The James Hartline Report Action Center
- Action Alert -
August 19, 2006

San Diego Elementary Charter School Brings Young Children
Into Pornographic Gay Pride Parade:
Tell The Board of Education To Stop The Madness!

(JHR) At this time last year, the San Diego Gay Pride organization ( was under investigation for employing numerous pedophiles as volunteers and staff superviors during it annual parade and festival. The scandal involved dangerous sex offenders working for San Diego Gay Pride who had been convicted of having sex with young male minors or young children ( One of those pedophiles was hired by the San Diego Gay Pride group to work in its children's garden during their 2005 festival ( Most San Diegans would have thought that in 2006, the last place that public schools would allow their children to be on July 29, 2006, would be participating in the pornographic event of the San Diego Gay Pride parade, especially in light of the previous year's pedophile scandal. These San Diegans have guessed wrong.

In one of the most appalling displays of gross disregard for the safety of young children, the San Diego City School system allowed a number of small children to march inside of the San Diego Gay Pride parade under the banner of one of its schools, despite the fact that these children were brought into the midst of a number of businesses promoting pornography and nearly nude men and women in graphic sexualized demonstrations. It is by far one of the most grostesque and heinous acts that the San Diego City School system has ever engaged in and action must be taken to sanction the school that did this horrific act.

The San Diego Cooperative Charter School ( operates a public school, grades K-8, under the jurisdiction of the San Diego Unified School District at 2850 Sixth Avenue. Sharing the same building with this charter school, is the notorious abortion clinic, Family Planning Associates ( Opening at that location on September 3, 2002 (, the school chose that location even though the abortion clinic was operating inside of the building.

With daily reports across America of school teachers molesting their students, and female teachers posing nude in adult magazines, one would think that the last place a San Diego City Charter School would bring young children is to the San Diego Gay Pride parade. Photographs taken at this year's parade reveal nauseating displays of graphic sexuality and pornographic businesses being promoted ( How the teachers of an elementary school thought it was okay to march as a group under the official banner of the charter school along with children is beyond the pale of anything that the taxpayers and parents of San Diego ever invisioned when they voted to allow the establishment of the public satellite charter schools.

In a true slap in the face of decency and what is in the best interest of children in the public school system, teachers employed with the San Diego Cooperative Charter School can be seen in a photograph in the school's current newsletter posing with very small kids during the parade. It demonstrates the absolute danger that exists in the public school system for many children and what is being placed in their young and impressionable minds. In the photograph, one little girl can be seen holding up a shark with the letters "Diversity" printed on it. Standing in front of a taxpayer funded yellow school bus, another adult in the photo can be seen holding up a sign that reads, "SDCCS - School With Pride". It should also be noted that on the principal's web page is the slogan "You've never seen a public school like this one!" ( Considering the fact that the school's principal, Dr. Wendy Ranck-Buhr, allowed her staff to march children into a pornographic-filled parade, that is probably a very appropriate slogan.

Here is the unbelievable photograph from the SDCCS School Newsletter:

What school being funded by the taxpayers of San Diego would be so immoral as to allow small children under the official banner of the San Diego school system to march in the midst of this pornographic gay parade? Did the teachers miss the man who marched down the street giving out goodies while only wearing a g-string? Did they overlook the car filled with men that advertised for RentBoy, the male escort service? Or did the teachers not hear the blasting music from the Powerhouse Productions float that had nearly nude male dancers gyrating for the crowd? What kind of parents bring their kids to something so harmful to their kid's young minds? What message is this sending to the trouble youth of America?

Take Action Against The San Diego Cooperative Charter School!
This school is funded with your tax dollars and they must be
sanctioned for bringing small children into the Gay Pride Parade
under the banner of a school that you have paid for!

Tell Dr. Wendy Ranck-Buhr, principal of the San Diego Cooperative Charter School, that you plan to take action against her with the school board for allowing the small children to be exposed to the pornographic imagery of the San Diego Gay Pride parade all under the banner of your tax dollars funding her school.

