A Pedophile's Paradise: The 2008 San Diego Gay Pride Events

The James Hartline Report
- On The Frontlines Of The Culture War -
July 18, 2008

A Pedophile's Paradise:
The 2008 San Diego Gay Pride Events

Child Sex Advocate Peter Tatchell Will Be San Diego Gay Pride
Parade International Grand Marshal, Making San Diego the
Most Dangerous Place in America For Kids During July 19-20 Events

In the year 2005, San Diego, California became one of the most dangerous cities in America for children when it was discovered that a nest of pedophiles and sex offenders were working for the non-profit San Diego Gay Pride organization. Each year, the San Diego Gay Pride festival features events for young minors interwoven with their other porn-filled and sexually explicit adult events. With the awareness in 2005 that dangerous sex offenders were working in the sexually-charged environment of the San Diego Gay Pride parade and festival, parents, as well as law enforcement, knew that the youth of San Diego were in big trouble.

In one of the most chilling defenses ever for the rights of pedophiles to participate in events involving young minors, the San Diego Gay Pride organization resisted enormous public pressure for weeks to get rid of their pedophile employees and volunteers during the 2005 sex offender scandal. In the end, to avoid the potential loss of their porn-filled gay pride parade and festival, the organization finally capitulated and removed the known pedophile workers. Then, of course, it was learned that the pedophile problem was even worse than had been first reported. The scandal would soon reveal that another child molester, Marty the Clown, was being employed by the San Diego Gay Pride organization to work in the Gay Pride Children's Garden entertaining young children at the raunchy homosexual festival in the heart of San Diego's Balboa Park.

The sex offender problem in San Diego's homosexual pride industry has not been limited to San Diego, California. It is a moral catastrophe that has surfaced in other cities that promote gay pride events. According to World Net Daily, in 2007, David Bodoh, a volunteer with Milwaukee's "PrideFest", was charged with soliciting a 14 year-old boy over the internet. Bodoh, whose Native American name is "Crooked Crow", has volunteered at the Milwaukee LGBT Community Center as well as the Milwaukee Gay Arts Center.

In the ensuing three years since the San Diego Gay Pride sex offender scandal, public calls for the ending of city support for the porn-filled parade and festival have intensified. Public concern has been well-justified. Two years ago, another shocking display of child endangerment was uncovered during the San Diego Gay Pride parade. The event's coordinators were allowing an elementary charter school to march young children in the midst of the gay parade that features pornography, nearly nude male strippers, adult escort services and a wide variety of other adult entertainment businesses. In 2007, the same elementary charter school was once again participating in the parade despite the school being aware of the pornographic nature of the event.

It was only a matter of time before the sexualization of minors by adults who are connected to the San Diego Gay Pride events would once again became a nightmarish reality. The San Diego Gay Pride organization just cannot leave the kids alone. And parents in San Diego, California should be worried -- very, very worried this year. In fact, the immoral assault on the youth of San Diego by the San Diego Gay Pride events in 2008 is coming with a vengeance against parents who are desperately trying to find ways to protect their kids from predators in today's anti-family culture.

Incredibly, with so many warnings about the need to protect children from the sexual assaults of adult molesters, the San Diego Gay Pride organization has booked one of Europe's leading homosexual advocates for lowering the age of consent to 14 as their International Grand Marshal for this year's San Diego Gay Pride parade. Peter Tatchell, a homosexual activist from Europe is coming to San Diego to advocate his radicalized vision during the local 2008 gay pride festivities. On his website, Tatchell states:

"For 20 years, I have campaigned for a reduction in the age of consent to 14 for both
gays and straights, backed up by earlier, more explicit sex education to encourage
wiser, responsible sexual choices. My aim is to end the criminalisation of young
people involved in consensual behaviour and remove the legal obstacles to the
provision of condoms and safer sex to the under-16s."

During her recent speech to introduce the official city council proclamation honoring the 2008 San Diego Gay Pride events, lesbian City Councilwoman Toni Atkins honored Peter Tatchell during her comments. Other incredibly youth-assaultive ideas being promoted by Tatchell on his website include the following:

"OutRage! advocates an age of consent of 14 for everyone, both gay and straight. PETER TATCHELL argues that young people have a right to make their own sexual choices without being victimised by the law."

Here are a few of the title's from the writings on Peter Tatchell's own website that advocate and emphasize sex with minors:


And then there is this horrific and assaultive article by Tatchell entitled: Lowering the unrealistic age of consent will help teens, that was published in March of 2008. In his article, Tatchell reveals the depth of his depravity by stating:

"He claimed that I "recently" advocated sexual rights for the under-16s. In fact, I first proposed this idea in 1996. He writes of Myers, stating; "Myers added that I said "14-year-old boys should, if they want, be allowed to have sex with 40-year-old men". No, I didn't. My proposed reduction in the age of consent applied to all young people -- gay and straight. It was part of a package of ideas to promote the sexual health and welfare of teenagers and to protect them against sexual exploitation."

