GOProphetic Message from GOProphet James Hartline - Would You Vote To Put A Cult Member in the White House?

GOProphetic Message from GOProphet James Hartline - The Jehovah Witness Cult does not support the military or donating blood or celebrating birthdays. Would you vote to put one of their cult members in the White House as the next president?

The Mormon Cult believes that the black race is the cursed line of Cain and is a subhuman species. The Mormon Cult believes that their cult members will become "Gods" who will rule the earth and build the "New Jerusalem" in the United States. The Mormon Cult teaches that their cult members will take over the United States government and rule the government of this New Jerusalem in America and inhabit other planets like the moon and Kolob, ruling those planets as Gods. The Mormon Cult teaches that Jesus is nothing more than one of the brothers of Lucifer. The Mormon Cult believes that they must consume all the wealth of America and place it in the control of Mormon Cult elites for the building of their racially-segregated paradise in America. Would you vote to put one of their lifetime cult members in the White House as the next president?

The anti-semitic Ron Paul Cult believes that Iran should have nuclear weapons, that the United States should abandon Israel and that the United States military should not have interfered with World War II or stopped Hitler's holocaust of the Jews. The Ron Paul Cult believes that all laws should be eliminated which ban the use of dangerous illegal street drugs like heroin, marijuana and cocaine. The Ron Paul Cult believes that all restrictions against homosexuality and prostitution should be removed from our society. The Ron Paul Cult believes that slavery, crimes against humanity and nation-wide mass-murder oppression should not be stopped with public funds or by a government voted in by the American people and their military. Would you vote to put a Ron Paul Cult member in the White House as the next president?

The Religious Science Cult of Newt Gingrich believes that "God" and "Christianity" are political platforms to be used to win elections. The Religious Science Cult of Newt Gingrich believes that "institutions" are the American goal, not the beliefs of such institutions. Thus, this cult and its followers advocate as a supreme goal, the worship of the institution, not its beliefs. The Religious Science Cult of Newt Gingrich believes that funding of science is the premier goal of the American government, and that there must be an expansion and exportation of the human population to moon colonies and other planets - until such colonies become the ruling "gods" of the universe. The Religious Science Cult of Newt Gingrich deifies NASA, as well as a belief that the human species - with the help of scientific laboratories - is to become the healing agent of all diseases and the creator of life expectancy rates that surpass hundreds of years - rather than the God of the Bible being the healer and author of eternal life. Would you vote to put one of their cult members in the White House as the next president?

The idolatrous GOP Ministers of Misinformation declare that the churches cannot support the only born again Christian in the Republican race for the presidency - because that born again Christian is a woman: Michele Bachmann. These Pulpit Profiteers preach that churchgoers have no choice but to support a cult member rather than born again Christian Michele Bachmann because "it just ain't right to favor a woman over the devil." Thus, these political pimps with megachurch microphones and unsavory salvation soapboxes engage in their untoward apostasy for cult member billionaires, anti-semites, good old boy racists and unrepentant Dear Leader religious fanatics.


Anonymous said…
>>>>>Would You Vote To Put A Cult Member in the White House?

Not an old welfare queen like you, James, who never worked an honest day in her pathetic life and who obviously suffers from advanced dementia.

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