JHReport Exclusive -- Bad Churches In The 21st Century: Replacing Holiness With Homosexuality

The New Money Changers:
Bad Churches In The 21st Century
A Series Of Reports On San Diego Churches
That Are Destroying Christianity Because of
Greed, Immorality, and Compromise

- Part 1 -

Pacific Beach United Methodist Church:
Where Homosexuality Replaces Holiness

(Photo Copyright From Pacific Beach United Methodist Church Website)
Pacific Beach United Methodist Church In 2001 Gay Pride Parade

(JHReport) The Bible's ancient prophets warned of a future time when there would be a great apostasy that would threaten the foundations of Christianity. Many modern theological scholars are at odds as to what that apostasy or "falling away" would look like. With the exception of a few secularized religious organizations, most church leaders are pointing to the radical shift in beliefs about sexuality as the key indicator in determining which denominations are adhering to the historically accepted teachings of Christ on sexual purity and marriage. In San Diego, California, one liberal Methodist church has expanded its theological borders to such an extent, that some Christians are accusing it of outright blasphemy.

In a shocking display of disrespect for Christian values, Pacific Beach United Methodist Church (http://www.pbumc.org/) not only embraces homosexuality, but as recently as 2006, the church was an official participant in the San Diego Gay Pride Parade. Although the San Diego Gay Pride Parade features xxx gay porn companies, male escort services and transvestites who dress up as nuns to mock the Catholic Church, the Pacific Beach United Methodist Church has entered a large float in the parade for the last several years (www.pbumc.org/outreach.htm).

The denominational leaders that oversee the United Methodist Churches have danced around the homosexual issue for years. Most of the older members of the denomination are extremely opposed to homosexuality and remain loyal to the Biblical position that calls sodomy a sin. These older members are also the main financial contributors to Methodist churches. That is the single biggest factor in why the Methodist Churches continue to oppose ordaining homosexual and lesbian ministers. However, liberal pastors have joined the Methodist Church and continue to advocate ordaining those who practice alternative sexual lifestyles (www.dailynews.co.za/index.php?fArticleId=2332741).

The radicalized sexual agenda of Pacific Beach United Methodist Church has not gone unrewarded by extremist anti-christian gay groups. In 2004, the rabid homosexual political organization San Diego Democratic Club awarded the Pacific Beach church with its Gloria Steinem Communications Award (www.sddemoclub.org/freedom_banquet_awardees.htm). Photos from the church's website show that in 2006 during the San Diego Gay Pride Festival, the Pacific Beach church was involved in a gay "Interfaith Pavilion" (www.pbumc.org/outreach/outreach_pride2006.htm). One of the features of this pavilion that the church participated in was a new age labyrinth. These labyrinths are becoming a regular feature at many liberal churches that are embracing the occultic practices of the Emergent Church movement (www.crossroad.to/articles2/04/labyrinth-muse.htm).

Bill Daniel, a San Diego public school teacher for twenty years, is appalled at the participation of any Methodist Church in an event as perverted as the gay pride parade. "When you have a church that has gone this far into depravity, there is no other need to explain why churches are becoming so ineffective in today's culture," states Daniel. Bill Daniel was actively involved in standing against the pedophile involvement within the local San Diego Gay Pride organization in 2005 (www.10news.com/news/4773115/detail.html?rss=sand&psp=news).

In 2005, it was the participation of pro-homosexual religious organizations in that year's pedophile scandal-ridden San Diego Gay Pride Parade and Festival that helped lesbian City Councilwoman Toni Atkins to marginalize Christian activist James Hartline in his campaign against the event's sex offenders. "Churches like Pacific Beach United Methodist Church make it very hard to protect children from extremist factions of the gay agenda," states Hartline.

When James Hartline successfully prevented the City of San Diego from issuing a 2005 city proclamation to honor the local gay pride organization for the first time in eleven years, Councilwoman Atkins chastised him, stating, "You know, Hartline highlights the extreme things he's most concerned about. I don't hear him pointing out the fact that we have numerous churches who participate in the parade." (www.nbcsandiego.com/news/4768148/detail.html?rss=dgo&psp=news).

Despite the fact that at least five dangerous sex offenders were working for the 2005 event, Pacific Beach United Methodist Church was fully participating in the San Diego Gay and Lesbian Pride activities. The Gay and Lesbian Times listed the church as entry #81 on the parade route (www.gaylesbiantimes.com/pdf/prideparadelineupandroute05.pdf). Additionally, the church was listed as a gay and lesbian resource on page 50 in the 2005 Gay Pride souvenir program directly across from page 51 which featured nude men in an advertisement for a gay bathhouse in San Diego.

While thousands of Christians were fighting to save the cross atop the Mt. Soledad Veteran's War Memorial in 2006, the pastor of Pacific Beach United Methodist Church, April Herron, was allowing her church's website to proudly brag about their gay pride float being given the parade's "Best Community Organization" award. Another staffer at Pacific Beach United Methodist Church is Fran Materra (www.pbumc.org/staff/fran.htm). According to Materra's church biography, she is actively involved in creating "Kindred Spirits Ranch". The ranch is a sanctuary for rescued wolves and horses. Apparently, Ms. Materra is not too concerned with rescuing children from the wolves of the San Diego Gay Pride Parade and Festival.

The Bible has some timeless teachings for indiviuals like Rev. April Herron and Fran Materra. The Apostle Paul wrote to the church at Thessalonica: "For God has not called us to uncleanness, but unto holiness." While Rev. Herron marches her church in a parade that mixes small children with xxx pornographers and twisted male transvestites who dress up as Catholic Nuns, she seems to have no problem with exchanging holiness for homosexuality in her confused religious world. Welcome to the world of 21st century apostasy.

This Has Been Part 1 Of The Series:
The New Money Changers.
It Has Been Provided Exclusively By The James Hartline Report.
Now Read Everyday By Over 9,500 Concerned Citizens Of Conviction.


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James Hartline, Publisher
The James Hartline Report
Educating The Church
Fighting For Our Generation


Anonymous said…
It has been my observation that the mainline Protestant churches (i.e., Congregational, Disciples of Christ, Episcopal, Lutheran (ELCA), Methodist (United), Presbyterian (PCUSA), and United Church of Christ were all championing other leftist and liberal causes many years before June 1969, when the Stonewall riot in Greenwich Village in NYC took place.

I have observed that many people who remember the 1960s have never even heard of Stonewall, which didn't have the media attention that the big events of the black civil rights movement of the 1960s did. It is the event believed by many to have ignited the homosexual rights movement. The civil rights movement was out in the open and supported by most churches. Stonewall was a sneak attack.

Since 1960, the mainline churches have seen their congregations lose members, not simply because elderly members die, but because large numbers of younger people who were raised in those churches either dropped out of church entirely or chose more conservative churches.

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