Gay Activists Plot To Disrupt San Diego Christian Youth Event As Battle Cry Is Sounded To Reclaim California

Homosexual Activists Plot To Disrupt
San Diego Christian Youth Event
Christian Youth Sound The "Battle Cry"
To Bring California Back To God!
Transvestites and Homosexual Activists Attacked Christian Youth
In San Francisco During "Battle Cry" Rally For Jesus Christ:
Plot Underway To Do The Same To Christian Kids During San Diego Event
- JHReport - It seems that California's homosexual and transvestite activists are taking a page right out of the Biblical account of Sodom's destruction as they aggressively protest Christian youth rallies being held in various California cities. Moses wrote in the Book of Genesis about the men of Sodom who attempted to break down the front door of Lot's house after Lot refused to allow the city's homosexuals to have relations with the angels sent by God to rescue Lot's family from the impending destruction of his city. "Battle Cry For A Generation," a series of rallies conducted by Ron Luce, a prominent evangelist among America's wayward teenagers, faced vicious opposition from gays and lesbians in 2006 (
Ironically, while Ron Luce has rescued thousands of teenagers from getting AIDS, gays have blasted Luce and his youth-friendly message of remaining abstinent until marriage. Telling teenagers to remain abstinent is not a message that sits well with the sexually promiscuous advocates of the radicalized homosexual movement in California. While Evangelist Luce does not focus solely on the sin of homosexuality, it is one of the areas he addresses in his sermons to the lost youth of America. This has made Ron Luce one of the most hated men in liberal homosexual circles. And in 2007, Luce and his "Acquire The Fire" Youth events are once again being targeted by extremist transvestites, lesbians and gays in the metropolitan cities where Battle Cry events are being held.
San Diego Christian Teenagers Targeted By Homosexual Activists
One of the loudest voices in San Diego's homosexual community for indoctrinating teenagers into their radicalized movment is older male transvestite Nicole Murray Ramirez. Ramirez has a notorious history of mocking Christianity by dressing up as a Catholic nun ( For decades, Ramirez has promoted xxx gay pornography while attacking Christian leaders who stand opposed to his perverse ideals. San Diego Mayor Jerry Sanders has allowed Ramirez to have great influence in his city including a position as Chairman of the Human Relations Commission (HRC) ( The HRC is responsible for investigating civil rights violations in San Diego, yet Ramirez continues to engage in immoral and prejudicial campaigns against Christians who believe that homosexuality is a sin.
Ramirez is already inciting an atmosphere of hostility towards the Christian teenagers who are coming to San Diego in April for the next Battle Cry Rally. According to a recent column in the Gay and Lesbian Times, Ramirez is calling on members of San Diego's homosexual movement to counter the Battle Cry Rally event. Here is what transvestite Nicole Murray Ramirez had to say about the Christian teenagers coming to San Diego:
Thousands of anti-gay Christians coming to San Diego
"Next month, thousands of Christians will be coming to San Diego to hold a rally focusing on the sin of homosexuality. They have held similar rallies in San Francisco that resulted in large counter demonstrations that turned ugly.
I propose we look into organizing a peaceful, loving welcome by GLBT Christians and our straight Christian allies. We could peacefully hold up signs such as “We are all God’s children” and “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone” and “Judge not lest you be judged” and other messages along these lines. More on this in my next column."
The hefty hypocrisy of Ramirez follows on the heels of radical leftist California Democratic State Assemblyman Mark Leno's disturbing assault on the Battle Cry teenagers in 2006. Leno, who is the author of bills to legalize gay marriage in California had this to say about the teenagers of the Battle Cry event last year:
That's bad news to Assemblyman Mark Leno, D-San Francisco, who told counterprotesters at City Hall on Friday that while such fundamentalists may be small in number, "they're loud, they're obnoxious, they're disgusting, and they should get out of San Francisco."
While gay activists are determined to block teenagers from hearing Luce's message of truth and righteousness, his ministry is not deterred. Battle Cry describes the crisis facing America's youth this way:
"A stealthy enemy has infiltrated our country and is preying upon the hearts and minds of 33 million American teens. Corporations, media conglomerates, and purveyors of popular culture have spent billions to seduce and enslave our youth. So far, the enemy is winning. But there is plenty we can do. We need to take action. We need to answer the Battle Cry."
Ron Luce is giving the men and women of San Diego an opportunity to fulfill a destiny designed by God to reclaim their city for something beyond the perversions, greed and political anarchy that have taken over their community. The San Diego event is called "Branded By God, The Mark Of A Warrior". Held at Cox Arena on the campus of San Diego State University, this Acquire the Fire event will be held April 27-28, 2007 (
To gain a better understanding of how healthy and positive the Acquire the Fire events are for the youth who attend these life-changing festivals, you can watch the video highlights from the 2007 San Francisco Battle Cry Event by viewing this video: ( Churches are invited to participate in this significant rally that is sure to inspire thousands of young teenagers to renew their commitments to God and their civic obligations. You can contact Acquire the Fire at their ministry website: or Call 1-888-778-FIRE(3473) and ask for a San Diego representative to find out even more about this event.
Photos: Courtesy Of San Francisco Chronicle website
Photo #1. Rev. Judy Tergis, a member of the cult called Church of Natural Grace
angrily shouts at Christian teenagers making their stand for God
at San Francisco City Hall during 2006 "Battle Cry" Rally
Photo#2. A male transvestite dressed up as a Catholic nun, mocking Christian
teenagers during a 2006 Battle Cry youth rally in San Francisco.
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I'm disgusted by the actions of you and your followers. These are not the teachings of God.
Our children are committing suicide because of people like you!
I once was a Christian, but now I do not follow the church, I only follow my heart and LOVE all life on this planet.
My son is Gay and I love him and respect his choices, he has many friends in school that are gay as well, they are all great kids.
I hope one day you realize you can't stop destiny. And that by outcasting homosexuals your only hurting the church and breaking families apart.
It's one of my beliefs that Homosexuality is a balance of life and is needed to slow the ever expanding population.
May the lord show you the light to salvation before your soul is consumed by the darkness.
What is bad about an ever-expanding population. A growing population in a productive political/economic system brings wealth and continually increasing prosperity to nearly all of the population.
Most of your comments are based on stereotyping of one kind or another.