What Do You Think? A New Project of The James Hartline Report

What Do Think?
A New Project Of The James Hartline Report.
At the James Hartline Report we have rapidly expanded over the summer months. Our database of email readers has reached over 50,000 email readers. We have several exciting projects and websites that will be launched over the next few months. As part of the exciting group of services that we provide to our readers, there will now be a new interractive report called What Do You Think?
What Do You Think? will present news stories that include some of the chosen opinions of those who respond to our regular What Do You Think? questions. We know that there are many people who do not agree with the opinions of the James Hartline Report. Oftentimes, readers with opposing opinions are frustrated that they cannot contend with the opinions of the James Hartline Report because they do not have the extensive readership of our various publications. Not that we will necessarily agree with our opponents, but we humbly understand what it is like to be marginalized and not heard.
There was a time when publisher James Hartline was not listened to by anyone and he paid the price. When he was a young kid, he was beaten, tortured and abused for fourteen years by a family member. He had no one he could tell, thus the abuse went on unstopped for years. After he was lured into the gay community as an 18 year-old, and subsequently exposed to intravenous drug use, James was sent to prison for stealing to support his drug habit. For nineteen long years, James was imprisoned AND for nineteen years, the voice of James Hartline did not matter. He had no free speech rights and no platform at all to express his opinions.
Indeed, everyone at the James Hartline Report truly understands through the story of James Hartline, what it is like to be in a place where a man or woman does not have an opportunity to epress their opinion, whether that opinion is a good one or a bad one. The life story of James Hartline causes all of us to understand why he is so passionate about protecting kids from abuse. Like James when he was young, too many of our kids today have no one who listens to them when they are being abused.
Understanding the traumatic things that James saw and experienced in the gay community as an 18 year-old, causes all of us at the James Hartline Report to have a better understanding of why he is so determined to let the world know about the corruption, the plague of illegal drug use and the damaging sexual behaviors which are epidemics in gay communities throughout America. To not speak out against such terrible things going on in gay communities, would make James and his ministry partners and volunteers just as bad as those who are committing the bad things going on in those communities. Someone, finally has to rise up and stop this madness. Too many lives are being destroyed in gay communities. True Christianity shows true love by confronting the very works of darkness which steal, kill and destroy the lives of our youngest generation. To remain silent is to feed the darkness.
Needless to say, so many of our young men and women are being destroyed by these destructive plagues that are core elements of urban gay communities throughout our country. Despite the many who continue to dishonestly defend the gay communities when they are confronted by these accusations, they cannot cover up the evidence. In their attempt to paint America's gay communites with the broad brush of justification and deception, many defenders of the gay agenda would rather see young men and women perish than to admit that they are wrong.
What Do You Think?
Is it fair to cover up the terrible things going on in America's gay communities? Do you think that there are people who would actually cover up the truth, even to the point that lives are being destroyed, because their political goals are more important than lives?
Or are these just lies to make the gay community look bad? Do you believe that accusations of illegal drug abuse, destructive sexual behaviors, and corruption being widespread in America's gay communities are just statements and lies being made by anti-gay accusers who do not like the gay agenda?
Your answers will be considered for inclusion in an upcoming What Do You Think? James Hartline Report publication.
And, as always, we never read, consider or have respect for postings that include profanity or overt anti-christian bigotry. We receive hundreds of requests each day to have responding posts published. Occasionally, we will publish posts. We are fair, and when we do decide to publish posts, we will publish posts, even from those of opposing opinions, as long as they are respectful, intelligent and sincere.
Hispanic community, and many other segments of society. I have never heard you speak out against the problems in the black community. Why is it that some people always trash the gay community without statistics or verified evidence that problems of this nature are more threatening to society in the gay community than in other segments of society?
Many people in the gay community have various problems but so do many people in the religious community, in the halls of Congress, in the medical professions, and etc. Why not talk about the problem rather than single out one group, i.e. gays. Drug use in our society is a problem. Most gay people do not have a problem with drugs but some do. To paint the gay community with a broad brush of condemnation is not a very Christian thing to do, in my opinion.
“Is it fair to cover up the terrible things going on in America's gay communities?” No one is covering up the problems in the gay community. In my opinion, the gay community has been more open and honest about their problems and have taken action to solve those problems. The gay community should serve as a role model for the rest of the nation. An example is the AIDS walk this week. The gay community started the AIDS WALK to help victims of AIDS, which worldwide is really a heterosexual disease. The gay community has programs to deal with alcohol abuse, unsafe sex, and various other problems. Here in San Diego the gay community is reaching out to young people to build their self esteem, to educate them about safe sexual practices, and to fight discrimination. There are many organizations in the gay community that are working on various problems within the gay community. Talk to Dr. Delores Jacobs at the Center and you will gain a new insight of what is happening in San Diego.
1) "Is it fair to cover up the terrible things going on in America's gay communities?"
// I wasn't aware that the gay communities' in America had their problems 'covered up.' If it is true, no I don't think it's fair. I don't think cover-ups are fair in general.
2) "Do you think that there are people who would actually cover up the truth, even to the point that lives are being destroyed, because their political goals are more important than lives?"
// Yes, I'm sure there are people like that - but I don't think the majority are.
3) Or are these just lies to make the gay community look bad?
// I'm not sure what lies you are specifically referring to.
4) "Do you believe that accusations of illegal drug abuse, destructive sexual behaviors, and corruption being widespread in America's gay communities are just statements and lies being made by anti-gay accusers who do not like the gay agenda?"
// I don't believe that the accusations are ALL just statements and lies - maybe some of them are. And I don't think ALL the people people making the accusations are anti-gay accusers who do not like the gay agenda. And by gay agenda I assume this primarily means 'gay marriage' although I don't know what your definition of 'gay agenda' is exactly.
I believe that the accusations of illegal drug abuse, destructive sexual behaviors, and of widespread corruption in the gay communities are probably exaggerated but not entirely false.
To me, the reality is that gays and lesbians are a minority, and I think being a minority regardless of the type of minority (race, religion, sexual orientation) causes higher levels of stress. I found a summary of a research study done on Jewish and Palestinian students titled, "Well-Being among Minority Students". The study "compares the well-being of Israeli Jewish students and Palestinian students and examines the role of social support in their well-being." The finding of the study show "that the Palestinian students are significantly more distressed than their Jewish counterparts, according to all measures of well-being. At the same time, their perceived social support is significantly higher than that of the Jewish students."
SOURCE: http://jsw.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/4/2/215
To me, the part that struck me in regards to your article was this part: "At the same time, their perceived social support is significantly higher than that of the Jewish students" even though they're experiencing higher levels of distress. This reminds me of your article where you mention that the "terrible things going on in America's gay communities" are being "covered up". That to me sounds like "perceived social support" that is "significantly higher."
Also, here are symptoms I found of a person experiencing stress:
* Eating more or less
* Sleeping too much or too little
* Isolating yourself from others
* Procrastination, neglecting responsibilities
* Using alcohol, cigarettes, or drugs to relax
* Nervous habits (e.g. nail biting, pacing)
* Teeth grinding or jaw clenching
* Overdoing activities (e.g. exercising, shopping)
* Overreacting to unexpected problems
* Picking fights with others
SOURCE: http://www.helpguide.org/mental/stress_signs.htm
And to repeat, here are the "accusations" you mentioned of the gay community:
1) illegal drug abuse
2) destructive sexual behaviors
3) widespread corruption
To me, illegal drug abuse and destructive sexual behaviors sound like they could be linked to symptoms of stress.