A Parental Wake Up Call: San Diego Children's Easter Egg Hunt Has Ties To Disturbing Gay Perversions
The James Hartline Report
- On The Frontlines Of The Culture War -
March 26, 2007
A Parental Wake-Up Call:
San Diego Children's Easter Egg Hunt
Tied To Transvestites And Gay Sex Perversions
(c)photo: The Gay and Lesbian Times
Male Transvestite Nicole Murray Ramirez Featured At A
Gay Drag Queen Event Is The Main Promoter of San Diego
Children's Easter Egg Hunt. Ramirez Has A History
Of Promoting The Gay Pornography Industry.
(JHReport) San Diego parents need to be extremely concerned about extremist homosexual groups that are accessing small children under the guise of an annual San Diego Children's Easter Egg Hunt in a local community park (www.gaylesbiantimes.com/?id=4695&issue=900). That is the warning being issued by the James Hartline Report as new evidence has been uncovered which shows that individuals with ties to the gay pornography industry are closely tied with the annual children's event. Nicole Murray Ramirez, a San Diego male transvestite who dresses up as a nun to mock the Catholic Church, is one of the main organizers of the event (www.imperialcourtsandiego.com/icsd_032.htm). Ramirez, who has a history of promoting the sale of xxx gay pornography, as well as perverted contests to judge the size of male genitals, regularly accesses San Diego youth under the premise of doing "charity" work.
Ramirez is not the only individual tied to the children's event who parents should be concerned about. Community activist James Hartline states that parents may not have any idea when they are bringing their children to the park, that their children may be exposed to men dressed up as women, men wearing S & M leather sex attire and women promoting lesbianism. "Many parents in the area are not tied to the gay community's sexualized agenda and not aware of the pornographic history of many tied to the Children's Easter Egg Hunt," says Hartline.
In the University Heights and Hillcrest areas, over 100 dangerous pedophiles and sex offenders reside. Any children's event in these neighborhoods can be an easy target for these types of sex offenders. Additionally, in 2005, the James Hartline Report revealed that the area's Gay Pride organization was utilizing at least five registered sex offenders in its annual festival and parade. One of the sex offenders, pedophile Martin Ramirez, was hired to work in the San Diego Gay Pride Children's Garden (www.10news.com/news/4857263/detail.html?subid=22100481&qs=1;bp=t). Nicole Murray Ramirez and others tied to this children's Easter Egg Hunt were actively involved in that 2005 San Diego Gay Pride Parade and Festival.
New information uncovered by the James Hartline Report also reveals that a radicalized homosexual group called the San Diego League of Gentlemen (SDLOG) is circulating an email advertising a profane fundraiser for the children's Easter Egg Hunt. The email states:
"Please join 'boy ron' (boy is a gay sex slave term), Knight of Leather 2006
and Russ, Mr. San Diego Eagle 2007 for an evening of Baskets and Bulges,
a benefit for the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Community
Children's Egg Hunt to be held on Sunday, April 8 at 2pm at The Trolley Barn Park.
"There will be a visit by the Nasty/KInky Easter Bunny at 9pm."
The San Diego Eagle is a gay bar that features some of the most offensive and immoral aspects of the extremist gay movement. On the bar's website advertisements for "Red Hanky Night" and "Yellow Hankies Night" can be seen (www.sandiegoeagle.com/events.htm). Red Hanky is a term used to describe men who engage in the act of inserting their fists into the rectums of other men. Yellow Hanky refers to men who urinate on other men for sexual gratification. San Diego parents would be shocked to learn that the San Diego Eagle is tied to fundraising for any children's event. Most San Diego parents do not understand the graphic nature of the events that are being advertised at the fundraising event tied to the Easter Egg Hunt. The terms "basket" and "bulge" are used in the gay community to describe the area of the male genitals.
The offensive contents of the SDLOG email goes on to reveal the full meaning and dimension of the children's fundraiser, stating:
"Russ will be hosting the 'bulge' portion during the second half,
those of you that have big bulges then show them off in your underwear
with a chance to win a cash prize of $50 for first place and a $25 bar tap
for the San Diego Eagle."
The James Hartline Report warns parents that if they care about their children they need to be educated on what the San Diego gay community is actively involved in. "We are in a culture war with an aggressive army of sexual anarchists who want to destroy all existing defintions of family," warns Hartline. "The idea that a gay bar which promotes men who urinate on other men for pleasure is tied to any children's event should be renounced by all citizens who are seeking a better society for our youth."
Hartline also encourages San Diego parents and other concerned citizens to either keep their children away from the Trolley Barn Park on the day of the Easter Egg Hunt or come to the park and take pictures of those who are inappropriately exposing children to unhealthy images and activities. Those pictures should then be turned over to law enforcement.
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