For most common sense and decent Americans, Tatchell's ideals are an American pedophile's dream come true. In fact, pedophiles in San Diego will be cheering the arrival of this San Diego Gay Pride parade celebrity. For Councilwoman Toni Atkins, who honored Tatchell during her July 15, 2008 city council speech, it is the same old gay agenda political rhetoric. During the 2005 San Diego Gay Pride sex offender scandal, Atkins was still encouraging all San Diegans to attend the gay pride festival even though the sex offenders had not even been removed from the event at the time of her advocating attendance of the event.

During the San Diego city council meeting on Tuesday, July 15, 2008, San Diego father and Christian activist Mike Farmer decried the city council when they honored the horrific ideas of Peter Tatchell. In a stunning blow to the civic sanity and concern for the welfare of San Diego's Children, the city council voted 7-0 to endorse and celebrate Tatchell and the rest of the San Diego Gay Pride parade, festival and other pornographic events.

Peter Tatchell's sexual deviancy really knows no boundaries and every parent in San Diego would be well served to keep their kids at home during the July 19-20th Gay Pride festival and parade. With Tatchell and his supporters walking through the streets of San Diego, there will be no safety for the youth of this eighth largest of American cities.

Tatchell's intent is monstrously evident. Here is how Tatchell concludes his article, "Lowering the unrealistic age of consent will help teens":

"Any lowering of the age of consent needs to go hand-in-hand with candid, compulsory sex education in schools. From the age of 12, they need explicit advice on how to deal with sex pests, negotiate safer sex and sustain fulfilling relationships based on mutual consent and respect."

Peter Tatchell makes no qualms about how he detests Christians who stand in the way of his socialistic, European-style sexualization of young minors. In a secondary article by Tatchell on his own website entitled, "SEX RIGHTS FOR THE UNDER-16s," he declares: "Young people under 16 have sexual rights too." Making statements that would even make the pedophile-promoting North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) blush, Tatchell states:

'Denying the under-16s the legal right to be sexual, these moralists treat teenagers
who choose to have sex prior to the age of consent as criminals. Blurring the
differences between consensual and non-consensual sex, they insultingly categorise
all under-age sex - even when it is consenting and between young people of similar
ages - as child abuse. Their prime concern is not the welfare of young people, but the
imposition of their own puritan dogma."

There is a reason that the San Diego Gay Pride organization, the San Diego City Council and San Diego Mayor Jerry Sanders have so blatantly slapped families in the face by idolizing and promoting Tatchell in this year's gay pride festival. Reading Tatchell's concluding statement in his article, the ideology of the radicalized, child-dangerous philosophy of Tatchell's local supporters is revealed:

"Isn't it time the lesbian and gay community said, loud and clear, that the under-16s also have sexual rights? Don't we have a responsibility to defend the right of under-age queers to make their own free, informed choices about when they are ready for sex?"

It is clear that the San Diego Gay Pride organization is not going to convert the vast majority of San Diegans into accepting their dangerous plan to promote the sexualization of minors in their city. Mike Farmer identified this dynamic in describing the motivation behind the gay pride theme this year when he made the following statement during his powerful six minute city council speech on Tuesday, July 15, 2008:

"Where do children fit into all of this? It’s simple: this is about indoctrination.
When you can’t reproduce, you have to recruit or adopt. And the radicals in the LGBT community, headed up by (Councilwoman) Ms. Atkins, know that the earlier
you can get to the kids, the easier it is to mold their thinking."

The San Diego gay rights movement, much like its national brethren, is creating in America the equivalent of a collective dictatorship. What Nazi Germany could not accomplish, what the Japanese leaders of WWII could not force upon the world, and what the Soviet Union fought and failed to impose for seventy years, the radical gay movement is pushing forward in America. A forced ideology, an enemy from within America's own borders, that seeks by government imposition, to enshrine a collective dictatorship where the will of a few sexual deviant ideologues will be enthroned against a politically-castrated populace.

The San Diego Gay Pride festival this week seeks to subject San Diego's families and children to a sexual tyranny so terrible, that in its full maturity, only an act of God will stop it. This is exactly why God had to intrude on the forced rape that was occurring in the ancient city of Sodom.

