James Hartline's Christian Community News - Voter Recommendations & More!

~ Christian Community News ~
~ Faithfully Informing The Christian Community Since 2003 ~
Editor James Hartline
February - 2008

The 2008 Elections - Who Should Christians Support?

"Don't team up with those who are unbelievers. How can goodness
be a partner with wickedness? How can light live with darkness?"
2 Corinthians 6:14

As faithful Christians who have bonded ourselves to the teachings of Jesus Christ and the Apostle Paul, we have an obligation to go to the Bible to gain instructions on how we should vote in the 2008 elections. Jesus did not die in vain. He died so that we would be spiritually reborn, filled with His Spirit and have a renewed mind. With guidance from the Bible, our renewed minds can correctly discern how we should be voting in this critical 2008 elections. As Christians, we are never instructed to compromise our values or commitment to God.

The political systems of the world are constantly seeking ways to manipulate Christians. Unfortunately, secular political leaders have been very successful at infiltrating churches and luring Christians into making ungodly decisions. The end result of this infiltration has been Christians making covenants with deceptive politicians. We are now on the brink of seeing America become one of the most ungodly and anti-christian nations on the planet. What do we do to bring political revival to America and turn this nation back from the dark path it has been going down?

We need a national miracle. Only God can save us now. However, God will not move miraculously on our behalf if we are continuing to be disobedient in our decision making. There are too many Christians who are seeking God for miracles, but they still continue to make decisions which are blantantly disobedient to the teachings of the Bible. God will not move where there is disobedience.

Jesus said in John 12:46 -- "I am come a light into the world, that whosoever believes in Me should not abide in the darkness." We are commanded by the Lord in this passage to remove ourselves from living in the darkness. The term darkness is defined as "ignorance of divine things, and its associated wickedness, and the resultant misery in hell."

We cannot claim to be servants of the Lord at the same time that we are making decisions which lead to the empowerment of ungodly political leaders in our nation. We cannot buy into this manipulative idea of "voting for the lesser of two evils." This squandering of our Christian heritage by voting for a candidate who is less evil than his or her opponent is still voting for a evil person. Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 6:14, "How can goodness partner with wickedness?" If we are truly seeking God for a national revival based upon the Word of God, we dare not give our support to those who are in rebellion to the teachings of Jesus Christ.

In order for us to see true Christian and political revival in our nation, we must take bold and decisive action. We can no longer afford to cast our vote for those who we cannot confirm as Christians. It is most prudent to remind ourselves of the timely Biblical scripture which says, "Do not cast your pearl before swine." Our vote is our pearl. Our vote is our seed. Our vote is our destiny! Let us only plant our seed in the good soil of worthy candidates during this 2008 election season.

Here are the current recommendations from the James Hartline Report. We only recommend those candidates, judges and initiatives which are confirmed as being Christian and helpful to the Cause of Christ:

2008 California Elections: February 5, 2008
Presidential - Alan Keyes
Propositions 91 - 97:
VOTE NO! on all Propositions (91-97)

San Diego City Council Elections: June 3, 2008
District 3 - James Hartline
District 7 - Bill Daniel
San Diego Republican Central Committee (76th District)
James Hartline; Bill Daniel; Robert Sutton

Grossmont Union High School District Elections: Nov. 4, 2008
Priscilla Schreiber
Larry Urdahl

Ohio State Assembly Elections: March 4, 2008
94th District - Dr. Patrick Johnston

San Diego Christian Chamber of Commerce:
A Revolutionary Idea!

On Saturday, January 26th, we had our first meeting of the San Diego Christian Chamber of Commerce. With fourteen Christian business leaders in attendance and those interested in bringing the business community together for the Cause of Christ, this first monthly meeting was a real success. Our website is already being developed: San Diego Christian Chamber of Commerce and will include an extensive directory of Christian businesses, organizations and Christians offering their goods and services to the community. We are currently developing our protocol for accepting members. We will be establishing a scholarship fund for Christian students wanting to further their education but do not have the financing to do so. Each meeting will have a continental breakfast. To attend our upcoming February 23, 2008 meeting at 8:30am please RSVP James Hartline.

Shake The Nation - San Diego Conference
October 9 - 13, 2008
We are scheduling Presidential Candidate Alan Keyes
As keynote speaker!
Coach Dave Daubenmire, Gregory Thompson, James Hartline
will headline Shake The Nation Conference in San Diego.

