JHReport -- The "San Diego Twelve" Call On City Council To Eliminate Pornography In Public Park During Gay Pride Festival

The James Hartline Report
- On The Frontlines Of The Culture War -
April 19, 2007

San Diego Christian Activists Declare War On Porn Industry!

The "San Diego Twelve" Call On City Council To Eliminate
Pornography From Being Illegally Displayed During
Annual San Diego Gay Pride Festival

(JHReport) Last month, a group of Christian activists stepped out of their city's apathetic crowd to make a public stand against an elementary charter school after it was learned that the school was intentionally exposing young children to the pornographic influences of the annual San Diego Gay Pride Parade (www.onenewsnow.com/2007/03/outrage_over_san_diego_schools.php). The Christian group, composed of twelve concerned citizens, were quickly named the "San Diego Twelve" by national news services. You can hear a national news story about the San Diego Twelve by listening to this report: www.onenewsnow.com/audio/2007/03/07/jimsandiegovoicer.mp3.

Proving that they were not just a one-hit wonder, the San Diego Twelve have once again pressed forward with their impressive campaign to protect their city's youth from the San Diego Gay Pride organization's pornographic enterprises.

During a Tuesday, April 17, 2007 San Diego City Council meeting, this group of dedicated Christians demonstrated that they are all business when it comes to the future of children in San Diego, California. While many politicians and secular community leaders will often make superficial claims of being concerned with protecting children, the San Diego Twelve are proving that they actually back up their words with effective action. Group member Mallory Gish travelled all the way from Los Angeles just to make her stand on behalf of the children of San Diego on Tuesday. "I'm just happy to be involved with something that seeks to protect young kids from pornography," Gish told the James Hartline Report.

Linda Vista community leaders Robert Sutton and his wife, Republican activist Kim Tran, have made it their life mission to protect children from the destructive influences of the pornography industry. Going to the city council as part of the "Not On My Watch" Team is a good fit for the Suttons. Both Robert and Kim have become familiar faces at city hall since joining team leader James Hartline and his five-year battle to clean up the moral rot in San Diego.

As expected, the San Diego Twelve did not receive any respect from two-term city councilwoman Toni Atkins, a Democrat from the council district that produces the annual San Diego Gay Pride Festival. Atkins, a lesbian activist, is one of the biggest cheerleaders for the annual porn-filled San Diego Gay Pride event. In 2005, when it was reported by James Hartline that numerous pedophiles were supervising the San Diego Gay Pride Festival, Atkins still encouraged San Diegans, as well as children, to go to the event (www.nbcsandiego.com/news/4768148/detail.html?rss=dgo&psp=news). Atkins has made it clear, that she has no intention of changing her views on the annual homosexual festival or the pornographic influences which dominate the event. Prior to her role on the city council, Councilwoman Atkins managed a number of abortion clinics, something she is very proud of. Another thing that Atkins is not changing is her attitude towards Hartline's campaign to rid his city of the pornography industry. A number of individuals who attended the April 17th council hearing told Hartline that Councilwoman Atkins never even looked up or acknowledged the San Diego Twelve when they addressed the council from the podium.

James Hartline and his team are getting used to being disrespected in their efforts to clean-up San Diego. Over the last five years, Hartline has been threatened, slapped, spit on, and called every filthy name imaginable by homosexual activists (www.wnd.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=45879). "Being ignored by a lesbian councilwoman is just another example of how closed-minded the gay agenda is when it comes to demands that they stop allowing the porn industry from exposing kids to sexual immorality," Hartline said after the council hearing on Tuesday.

One thing that the San Diego Twelve did get consensus on from their own ranks is an agreement that they will keep coming back to the council to represent the Christian Community in the governmental affairs of their city. Christians and Catholics represent approximately 90% of San Diego's population. James Hartline is determined to make sure that the voices of those 90% are adequately represented at city hall. Some in San Diego are even encouraging Hartline to run for the council seat being vacated by Atkins in 2008. All twelve members are energized about the possiblity of seeing San Diego Gay Pride pornography removed from the family-friendly Balboa Park area. City law forbids adult or obsence businesses from operating within 1,000 feet of any city park.

Lois Wise, a regular member of the "Not On My Watch" Team, and a mother of many children, takes her Christianity very seriously when she comes to the city council meetings. Wise, who owns a construction business, has made the "building of children's lives" a key component of her Christian faith. A product of the Jesus Movement of the early 1970's, Lois Wise relishes the idea of returning back to that exciting society-changing era. "God's people need to get back to the place of holiness and protecting children," Wise has told the James Hartline Report.

Many outsiders have asked James Hartline what is the secret to his team's success over the years in light of the fact that the city council is usually opposed to his group's moral standards. Hartline simply points to the hundreds of prayer partners that have been standing in the gap for him and his various ministries. "Prayer -- it is the power that causes us to persevere and overcome all of our opponents and their opposition," declares Hartline.

You can watch the April 17, 2007 San Diego City Council hearing
to view the speech by James Hartline with the "Not On My Watch" Team:
Go To: http://granicus.sandiego.gov/ViewPublisher.php?view_id=3
City Council - Tuesday April 17, 2007 -- Click On View Video
Go To Non-Agenda Comment / Slide Time Ruler to time of 33:20

This Information Has Been Provided By The James Hartline Report.
Now Read Daily By Over 10,000 Concerned Citizens Of Conviction!


"They Said That I Would Give Up.
They Were Wrong.
I Am Just Getting Started!"

James Hartline, Publisher
The James Hartline Report
Educating The Church
Fighting For Our Generation


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