Tell the San Diego Board of Education to Sanction SDCCS
and its principal, Dr. Wendy-Ranck-Buhr for bringing small children
under your public school-funded banner into the perverted San Diego Gay Pride Parade:

Dr. Wendy-Ranck-Buhr
tele: 619-574-0694 - fax no. 619-0861
office email:

San Diego Board of Education Members:
Luis Acle
Mitz Lee
John de Beck
Sheila Jackson
Katherine Nakamura

Parents Support & Board Services
telephone: 619-725-5634

Superintendent, Dr. Carl Cohn
Telephone: 619-725-5525

This Action Alert Has Been Provided By
The James Hartline Report Action Center
"All it takes for evil to prevail, is for a few good citizens do nothing!"

We Now Have Over 7,000 Daily Concerned Citizens As Readers!

I Am Making My Stand! Are You?

James Hartline, Publisher
The James Hartline Report
Educating The Church
Fighting For Our Generation


This is absolutely outrageous! Can there be any further doubt that the homosexual rights movement is targeting our kids for recruitment?

Not only have they waged war against the Boy Scouts of America (and the Sea Scouts up in Berkeley), but they've seeded our high schools nationwide with "homosexual embassies" sugarcoated under the innocent-sounding title of "Gay-Straight Alliance".

Pastor John Hagee is absolutely right! Since homosexuals cannot reproduce, they've got to recruit. Keep up your courageous fight!
James Hartline said…
This story has become an international event. It is now one of the top stories on World Net Daily, the largest website news service in the country:

School kids appear in homosexual parade
Action Center calls for accounting from district leaders

Posted: August 22, 2006
1:00 a.m. Eastern
© 2006

Elementary-age students have marched in a homosexual pride event under the banner of a San Diego public school, amidst triple-X rated behavior by "gay" activists, according to a Christian blogger who reports daily to 7,000 people.

James Hartline, who issues "Action Alerts" in response to situations in the city, said he was shocked by the "immoral" actions.

"In one of the most appalling displays of gross disregard for the safety of young children, the San Diego City School system allowed a number of small children to march inside of the San Diego Gay Pride parade under the banner of one of its schools," he said.

That, despite the fact, "that these children were brought into the midst of a number of businesses promoting pornography and nearly nude men and women in graphic sexualized demonstrations."

Hartline told WorldNetDaily that he lived as a homosexual for many years, but left that lifestyle choice after becoming a Christian seven years ago. He now watches with trepidition the activities of the community where he used to live.

"We're going to be investigating what they're teaching these kids in school," he confirmed.

Hartline reported that his photographer snapped pictures of the children in the promotional event for the homosexual lifestyle, and during his investigation he found that the school district even used a similar picture to publicize its activities.

The newsletter photograph shows a group of clearly-elementary age children with some adults and a banner that reads: "San Diego Cooperative Charter School."

The school identifies those in the photograph as "families, friends and staff."

"In the photograph, one little girl can be seen holding up a shark with the letters 'Diversity' printed on it," Hartline said. "Standing in front of a taxpayer funded yellow school bus, another adult in the photo can be seen holding up a sign that reads, 'SDCCS – School With Pride.'"

"What school being funded by the taxpayers of San Diego would be so immoral as to allow small children under the official banner of the San Diego school system to march in the midst of this pornographic gay parade?" Hartline asked.

"Did the teachers miss the man who marched down the street giving out goodies while only wearing a g-string? Did they overlook the car filled with men that advertised for RentBoy, a male escort service?"

Hartline noted that just a year earlier, there was an investigation into the San Diego Gay Pride organization for allegedly employing numerous pedophiles as volunteers and staff supervisors during its annual parade and festival.

"How the teachers of an elementary school thought it was okay to march as a group under the official banner of the charter school along with children is beyond the pale of anything that the taxpayers and parents of San Diego ever envisioned when they voted to allow the establishment of the public satellite charter schools," Hartline said.

He noted that the school's website carries the slogan: "You've never seen a public school like this one!"
Anonymous said…

I have featured this story on our blog:

Keep up the good work.
Anonymous said…

I have featured this story on our blog:

Keep up the good work.

-J. Gamble
Anonymous said…
I can only say can anyone really be surprised. Pedafiles are known to be employed where there are children! What better place than a school yard! I have said teachers need to have a psycholgal evaluation before they teach our children. IT JUST MAKES SINCE!
Anonymous said…
As a queer, I too, am disgusted that kids were at the parade. Kids just remind me of the heterosexual lifestyle, whose agenda it is to continue to spawn despite soaring over-population. Why can't they keep their filthy heterosexual lifestyle in the bedroom where it belongs.

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