With millions of dollars flooding the Yes on 8 Campaign from a multitude of grassroots voters vs. millions of dollars from a select group of elitist gay activist organizations funding the No on 8 Campaign, it is clear that Californians are ready to ban same-sex weddings in the Golden State.

SACRAMENTO, October 7 /Christian Newswire/ -- Yes on 8 is leading the race, 47% Yes to 42% No, with 10% undecided, according to a new CBS 5 (San Francisco) poll. That is up 3% for Yes and down 7% for No since September 25th - a total of a 10% gain for Yes. On September 25th, CBS 5's poll showed the race at 44% Yes to 49% No, with 7% undecided. Yes on 8 is attributing the gain to their first television ad, which was released last week, and to their massive door to door campaign.
The ad features footage of San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom arrogantly speaking of gay marriage, declaring to Californians, "The door's wide open now. It's gonna happen, whether you like it or not!" The ad goes on to remind voters that gay marriage was imposed on California by a narrowly divided California Supreme Court overturning the vote of over 4 million Californians who overwhelmingly passed Proposition 22.

"We are thrilled with the new polling data. It confirms what we have heard from thousands of supporters," said Yes on 8 Campaign Co-Manager Frank Schubert. "The ad that is running is powerful and provocative. Not only does it show the arrogance of those who would impose same-sex marriage on California whether we like it or not, but it also shows that voters are beginning to understand there are consequences to all Californians if same-sex marriage is legalized. The ad talks about how people can be sued over their personal beliefs and, most importantly, that gay marriage is going to be taught to children in public schools. Those are real consequences, and voters are concerned about them."Vote for Prop. 8 has surged ahead of the no vote in a brand new poll.


Anonymous said…
Proposition 8 is certainly good for the California economy with people on both sides of this issue pouring huge amounts of money into advertising and etc. A lot of gay people work in advertising. Do you think there is some sort of conspiracy going on here?

Why is it that over 90% of the gays are not married and have no interest in getting married?
After Proposition 8 is passed, and we will pass it, what will we have gained and where do we go from here? I have a feeling that there is something going on in the background that most of us are not aware of or are not privileged to know. The divorce rate for traditional marriages is about 50%. When Proposition 8 passes, will our marriages be protected and will the divorce rate drop to 0 % ?

Inquiring minds want to know.
Anonymous said…
Whoo Hoo!

And James, the homosexual community is quite nervous about it. I'm getting a lot of hits on my site from a gay porn forum that is directing people to my site because of my videos on Yes on Prop 8 ads.

An example of their comments:
"I'm freaking out now...the polls are showing that the Yes On Prop 8 are ahead of the No On Prop 8. Our side needs more money. I also think that our side needs to respond to the things the other side is saying."
I won't dare point to where this info is coming from because it is a porn site. But just a glaring example of the nervousness from this group and the exciting successes of people's efforts in getting the word out.

The news outlets are saying that it's a 10 point swing from the No on Prop 8 leading to now yes on Prop 8 leading!

This is great news indeed!

Anonymous said…
This is from today's L.A.Times:
" No matter what voters decide this November on same-sex marriage, the election will not change one fact: Over the last decade, California has become the nation's leader in providing legal protections to gays and lesbians.

This has happened not just because of high-profile gestures like San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom's decision to issue the nation's first same-sex marriage licenses in 2004 but also because of a carefully crafted campaign to enact laws in the state Legislature and push for court decisions to support and enhance the new rights.

The changes have delighted some Californians and alarmed others.

Gay rights have been expanded in "little bites that people found hard to argue with at the time," said Matt McReynolds, staff attorney of the conservative Pacific Justice Institute. "And all of a sudden, we are at a point where gay rights trump religious rights."

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