San Diego Pro-Lifers Sold Out By State Assembly Candidate Joel Anderson - Anderson Gives $3,300 To Pro-Abortion Candidate Shirley Horton

Joel Anderson's Group, TaxypayersAdvocate.Org Endorses Gay Activist Ralph Denney
The James Hartline Report
November 6, 2006
On The 2006 Campaign Trail:
News You Can Use!
How San Diego Pro-Lifers Were Sold Out
By State Assembly Candidate Joel Anderson
San Diego Pro-Lifers Taken For Big Ride By Joel Anderson
Anderson Gives Money To Pro-Abortion Candidate Shirley Horton
Anderson Is Honorary Chairman Of Group
Endorsing Homosexual Activist Ralph Denney
Pro-life advocates continued to be taken for a big ride this week by alledged pro-life, pro-family state assembly candidate Joel Anderson ( Anderson, who is the Republican frontrunner in the race to become the next state assembly representative in the 77th District, won the June primary with the help of pro-life Catholics and other entrenched GOP money interests. Although voters were repeatedly warned by the James Hartline Report that they were being deceived by Anderson's alledged pro-life credentials (, Anderson held onto support from his fellow Catholics to win the GOP primary. New evidence of just how much those same voters have been betrayed and deceived by Anderson is now surfacing just four days before the November 7, 2006 election.
Those that have donated to the Anderson campaign may not be too happy that Anderson has taken their money and then turned around and funneled $16,000 of those contributions to school board president Jim Kelly's reelection campaign ( On November 1, 2006, Anderson's campaign transferred the enormous amount, $16,000, from Anderson to that of Jim Kelly, who is in an uphill battle to retain his seat on the Grossmont Unified High School District board ( Page 2).
Many high-ranking GOP leaders in East San Diego County have told the James Hartline Report that there is something very, very disturbing about that amount of money being given to Kelly's campaign by Anderson. Many are contending that there may be secret quid pro quo deals being made for that kind of money to be transferred to a school board race. One insider has told the James Hartline Report that there are redevelopment deals being drawn up regarding a high school and housing deal in the Alpine area that will utimately end up involving massive amounts of money and corruption, the likes of which have not been seen before in San Diego County.
All Anderson Contributions Can Be Viewed Directly At:
Perhaps, no other matter involving Anderson will so affect pro-lifers than the huge amount of money that Anderson gave to Shirley Horton on October 24, 2006 ( Page 2). Horton is one of the biggest supporters of abortion within the Republican Party, as well as being liberal on the homosexual issue. In 2004, Horton degraded all Christians in California, when she broke with the Republican Party to vote with the Democrats in supporting SB1234, the horrific bill that made it a hate crime to preach against homosexuality. Now Anderson is taking the money that pro-lifers gave to his campaign and has given it to Horton. The Anderson campaign contribution to Horton is $3,300.
According to the California Secretary of State, Anderson received another $1,000 from abortion and homosexual supporter Steve Francis on November 2, 2006 ( Francis has already given thousands of dollars to Anderson's campaign. Francis is also a major player in the embryonic stem cell movement in San Diego, serving alongside Duane Roth on the Board of Directors of UCSD Connect (, a major catalytic group that coordinates an embryonic stem cell empire through the University of California, San Diego (
On October 26, 2006, Joel Anderson received $1,500 from Allergan, a biotech member of the California Healthcare Institute (CHI) ( CHI is one of the biggest promoters of embryonic stem cell research in California ( On that same date, Anderson received $1,000 from another major promoter of embryonic stem cell research, San Diego Biotechnology PAC, which is affiliated with the embryonic stem cell advocate BIOCOM ( San Diego Biotechnology PAC also previously gave Anderson $1,000 on October 17, 2006.
If the embryonic stem cell money wasn't enough to nauseate the conservative Catholics that have been duped by Anderson, then perhaps the fact that Anderson continues to take in money from Indian gaming at a faster pace than a Las Vegas mobster, will do the job. On October 23, 2006, Anderson took in another $3,000 from Pechanga Band Of Mission Indians, operator of Pechanga Resort & Casino. On October 10, 2006, Anderson raked in another $3,300 from Sycuan Band of Kumeyaay Indians, operators of Sycuan Casino.
