The Bloody Altar of Christian Compromise: Why are so many Christian pro-lifers running this summer to donate to the abortion industry?

The Bloody Altar of Christian Compromise: Why are so many Christian pro-lifers running this summer to donate to the abortion industry?

With Bibles in one hand and ten dollars in the other hand, Christians driven by the need to be entertained are running to movie theaters to see the new R-Rated movie "District 9" and Meryl Streep's "Julie and Julia".

Without even blinking their glazed over eyes, these "professed" pro-life churchgoers take no time to consider where their movie ticket purchases are going or the fact that such purchases are funding the biggest political supporters of the abortion industry. In layman's terms: Christians are financing the destruction of this nation because they are too lazy to investigate what their money is used for once it is spent. More importantly, in the midst of the destruction of their own nation, these same Christians are more interested in entertainment than they are living out the Christianity they regularly claim in the comfort of their air conditioned churches for 90 minutes each Sunday.

Here is where your ticket purchases for District 9 and Julie & Julia are going:
District 9 and Julie & Julia: Sony Entertainment Pictures

Howard Stringer CEO of Sony gave $28,400 to Barack Obama in 2008; $28,500 to the Democratic Senatorial Committee in 2008; $6,900 to Hillary Clinton in 2008; and $6,000 to Hillary Clinton in 2006.

And CEO of Sony Entertainment Michael Lynton gave $15,200 to the Democratic National Committee in 2009; $5,000 to the DEMOCRATIC SENATORIAL CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE in 2009; $4,600 to Dem Senator Harry Reid in 2009; $3,300 to Dem Senator Barbara Boxer in 2007-08; $6,000 to Dem Al Franken in 2008 and $2,300 to Barack Obama in 2007.

AND Sony Pictures Co-Chairman Amy Pascal gave $31,000 to Barack Obama in 2007-08 and $25,000 to the Democratic Senatorial Committee in 2006.


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