A James Hartline Report Exclusive
July 28, 2006
God Moves To Shut Down San Diego Gay Bathhouse
During San Diego Gay Pride Week

"This (Gay) Pride is called one of the best events in the country," Princetta said.
"A spirit must watch over it because a certain magic happens that week and
everything just falls in place."
Philip Princetta, Co-Chair of the San Diego Gay Pride Organization
on the "spritual" force that causes the annual homosexual parade and
festival to be so successful in the city of San Diego.

"San Diego is home to over 1,700 Churches and not one pastor of any of these churches showed up to oppose the proclamation issued by the San Diego City Council to honor the 2006 Gay Pride Week. Something has gone terribly wrong with the churches in San Diego and it is destroying us and our city."
James Hartline, Publisher of The James Hartline Report

(JHRexclusive) It is the great culture war. Christians vs. the forces of darkness. The prize: The City of San Diego and who will control its destiny. On one side are God's people, the thousands of San Diego Christians, who have seen evil spread like an unseen spiritual mold throughout California's second largest city. On the other side are those who seek to remove crosses from the public square, the legitimizing of homosexuality, lesbianism and transsexualism even though most of those involved in those destructive lifestyles will die unncessary, premature deaths, and those who believe, like the failed communist leaders of the old Soviet Union, that the worshipping of a bigger government can better meet the needs of a dying culture than can the private sector of charitable enterprises.

Like the declining water levels of a lake during times of drought, the effect of an uninvolved and apathetic Christian Community in San Diego can be readily seen throughout the city of 1.3 million people. Large mega churches in San Diego have become completely uninvolved in the affairs of their city's government and the rapidly increasing moral decline. In a stunning manifestation of just how uninvolved pastors have become in the significant moral crisis of San Diego, only four pastors showed up at a 2004 religious liberty rally to save the Mt. Soledad Cross that was coordinated by Pastor Leo Giovinetti and his homeless church, Mission Valley Christian Fellowship. Pastors from mega churches like Horizon Christian Fellowship, Maranatha Chapel and Emmanuel Faith Community Church simply refused to show up, even though the very liberty that had allowed their multi-thousand member congregations to prosper was in jeopardy.

More recently, three dozen brave Christians made their stand at the San Diego City Council to stand up for their faith during a July 25, 2006 hearing where all eight city council members voted to proclaim Gay Pride Week in the city of San Diego. At that hearing the room was packed with the most extreme leaders of the radical homosexual agenda. The Christians, who were outnumbered nearly 3-1 by their homosexual opponents, were forced to endure some of the most degrading and vitriolic anti-christian attacks during speeches made by those who sought to have the proclamation honoring gay pride passed by the council. Time after time, homosexual activists called the Christians hateful bigots and a disgrace to the city of San Diego. In the midst of this well advertised and volatile hearing, there was only one thing missing from this council meeting. Out of the 1700 churches in San Diego, not one pastor showed up to stand with the outnumbered Christians who took the time to stand up for Christ in their time of trial. The end result then, is that all 1700 churches in San Diego are now under the tryranny of a homosexual minority who will be proudly waving their gay pride rainbow flags in demonic glee right at the very doorsteps of the homes and churches of the many pastors who were lukewarm in their Christianity and darkly apathetic on this, the most critical spriritual challenge facing God's church in American history.

God Is Still Demonstrating Himself Strong In The Battle

James Hartline shouting out the Gospel in Chicago during
the massive Gay Games, one of the most dangerous events
in American history for Christians. Three Christians from
the group Repent America were arrested for handing out
evangelism tracts that the police said could not be handed
out at the event attended by 12,000 homosexuals and lesbians.
Hartline and his small group of Christians were surrounded by hundreds
of anti-christian homosexual activists that would have assaulted
the Christian warriors if the police had not surrounded and
protected them.

Armed police kept hundreds of angry gay activists back from the members of the Illinois Family Institute's "Love & Truth" Campaign outside of a gay bathhouse in the midst of the Chicago gay community known as "Boy's Town."

Gay Activists attempted to mock the Christian Evangelists
by giving them condoms. On the right in the green shirt is Matt
Barber who came to Chicago to make his stand for Christ.
Barber had earlier been fired by All State Insurance for speaking
out against homosexuality on his own personal website. He is also
a former champion boxer who was not afraid to make his stand
for Jesus despite being faced by hundreds of shouting gay activists.

Angry lesbians attempted to shout down the Christian Evangelists
by singing Amazing Grace in a true mockery of the Gospel.

An apostate minister holding a sign that said "Jesus Celebrates
Lesbians," yelled at the Christian Evangelists that they were
hateful bigots for not embracing homosexuality. This minister
was one more than the total number of pastors who showed up
during the San Diego City Council to oppose the San Diego
Gay Pride proclamation.

The Unseen God Demonstrates A Big Victory In San Diego During Gay Pride
2200 Club
2200 Club back in court
Bathhouse violated terms of its probation, City Attorney’s Office says
by Neal Putnam
The City Attorney’s Office announced July 20 they are seeking to close the 2200 Club from operating as a bathhouse after the club allegedly violated terms of its probation.
The 2200 Club has been on probation for less than four months following a settlement in its misdemeanor case in April. Vice officers entered the 2200 Club on June 22 and found people using illegal inhalants and other drugs, according to Deputy City Attorney Bryan Ziegler.

In the midst of what would seem to be a great defeat for the cause of Christ as the San Diego City council defied the pleas of dozens of attending Christians by voting unanimously to proclaim Gay Pride Week during a July 25, 2006 hearing, God was still demonstrating that He is moving and is still faithful to do what He says He will do on behalf of His people. For nearly four years, Christian activist James Hartline has been battling to shut down the death chambers of the gay bathouse where he was originally infected with AIDS at 2200 University Ave. Amazingly on the same day that his church, Mission Valley Christian Fellowship, was praying over James in preparation for his trip to speak out against another gay bathhouse in Chicago called Steamworks, the San Diego City Attorney's office held a press conference to announce that they were finally moving to revoke the probation of the 2200 Club bathhouse and shut it down.

According to the Gay and Lesbian Times, the 2200 Club was busted on June 22, 2006 by two undercover police officers after they observed patrons violating the club's terms of probation. Patrons were seen having illegal sex and doing illegal drugs.

Hartine calls the 2200 Club an altar to demonic destruction that, for twenty one years, including when it was known as Club Mustang, has caused the spread of AIDS, illegal drug use and many, many destroyed lives. "This temple devoted to evil will fall and God will reign supreme," says Hartline.

While thousands of gay activists, pornographers, child abusers and morally compromised politicians will be marching in this year's Gay Pride parade, Hartline will know that God is quietly dismantling the dark infrastructure of the wicked elements of the gay agenda in San Diego and this will utimately lead to the great Spiritual Awakening in this city and once again, will make San Diego truly America's Finest City.

This information has been provided by The James Hartline Report.
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James Hartline, Publisher
The James Hartline Report
Educating The Church
Fighting For Our Generation


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