ALERT: 700 Volunteers Needed For The Call - San Diego, The Largest Prayer Rally in California History

The James Hartline Report
Over 50,000 Strong & Growing!
- On The Frontlines Of The Culture War -
A Major Action Alert
October 13, 2008

700 Volunteers Needed
For The Largest Prayer Rally in the History of California:
The Event: The Call
Where: San Diego, California
When: October 28th - November 2nd
An Exclusive James Hartline Report Announcement:
We are announcing an All Day Prayer & Fasting Event
Nationwide: Friday - October 17, 2008
The James Hartline Report - Special Announcement:
We Are Participating in:
A Massive Nationwide
Pray For Sarah Palin Network

And Now, Here Are The Details

"And if the trumpet doesn't sound a clear call,
how will the soldiers know
they are being called to battle?"
I Corinthians 14: 9

For the past eight years, I have prayed and fasted for California. I have cried out to God to deliver our state and our nation from the destruction that the Bible warns us will come to our land because of the gross sins and abominations being done by a good portion of our citizens. My journey in the battle for California started in 1999 when I began to have the first of hundreds of prophetic dreams from the Lord. In many of these dreams, the Lord would show me great destructions coming to California and the United States as a result of the sins of our people. Each time that the Lord would grant me a prophetic revelation, I would initiate an act of repentance on behalf of the people of my city. The results of these actions have been quite profound. We were able to shut down nine pornographic businesses in San Diego, including a gay sex club that had been in operation for 22 years. We were able to stop a group of adult nudists from having parties with young children. We were also able to stop the World Gay Pride event in Jerusalem. There have been many other examples.

For years, I have sought God's help in addressing the immoral conditions of California, in the hope that He would show me what can be done about the destruction that will inevitably come if our state doesn't repent. I believe that we have now entered a time of critical mass. It is showtime and there is no turning back. We are about to engage ourselves in the greatest spiritual battle in California that our generation has ever seen. And to the victor of this battle goes the entire state of California.

The passage in I Corinthians 14:9 states, "If the trumpet doesn't sound a clear call, how will the soldiers know they are being called to battle?" On November 1, 2008, America will be watching as nearly 100,000 Christians gather in San Diego, California for the largest prayer gathering in our state's history. We will sound clearly our spiritual trumpets, letting California know that it is time for this generation to go to battle for our state. We are the dread warriors of a new move of God and we will not lose this battle for we are being directed by the very Spirit of the Living God.

Every generation has one significant event which sets the moral direction for that generation for decades to come. In the 1960's, it was the gathering of the drug and free sex revolution in San Francisco, California that released the demonic powers which have controlled our nation for nearly forty years. This year, a once in a lifetime event in California will confront the evils of the 1960's during another revolutionary gathering called The Call. With The Call coming to California, I feel that my eight years of crying out to God for San Diego and California have come to fruition. We are about to see a powerful refutation of the 1960's, a counter-revolution to the radical paganism that has plagued America since the dark nights of the hippies, drugs and sexual anarchy of Haight-Ashbury,

Never before have we had such a prophetic opportunity to turn the tide of evil and raise up a new holy fire that will purge our land of wickedness and usher in a third great Biblical awakening. Every man and woman, every boy and girl, married or single, young or old, every citizen who becomes connected to the stadium event called The Call in San Diego on November 1, 2008 will receive a fresh impartation from God to stand strong and empowered during these last days of the church age.

In order for The Call to succeed, the event needs 700 volunteers. If you would like to be a part of the greatest move of God that California has seen in its history, then please contact the volunteer offices of The Call - Mobilization - San Diego.

