ACTION ALERT -- Cowards, Not Cowboys! Lakeside, California Allowing Gay Rodeo To Expose Children To Homosexuality

The James Hartline Report Action Center
April 9, 2007
Take Action Now!
Lakeside, California Rodeo Association Leaders
Are Cowards, Not Cowboys
El Capitan Stadium Association Claims To Be Children's Charity
While Allowing Perverted Gay Rodeo In Lakeside, California
(Action Alert) With sponsors that include an explicit adult gay sex chatline (Interactive Male) and a company that produces lubricants used in anal intercourse, the San Diego chapter of the Golden State Gay Rodeo Association will be bringing its annual homosexual rodeo to the family-friendly Lakeside, California Rodeo Grounds from June 1 - 3, 2007 ( Last year, the San Diego Gay Rodeo triggered outrage in the conservative community of Lakeside when the group was allowed to bring drag queens, sexually explicit advertisers and a message of spreading homosexuality to the grounds of this Lakeside children's charity rodeo venue ( With all of the turmoil created by last year's twisted rodeo, there seems to be an even bigger problem this year: complete silence among Lakeside's church leaders, elected officials and family groups regarding the presence of the gay rodeo in their community. To learn about how immoral the San Diego Gay Rodeo really is visit the website HomoRodeo as they describe their "parties" for the San Diego event:
What is the message that community leaders are sending to the children of Lakeside, California by remaining silent about the presence of a rodeo that features men dressed up as women while competing in the event? What are the consequences for little girls who come to the rodeo with their parents and are confronted with images of lesbians acting and dressing like men? How do parents explain to their young sons about the advertisments for a gay sex chatline that is sponsoring the rodeo? Trash cans at the gay rodeo event openly feature advertisements for sexual lubricants (Wet) ( How do youth pastors explain that message to their kids?
Sponsors for the San Diego Gay Rodeo include "Wet" a company that manufactures lubricants used in anal intercourse. Lakeside, California is home to some of the biggest churches in San Diego County. Dozens of unsuspecting parents with children may be lured onto the rodeo grounds, perhaps right after attending church services. Yet, the message that these churches are sending to their youth by saying nothing about the gay rodeo can best be summed up with one sermon title: "Brokeback Spirituality!"
We don't know if the pastors of Lakeside, California are too scared to make a stand for their youth against the San Diego Gay Rodeo being in their community, but their corporate silence does give the appearance of pastoral cowardice: "Sorry kids, you're on your own. We're too afraid to say or do anything because we don't want to offend those who want to corrupt you."
Last year, the San Diego Gay Rodeo interfered with at least one church's ability to use its regular facility for church services. The San Diego Gay Rodeo does not limit its perversions to the rodeo grounds. One of the other events that they have schedulted is a pool party at the Four Points Sheraton, the same hotel that Mission Valley Christian Fellowship meets in for its weekly services. Fearing that the participants of the rodeo would be engaging in sexually degrading acts in front of its youth, the church was forced to find another facility for its services that week. Mission Valley Christian Fellowship had good reason to be worried. Here is how the San Diego Gay Rodeo describes its pool party in the hotel:
( February 16, 2007
"Please note that contestant registration, welcome mixer and all evening events
will be held at the Four Points by Sheraton San Diego. This includes San Diego's
'prestigious' Friday Pool Party complete with 24 man hot tub! This year's Pool Party
promises to be the most 'wet' you've seen yet! Make sure you're in the center of
the action and book your room early."
Once again, this twisted gay rodeo has booked the Four Points Sheraton for its parties despite the fact that the church uses the same hotel facility each week. Once again, Mission Valley Christian Fellowship will be forced to spend extra time protecting its many children during the weekend of the immoral rodeo (
The San Diego Gay Rodeo has a history of promoting grotesque and perverse events. This makes the refusal of Lakeside parents and churches to speak out against the presence of the gay rodeo in their community all the more disturbing. Take for instance, the San Diego Gay Rodeo leaders who issued a press release in 2006 to congratulate the winners of a perverted S & M gay leather sex contest:
SAN DIEGO, CA March 23, 2006 -- The Golden State Gay Rodeo Association – Greater San Diego Chapter (GSGRA-GSDC) would like to congratulate Buster, Mr. San Diego Leather 2006. Buster won his new title this past Saturday night, 18 March 2006, at the 22nd Annual Mr. San Diego Leather Contest held at Rich’s (a gay bar). GSGRA-GSDC would also like to congratulate Ray, Mr. San Diego Eagle 2005 and Viking who also competed for the title for a job well done...."This was my first time attending a ‘Leather’ event. I was blown away by the camaraderie of the leather community and the cohesiveness and support between the different clubs. Other sects of the GLBT community can learn a lot from the Leather community,” stated Mike DiNucci, Treasurer, GSGRA-GSDC (San Diego Gay Rodeo)."
As disgraceful as the gay rodeo is, there is perhaps a more scandalous culprit in this anti-family debacle. That culprit is the distasteful and hypocritical leadership of the El Capitan Stadium Association. The El Capitan Stadium Association manages the Lakeside Rodeo Grounds. This is the group that has booked the San Diego Gay Rodeo at the Lakeside Rodeo venue. Unbelievably, the El Capitan Stadium Association describes itself as a children's charity! Here is how the association's website describes itself:
"Welcome to the home of the Lakeside Rodeo / El Capitan Stadium Association.
