The James Hartline Report
Breaking News!
August 10, 2006 (8:00pm.pst)

San Diego Christian Stand At City Council
Creates Tidalwave Of News Reports Around America

(JHR) On July 25, 2006, the San Diego City Council attempted to silence three dozen Christians who had turned out for a council hearing to protest the city issuing a proclamation declaring Gay Pride Week. At that hearing, the Christian team led by Christian activist James Hartline, Biblical Family Advocates Director Phil Magnan, public school teacher Bill Daniel, Republican State Assembly candidate Kim Tran and Conservative Catholic writer Stephanie Hopping, were repeatedly attacked by homosexual activists who were present at the hearing in support of issuing the proclamation. All eight council members, including four who claim to be Christians, sided with the gay pride advocates, and voted unanimously to approve the gay pride proclamation. The war declared against the Christian speakers at that council hearing by the councilmembers and their homosexual activist partners can be reviewed by going to the San Diego City Council video archives ( (click on July 25, 2006 View Video. Hearing begins at 2:00 minutes into video).

The councilmembers assumed that they had dealt a death blow to the Christian hopes of standing up against the homosexual movement in their city. They also assumed that that would be the end of the matter and the Christians, who were outnumbered 3-1 by proponents of gay pride week at the hearing, would just fade away in the sunset of political defeat and moral humiliation. They were wrong.

Something is happening. Something that is taking on a miraculous form of unprecedented phenomena. News services from around the United States are now beginning to report on how the Christians were treated at that dark July 25th city council hearing. Like a wildfire reminiscent of the old prarie day revivials, websites from around the United States are now churning out news stories of the Christian stand in San Diego. Amazingly, while radical gay and lesbian advocates attempted to deny the pornographic nature of the San Diego Gay Pride event that featured a children's garden, a youth zone, and a multitude of xxx pornography vendors, news wire services are now including the amazing photography of Allyson Smith in their growing body of news reports. Smith's photographs completely contradicts the claims made by the gay pride activists at the hearing. More importantly, the photos confront the moral lapses in judgment that were personifed at the hearing by the elected city officials.

Smith, in a daring and bold move, went undercover during the recent San Diego Gay Pride Parade and Festival and photographed some of the most shocking pictures of what really goes on inside of one of these depraved gay pride events. This is truly the first time in modern America, that the real story of gay pride is finally being told, not just the falsified propaganda that has been filtered out to the public through secular, pro-homosexual media outlets. Allyson Smith, who had for many years stood alone in her battle to reclaim San Diego from the hands of anti-family radicals, has partnered with the James Hartline Report to present a truly revolutionary look inside of the perverted landscape of the San Diego Gay Pride enterprise. You can view the photography of Smith, who risked her own safety to obtain this evidence by going to (

American Family Association (, the nation's leading Christian news service with over three million subscribers, published James L. Lambert's article on the San Diego City Council's mistreatment of the Christians during the gay pride hearing as one of its top stories yesterday ( This has created the effect of catapulting the story to news wire services throughout America, including WDC Media Service, a major Christian news enterprise ( WDC's clients include Jay Sekulow, the Trinity Broadcasting Network, and JCTV Youth Network (

The Conservative Voice, one of the top Christian Conservative websites in America founded by 2004 Republican Congressional Candidate Nathan Tabor, has quickly become one of the primary destinations for America's most respected Christian Conservative politicians and activists ( Yesterday, saw the Conservative Voice publish the James Hartline Report's account of that dark city council hearing, which has further fueled the national outcry against the mistreatment by San Diego's liberal elite of the Christian warriors who opposed the 2006 Gay Pride proclamation (

As to the councilmembers who disrespected the Christians on July 25, 2006 by standing with the gay pride activists to declare San Diego Gay Pride Week: alledged Christian Republican Councilman Brian Maienschein, lesbian Democratic Councilwoman Toni Atkins, pro-abortion Democratic Councilman Scott Peters, and alledged Christian Republican Councilman Jim Madaffer: they all were all named yesterday as responsible for the city's financial catastrophe in the San Diego city audit scandal. All four, who opposed the Christians on July 25, 2006, were reported in the audit to have knowingly defrauded the citizens of San Diego and will possibly be referred for prosecution in federal, as well as state court.

James Hartline best summed up the battle lines on this entire matter during his speech to the council on July 25, 2006:

"A line has been drawn this day. It is a line that divides evil from good. And we will never again allow that line to be erased or mixed together in a way where this city can no longer tell the difference between right and wrong. To each person on this city council, this day you must choose which side of this line you are on, but choose
very, very wisely, for the entire city is watching how you vote on this matter."

This breaking news story has been provided by The James Hartline Report.
San Diego's Premiere Christian News Source With Over 6,500 Daily Readers.

I Am Making My Stand! Are You?

James Hartline, Publisher
The James Hartline Report
Educating The Church
Fighting For Our Generation


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