The following is the schedule of events for volunteers for The Call:
Week of The Call: Set Up/Tear Down:• We will need 30 men twice a day at Qualcomm stadium
from Tues., Oct. 28 - Friday, Oct. 31st.
That is 60 men total; we area scheduling them for half days as shown below:
7:00am - 12:00 - (1st shift)
12:00pm - 1:00pm - break for lunch1:00pm - 8:00pm - (2nd shift)• Sunday, Nov. 2nd, we need a minimum of 150 people but are hoping to have 200+.
We have to tear everything down in one day that took three days to set up! 7:00am - 12:00pm - (1st shift)12:00 - 1:00pm - break for lunch1:00pm - 9:00pm - (2nd shift)•Forklift Drivers Needed
4 Drivers needed Tuesday - Friday and on Sunday – Experience required, age may be a factor.Day of TheCall California: Ushers and Info Booth Volunteers
Ushering needs: 200 people per 7 hour shiftShift 1: 8:00am – 3:00pm Shift 2: 3pm – 10pm
Info Booth Worker needs: 30 people per 7 hour shiftsShift 1: 8:00am - 3:00pm Shift 2: 3:00pm - 10:00pm

An Exclusive James Hartline Report Announcement:
We are announcing an All Day Prayer & Fasting Event
Nationwide: Friday - October 17, 2008

"If they obey and serve the Lord, they shall spend their days in prosperity,
and their years in pleasures. But if they obey not, they shall perish
by the sword, and they shall die without knowledge."
Job 36:11-12

This is the time of the great separation, the time when the Lord is separating the sheep from the goats, the wheat from the tares, the clean from the unclean, and those who are seeking to serve rather than to be served. With all of my heart, I believe that we have now entered into a place of no return. We can never go back to the religiosity of yesteryear. Instead, we are now pressing into the Lord -- and we shall come out changed, a more spiritually powerful people. Indeed, we shall reflect more accurately the image of God as He intended us to reflect when He said in the garden of Eden, "Let Us make Man in our Image."

On Friday, October, 17, 2008 we are calling for a nationwide Day of Prayer and Fasting. Please send your prayer requests to the James Hartline Report blog and I will be taking these requests before the Lord during my day of prayer and fasting. I will also send these requests out to my national prayer network. I believe that we will see great manifestations and answers to these prayers as we bring them to the Lord, our Redeemer and our blessed Savior.

The James Hartline Report - Special Announcement:
We Are Participating in:
A Massive Nationwide
Pray For Sarah Palin Network

The James Hartline Report is proud to come into agreement with Vicki Garza of Garza Communications for the Pray For Sarah Palin National Prayer Network. Vicki Garza has organized the Sarah Palin prayer network. The James Hartline Report is asking its thousands of readers to join in with Vicki and many others around America to intercede for Sarah Palin.

As a committed Christian, Republican Vice-Presidential candidate Sarah Palin has been assaulted by the same forces of evil which have been seeking to destroy Christianity in America for nearly forty years. Can we abandon a woman of God when she steps up to make her stand for the Lord Jesus Christ in the political arena? I think not! The liberal agenda is worshipping their Oprah Winfrey and their Desperate Housewives. It is time that we come into agreement with those women who represent our side: the God side! Please go to the Pray For Sarah Palin website and sign up under your zip code and the information link to pray for Sarah Palin on a regular basis through the November election.

This is Our Time! This is Our Season!
And now let us stand as one united people
to reclaim America as a nation of destiny!

This has been a Major Alert from The James Hartline Report:
Now Read Daily By Over 25,000 Concerned Citizens of Conviction!

I Am Making My Stand in 2008!
Have You Started Making Yours Yet?

You can read other major Christian Conservative news stories
California Christian News

James Hartline, Publisher
The James Hartline Report
Educating The Church
Fighting For Our Generation


Anonymous said…
700 volunteers needed to rearrange the furniture on the Titanic. Hurry, we are sinking fast!
Anonymous said…
May God greatly bless you brothers there in the frontline. We are seeing the same evil force trying to break through all over the world, also here in Finland, Scandinavia. Please pray for us.

"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen." Eph. 3:20-12
Anonymous said…
Together we stand strong, and divided we will fall , so we must be together in prayer as if we were one to fight against the devils' forces and take those sinful places down. I will do my best so count me in....

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