Dr. Luauna Speaks! A Powerful Testimony of a Woman Politician in San Diego County.

Dear James,

Just a note, I sit on an elected seat of my town, Ramona, in San Diego County, but what a fight.

Let me share a little of our battle! When I first arrived in the San Diego area 12 years ago, I rented a hotel, in hotel circle for three days to pray for direction to know what area the Lord would have our base, ATFA located. Praying for three days in the Holy Spirit for up to eight hours a day, I felt led to drive around the whole city to look at different locations around San Diego County. I had never ever been to San Diego, yet praying at the Hotel for those three days; the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart and said, “I have much land.” The Lord had placed a vision in my heart for many years back too build a Prayer Mountain, a place for God’s people to come and pray. After living in Korea for over one year and traveling back and forth into Korea for ten years I witnessed Christians praying 24/7.

My heart was burdened for USA, knowing the GREAT need for a place for God’s people to spend time in prayer and fasting like I saw in Korea, I knew the same Holy Spirit could do the same here. With California being the very seat that influences the world, I saw the need to have a place to teach God’s people how to pray. I’m talking about prayer that touches the very heart of heaven and changes the hearts of people for eternity. With “A Touch From Above” desire to build a place for prayer, I chose Ramona. It was perfect, being only 35 minutes from any part of San Diego; I knew God had a plan.

I placed money down on an apartment in Ramona, and returned to get my small team of 6 waiting and praying in the state of Oregon. With trucks packed; we headed back to Southern California. When we arrived, our battle started upon arrival, only to discover our apartment was rented and we had no place to live. Our moving trucks packed, and a team of six, tired and desiring to get some rest, were now stuck in our moving trucks. I told the team, wait lets pray. I drove around looking for something, when I noticed a very small office for rent. It was maybe 400 square feet. I called the landlord, and asked to see the little office. He was happy to show me the office; to my surprise it had a small kitchen and bathroom with a shower. I rented it on the spot, and paid in advance a few months. I drove to get the team waiting around the block, tried and hungry sitting patently in the moving trucks. I showed them the little office they just smiled, but we were all happy to take showers and use the bathroom, rest and stretch our legs. All the apartments were filled, and nothing was available at that time in Ramona. So I rented storage space unpacked the moving truck and told the team, God is good, get your sleeping bags, and let’s set up some desks for work. This little space became our home for the next few months, crowded six of us sleeping on the floor in sleeping bags. Every morning putting the sleeping bags in the closet, it became our office by day. Writing out the vision, for ATFA, we just prayed and trusted God as He had led us to this back wood country town, we had confidence He would show us the land for the future of Prayer Mountain and “A Touch From Above.”

Finally a two bed room apt. opened up and we were more than ready to at least have beds set up. Keeping our little office, and now a rented apartment, we continued to pray in the Spirit for hours a day. One day the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart, He was going to open TV, and Radio. I reminded Him of the land for a Christian prayer center. After one year of waiting, TV opened up. I was on my way down the hill to film, when the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart, “There is your land…!” As I looked to the left, while driving down the hill, I thought to myself, wow Lord. But I was going to be late for filming, so I could not stop, (but I will share that part later). Finally placing money down on the land (that’s another testimony), we all danced and rejoiced in the Lord. Knowing He has a perfect plan for ATFA, and Prayer Mountain. We started to share with people about the place of prayer, only to RUN HEAD ON INTO A DEMONIC FORCE OF HELL.

With in three months, every county dept, was called and tried to shut us down. Demanding, you will STOP ALL Bible studies on any part of the 25 acres of land. The town chair, (at that time) demanding us to leave his town. I had death threats, calls came all hours of the night and day. Code enforcers were called every time I had a small bible service. Giving me $750.00 dollar tickets every time I had a bible study on site. After receiving a few of these tickets, I asked them WHAT do I DO? They demanded I go to the San Diego planning dept and apply for a Major USE Permit, which was to only cost me $3,600.00 which ended up being almost $200.000 and six years of time stolen.

Yes we finally received our Major Use Permit, through much time, money, and prayer, and tears. Yet because of all the cost and time lost, we are still working towards building our buildings. I told you this part of our testimony to tell you this, while praying through this craziness, and complaining to God. One day the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart, and said, for me not to complain in prayer, if I was going to do nothing about it.

Then He spoke to my heart with this Word: “Proverbs 29:2 When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; But when the wicked man rules, the people groan.” And “As Joseph was in a dark place held back; I raised him up and placed him over all.”

With that Word from the Lord, I told our team, San Diego is held captive by a stronghold from Hell. After much prayer I decided to run for the Board of my town Ramona, the very man who told me boldly in front of everyone in a planning meeting “GET OUT OF RAMONA, WE DON’T WANT YOU IN THIS TOWN. I told Him, “This day say’s the Lord; I shall have your seat.”

I was elected, (two years later), and I have seen such change in the four years, (yet we still need more change) I have been sitting on the board of Ramona. I’m up for re-election this coming November. Christians MUST rise to positions of authority in all their areas of their city. If we do not rise, the wicked will rise. We still have much to do in Ramona, but I know we are making the difference. James You KEEP DOING WHAT you are doing…, little by little, that STRONGHOLD WILL BOW in JESUS NAME…! As we make impact in San Diego, tearing down the enemies camp, our God is faithful, to wake those who are sleeping.

For many Christians are sleeping, like the boiling frog, the enemy has them in a pot of lukewarm water, turning up the heat little by little, until one day they are dead in sin.
I’m trusting God for our Prayer Mountain to be filled with people who will pray…! For twelve years, I too have written letters to thousands of pastors to come and pray. I have asked the saints COME and pray. Less than 10 pastors and less than 200 saints have come to pray at the Prayer Mountain in 12 years.

But I have been and seen with my own eyes, and have been apart of a place filled with Korean Christians, over ten thousand come to pray a day. I HOLD tight to the promise, and the vision the Lord gave me for USA, in time thousands will come up to Ramona, A Touch From Above, to pray, they will come to His holy mountain and seek His face and He will answer them. Our God is faithful to turn the hearts of His people, and bring many lost out of darkness. James you are a blessing, keep fighting the good fight. OUR GOD IS ABLE! We are praying for you. God Bless YOU!

Dr. Luauna Stines

PO Box 2800
Ramona, CA 92065


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