With the help of a city council that has politically prostituted itself to the political machine of the San Diego Gay Pride movement, the advocates of the gay pride festival and parade will continue to manipulate the city with false presentations of gay victimizations as a deceptive tool for garnering media and some public sympathy. Among anti-American elites who carry the progressive gay rights banner for the liberal gay pride festivals and parades, their hate of traditional American values will continue to show up each year with city proclamations honoring people like European child sex advocate Peter Tatchell.

With the intense attempts to emasculate the spineless Republican San Diego City Councilmembers who voted in support of Tatchell and the San Diego Gay Pride proclamation, Democratic Councilwomen Toni Atkins and Donna Frye have refused to stand up for the hundreds of thousands of San Diego parents with children who despise the sexual activities of the porn-filled gay pride events.

Local San Diego community activist James Hartline considers this year's San Diego Gay Pride festival and parade to be, perhaps, the most dangerous for children in the 34-year history of the event. "Peter Tatchell being given a prominent role in the event is an incredibly dangerous assault on San Diego's families. To have the city council endorse Tatchell after they were informed of Tatchell's history of promoting sex among young minors, tells me that our city council has become morally castrated and a present danger to the citizens of San Diego," says Hartline.

To break the corrupt stranglehold that the radical gay movement has on the San Diego City Council, Hartline believes that a sovereign act of God will have to occur. "The San Diego City Council has gone too far down the path of moral darkness and I believe with the endorsement of Peter Tatchell, the city council has now become reprobate," adds Hartline.

James Hartline is calling on all Christians in San Diego and America to pray and fast on Saturday, July 19, 2008 to break the hold that sexually immorality has on San Diego and its government.

This has been an Exclusive James Hartline Report
Now Read Daily By Over 20,000 Concerned Citizens of Conviction!

I Am Making My Stand in 2008!
Have You Started Making Yours Yet?

You can read other major Christian Conservative news stories
at California Christian News

James Hartline, Publisher
The James Hartline Report
Educating The Church
Fighting For Our Generation


Anonymous said…
Rev Hartline-
You Christians are upset because the Christian Church wants to have a monopoly on child abuse. The very idea that a kid can have sex without becoming an alter boy sends shock waves through the minds of every minister from Rome to Colorado Springs.

Google, “Christian sex scandals” and the results will astound you. The homosexual pride parade looks like a Sunday School picnic compare to the sexual escapades taking place in the Christian ministerial ranks.

A picture is worth a thousand words. Please provide some photographic evidence of this sexually charged pornographic depravity that takes place at the parade and festival.
James Hartline said…
You are an idiot. I am not a Reverend. And we have been supplying photographs to the media and city council for years on the pornography that occurs in the homosexual pride events in San Diego. If you took the time to investigate things as much as you advocate your idiotic rhetoric than you would know that it was a major media story just two years ago when Council president Scott Peters would not allow the photos from the San Diego Gay Pride events to be shown in the council chambers because of their adult content.
Anonymous said…
Mike Farmer said, “When you can’t reproduce, you have to recruit or adopt.”

The belief that gays cannot reproduce is a myth. Gays are created by God in his image and God has been faithful to create a new supply of gays in every generation. God is our reproducer.

Jesus Christ said, “WHOSOEVER, believeth in me…” He did not exclude gay people and not once did he condemn gay people or preach against their lifestyle as some misguided churches do today.
Anonymous said…
anonymous above me isn't serious, is he/she? Gays can reproduce?

Good gracious please take note that gays reproduce themselves, not God! That isn't a myth, but a reality that you just don't want to see!
Anonymous said…
We should not worry about gays reproducing themselves. We should be very concerned about these people who are reproducing GOD. There are now hundreds of different Gods in our culture. A God for every lifestyle. Enough already!
Anonymous said…
Mr. Hartline,
Your problem is that you at one time was GAY yourself and if I recall you male whore/slut and made your money by having sex with men and let me see you got AIDS. Oh lets not forget that you went to prison.
That being said I was at the Pride Fesitval yesterday was able and proud to help get one of your "spys" tossed out of the festival not only by Pride Staff but the Police as well. Your Spy was caught puting his camera over a fenced off area that was designated for 18 and over only and that allowed no photo taking. seeing your "spy" attempt to take photos over the fence. my self with some others rather large men and women took action. and I can say that "we" and lot of others has this persons picture as well.

There will be a legal case coming soon and you will be the center of the case. When are you going learn that you can't get rid of us. we have been here for decades and we are not leaving. Your just a really old/bitter (so called ex gay man) that is dying of AIDS and you have found GOD.

Let me tell you something you tired old queen/aids ridden faggot
I am sick you and so is San Diego.
We are aware of your spys and we will catch them like rats

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