This will be San Diego's premiere Christian Conservative event in 2008. We are in the process of booking Republican Presidential candidate Alan Keyes to come to San Diego as our keynote speaker. With headliners Coach Dave Daubenmire, Gregory Thompson and James Hartline, this event promises to be the most exciting time in America right before the 2008 November elections. Stay tuned for upcoming updates on this awesome event being sponsored by James Hartline and the HIllcrest Mission.

Do You Appreciate All Of The Godly Works
Of James Hartline and The Hillcrest Mission?

You can contribute to the many ministries of the HIllcrest Mission!
Our Ministries Include:
California Christian News Website
The San Diego Christian Chamber of Commerce
The "Not On My Watch" City Council Team
The Hillcrest Mission Outreaches, Prayer Walks & Educational Tours
The Hillcrest Mission Book Publications
Food and Vitamins Outreach
Shake The Nation Conferences
and many more great activities for the Glory of God!

You can become a monthly partner or give a one time
tax-deductible contribution:
Make Checks out to:
The Hillcrest Mission
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 632763
San Diego, CA. 92163

Please Support Your Christian Candidates!

James Hartline For San Diego City Council:
James Hartline is commited to cleaning out all of the corruption
that is running rampant in San Diego's City Hall!
No more backroom deals!
No more disrespecting our Christian Community!
Help Is On The Way!
Support James Hartline, District 3 - San Diego City Council!
Make your checks out to: Hartline For City Council
You can contribute up to $270 per person to James' campaign.
Mail your contribution checks (include your name, address
telephone number, occupation and employer) to:
Hartline For City Council
P.O. Box 632763
San Diego, CA. 92163

You Are Invited To:
James Hartline In Ethiopia, A Campaign Dinner Fundraiser
For Hartline For City Council
$30 contribution for each ticket.
Come enjoy a delicious Ethiopian Dinner, Bible Lesson on the
ancient history of Ethiopians and their role in Chrisitanity
at Harar's Ethiopian Cafe.
A raffle ticket is given to you with your contribution.
The raffle prize is a $100 complete makeover for a man or woman
at Manny's Salon. (Includes Haircut, perm and coloring).
Send $30 check for each ticket to:
Hartline For City Council
P.O. Box 632763
San Diego, CA. 92163

God Bless Everyone For Fighting The Battle To Save Our Nation!

This has been an exclusive James Hartline Report Update.
Now Read Daily By Over 16,000 Concerned Citizens Of Conviction.

I Am Making My Stand!
Have You Started Making Yours Yet?

You can read other major Christian Conservative news stories
at California Christian News

James Hartline, Publisher
The James Hartline Report
Educating The Church
Fighting For Our Generation


Anonymous said…
Why are you endorsing candidates for Grossmont when you don't even know who else is running?
Anonymous said…
Why are you endorsing candidates for Grossmont when you don't even know who else is running? How could you possibly know that these are the best candidates?
James Hartline said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
James Hartline said…
I am endorsing Larry Urdahl and Priscilla Schreiber for the very reason that I said in the start of the endorsement portion of my article: I am endorsing Christian candidates. And I have seen the outstanding job that both of these public servants have done over the past several years in office. They are dedicated Christians and they are dedicated in their service to the teachers and students in the Grossmont District. Additionally, they have both taken on some of the extremely corrupt forces at work in the East County area who have burdened down the taxpayers and those who are more concerned with their personal pocketbooks and political careers than they are with the destiny of each son or daughter who is entrusted to the schools by their parents.

Approximately three years ago I was asked by the Grossmont High School Bible Club to come to the school and speak to their students about overcoming adversity in life. Priscilla Schreiber personally escorted me to the campus, taking her own personal time to stay with me at the school and introduce me to the various students. She demonstrated a real concern for the kids, not just as a board member, but also as a Christian, a parent and one who is truly concerned with the lives of the kids on campus.
Larry Urdahl has personally had to deal with the great trauma of watching his wife in recent years battle cancer. At the same time that he has stood by his wife's side in her darkest hour, he has endeavored to make the school system a better place for kids and teachers. And he faithfully attends church, seeking the will of God for his life and that of his wife Rose.

That is why I am endorsing these two fine individuals. And I will be battling for them in the upcoming election year. And other questions?

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