
Phil Thibedeaux said…
According to the Gay and Lesbian Times, Phil Thalheimer employs a man who has had a sex change operation. Why would Joel Anderson, who claims to oppose homosexual rights, then work on the campaign of Thalheimer in 2004?

It seems like you are suggesting here that if someone hires a post-operative transsexual, then a no one else should never work for them again?

I guess I'm having trouble interpreting what you meant with that sentence. I might personally find smoking distasteful, but if my employer allows smoke breaks for other employees, that doesn't mean I ought to quit my job, does it?
James Hartline said…
A sin is still a sin, no matter how the secular world tries to package it. The Bible states that homosexuality is a sin, regardless of those unqualified to do so, who attempt to reinterpret the Bible to accomodate their sexual deviancies. The Bible states that it is an abomination in the eyes of the Lord for a man to lie with another man, as he would a woman and it is a grevious sin for a man to impersonate a woman. Jesus never did away with the Old Testament Laws regarding sexuality, but instead He said, "I have come to fulfill the law."

A politician who runs on a platform of "pro-family" who then hires a man who is impersonating a woman, in total rebellion to the will of God and His word, should be called to task for doing so.
There is no Biblical evidence for a "man being trapped in woman's body." That is simply a demonic delusion held by those who reject themselves and what God created them for.
Christians are called to call sin, sin! Not to change the Bible to accomodate or appease those in rebellion to God.

I will have to stand before God one day and give Him an account for my obedience. I certainly am not going to sin against the Lord and risque His judgment simply to appease those who want to promote homosexuality as a way of life. Who shall I be afraid of more: God or the homosexual agenda? I fear God only!

Who shall I fear more, God or secular, anti-christian scientists and psychologists who want to promote sexual immorality as a means of driving out Christian influence in our nation? I fear God only!

I came out of thirty years of homosexuality and have no desire for that sin at all anymore. If I can change, then so can anyone else who engages in sexual immorality in rebellion to God. It is a choice, not some bogus theory being circulated as fact to accomdate the deceived.

By the way, smoking is not the equivalent of castration. Nicotine is not the equivalent of ingesting female hormones by a male. Anyone that butchers their own body up, by intentionally castrating their penis, cutting open their chest to have plastic and silicone implanted into their pectoral cavity, have their faces reconstructed unnecessarily and then inject themselves full of chemicals and opposite sex hormones to accomadate a mental illness, has truly got a serious, serious delusional problem. And then this employer has this man, doing these things working as his executive. Please! And this is a person that wants to be elected to our city council. Please!

And the sad part is, what answer will this person give when he stands before God, after butchering up his body, living in sexual deviancy and attempting to force the rest of society to accept this. What answer can he give God? None, there will be none acceptable before a holy God.
Shall we just sit in silence as this person and others like him set themselves up for eternal damnation?
If we truly care and love, we will warn. If we do not care and do not love, then we will remain silent and say it is someone else's problem to deal with.
Anonymous said…
In my opinion, Gambling is something that every human being has the right to do, and politicians should keep their nosesout of what people do for entertainment or within the comfort of their own homes.

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