We are sincere in all of our efforts in supporting the youth of Lakeside, and this
site is no different. We are a volunteer organization, with all members donating
their time, efforts and labor. We do this in the hopes that we better the lives
of the children in our community."
What smells worse, the rodeo bulls or the hypocrisy of the El Capitan Stadium Association who is claiming concern for the children of Lakeside while they allow these same children to be exposed to homosexuality, transvestites and lesbianism during a gay rodeo? This organization is full of cowards, not cowboys!
And then of course, there is one more culprit in this attack on the children of Lakeside. The third culprit are the sponsors of the Lakeside Rodeo grounds. While these companies love attaching their names to the rodeo grounds as sponsors to bring in new customers, they will not speak out against the filth of the San Diego Gay Rodeo. This is simply a case of companies wrestling down bulls and then giving out "bull" when it comes to protecting the children of Lakeside. Sponsors of the Lakeside Rodeo include El Cajon Ford, KUSI News, KSON-FM, and BootBarn ( Please take time to contact the sponsors of the Lakeside Rodeo and express your disapproval of exposing Lakeside Children and Families to the perversions of the San Diego Gay Rodeo.
Corporate America has made it clear to this nation's citizens that money, not morality, is its driving force. Once again that is being made perfectly clear via the San Diego Gay Rodeo. Coors Brewing Company is sponsoring the San Diego Gay Rodeo. Coors has also received a 100% rating from the homosexual activist organization Human Rights Campaign because of Coors aggressive support and promotion of homosexuality and lesbianism within its corporate structure ( To better understand the moral and spiritual implications for Lakeside citizens in having the San Diego Gay Rodeo in its community, read the press release from the group regarding the Coors' sponsorship:
SAN DIEGO, Calif., Thursday, March 8, 2006 - The Golden State Gay Rodeo Association – Greater San Diego Chapter (GSGRA-GSDC) is pleased to announce our title sponsor for the 19th Annual San Diego (Gay) Rodeo, Coors Brewing Company (a subsidiary of Molson Coors Brewing Company, NYSE, TSX - TAP). The Greater San Diego Chapter is proud to have such an outstanding company as part of our event. We are very excited and look forward to helping promote the Coors Brewing Company and specifically the COORS LIGHT brand to our community. "We are very excited to welcome Coors to the San Diego Rodeo family for the second consecutive year! The partnership with Coors is something very special to us; it's more than a poster for a weekend event. It is about partnering with the best in the brewing industry and promoting their brands beyond rodeo weekend," said Tony Nicholson, 2007 Vice President of Administration, GSGRA-GSDC (San Diego Gay Rodeo). For the third consecutive year, Coors has received a perfect score on The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) Foundation's Corporate Equality Index and has been recognized for the second year in a row as one of the "Best Places to Work for GLBT (Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/Transsexual) Equality." "We have had an opportunity to share some of our learnings and best practices with some of our customers. And through some of our groundbreaking policies such as domestic partner benefits and our inclusion of "gender identity" in our non-discrimination policy, we have modeled the way for many other corporations," Dickerson said. Annually, Coors supports organizations within the GLBT community – from groups supporting people affected by HIV and AIDS to (Gay) Pride activities and GLBT sporting events nationwide. "Partnering with organizations that show such commitment to the GLBT community is important to me personally and professionally and Coors is a great fit," said Joseph Sims, Public Relations, GSGRA-GSDC (San Diego Gay Rodeo).
Take Action!
Now is the time for concerned citizens who care about the little boys and little girls of Lakeside to do something about the perversion of the San Diego Gay Rodeo coming to the Lakeside Rodeo Grounds. Remember, the El Capitan Stadium Association is a non-profit charity and they have the right to say NO to the San Diego Gay Rodeo on their property. They could have said no, but greed for money overrruled common sense in their decision. They have no excuse for allowing an event that is sponsored by graphic sexual products in a venue that claims to benefit the children of Lakeside (
If the community leaders of Lakeside will not fight for the protection of their own children, we who care about them must rise up and take action. We don't care if drag queens have a place to have a demented rodeo. What we do care about is the future of our generation. Will you please take action and protest the Lakeside Rodeo and their partnership with the San Diego Gay Rodeo? Lakeside's children are counting on us to defend their generation. And to the politicians, like Lakeside-area State Assemblyman Joel Anderson (, who have campaigned on "family values" to get elected, but now remain completely silent on the gay rodeo matter, re-election time is just around the corner!
To Contact The Lakeside Rodeo and El Capitan Stadium Association, go to their website: Although Lakeside is an unincorporated city, there are many community leaders of influence that you can contact by going to the city's website: To contact the many churches in Lakeside, California to ask them to protest the San Diego Gay Rodeo, go to these lists: and other internet church lists. You can also speak at the monthly meeting of the El Capitan Stadium Association to object to the San Diego Gay Rodeo being in Lakeside (
This Action Alert Has Been Provided By The James Hartline Report.
Now Read Daily By Over 9,500 Concerned Citizens Of Conviction.
"They Said I Would Give Up.
They Were Wrong.
I'm Just Getting Started!"
James Hartline, Publisher
The James Hartline Report
Educating The Church
Fighting For Our Generation
Photo in this article:
Copyright 2006 Union-Tribune Publishing Co.
Drag Queen in The 2006 San Diego Gay Rodeo.