Out of state money is also flowing into Anderson's campaign. On October 20, 2006, Awin Management, Inc. of Scottsdale, Arizona, shoveled $2,000 into Anderson's bottomless money pit. Republican voters will be happy to know that Awin gave $25,000 to the Democratic National Committee in 2002.
While Anderson is feeding himself on thousands of dollars in embryonic stem cell money, he is also taking enormous sums from companies that cause cancer. On October 13, 2006, Anderson took in $3,300 from Phillip Morris, one of the world's biggest producers of cancer-causing cigarettes.
Joel Anderson: Honorary Chairman of TaxpayersAdvocate.Org:
Group Endorses Homosexual Activist Ralph Denney For State Assembly
TaxpayersAdvocate.Org Board of Advisors
Joel Anderson - Honorary Chairman
Honorary Chairman
Joel AndersonPresident, Padre Dam Municipal Water District,GOP Nominee, 77th Assembly District
There really doesn't seem to be any limits to the hypocrisy of Joel Anderson. While he has convinced pro-lifers and advocates of traditional marriage that he is on their side, his behind closed doors campaign activities speak of a far darker man of greed. If the contributions to pro-abortionist Shirley Horton and contributions from pro-homosexuals Phil Thalheimer and Steve Francis weren't enough to show Anderson's political prostitution, than perhaps his involvement with will. Anderson includes on his campaign endorsement list, the California Pro-Life Council and
The TaxpayersAdvocate.Org, in a truly repulsive act of political incest, endorsed Anderson, but then lists Anderson as its "Honorary Chairman" ( Interestingly, on the group's endorsement list, they don't include Shirley Horton, who Anderson gave $3,300 to, but they do mention Jim Kelly and homosexual activist Ralph Denney (
TaxpayersAdvocate.Org Endorses Gay Activist Ralph Denney
Gay Activist Ralph Denney
Just Received Endorsement
From Joel Anderson's Group,
Denney, a candidate for the 76th State Assembly, is most notorious for his involvement with the San Diego Gay Pride organization. Denney was in the 2006 San Diego Gay Pride Parade and was a volunteer with the group in 2005 when the group was involved in a major pedophile scandal. Denny is also a fanatical supporter of abortion and is a member of the radical gay activist group, the Log Cabin Republicans. Log Cabin Republicans refused to endorse either Jessica's Law (Prop. 83) or Parental Notification (Prop. 85) (, yet Anderson's group, TaxpayersAdvocate.Org, endorsed Denney.
Here is a copy of the email notice that Denney put out when Anderson's group, the TaxpayersAdvocate.Org, endorsed the gay activist:
Hi everyone...
With only six days left before the election, I am very proud to announce the San Diego based TaxpayersAdvocate. org group has reaffirmed it's endorsement of my election, and of OUR efforts to bring to Sacramento.. .
Common Sense... For A Change...
I do whole heartedly support the organization and it's fine work, and look forward to an even closer collaboration in the months and years to come... I urge all of you to visit their website at:
Please remember, their endorsement of other candidates and of the propositions are based on their criteria and according to their beliefs, and are not necessarily the endorsements of Ralph, the VoteRalph Committee, or of those very hard working volunteers lending their time and energy to bring about real solutions to the challenges facing our great State.
Meeting Tonight...
Please remember we will have our regular Wednesday meeting at Dietrich's on University, (in the Ralphs' Shopping Center), starting at 7:00 PM. It'll be the last opportunity for us to just sit down, relax, and plan before the weekend efforts.
Join Us For The Fun This Weekend...
Great exercise, companionship in the sun, and something special to follow the precinct walks and phone calls...
Join us this weekend to walk a precinct... make phone calls... put up signs... whatever you are available to do will be greatly appreciated. Email either me or Paul at: or
Transportation can be provided...
Many thanks and best to all... Ralph
Ralph Denney is not the only gay activist who was jubilant when Anderson's group, TaxpayersAdvocate.Org, endorsed Denney. Paul Furth, a radical gay activist within the homosexual community of San Diego, is currently working for Denney's campaign ( Both Denney and Furth were volunteers at San Diego's Gay and Lesbian Center in 2005 ( According to the Gay and Lesbian Times, Furth identifies himself as both bisexual and transgender ( Despite all of these abominable facts, Joel Anderson's group, TaxpayersAdvocate.Org, had no problem endorsing Denney. Here is an email that Furth recently posted on a San Diego gay and lesbian discussion board where he describes the extent of Denney's committment to homosexuality (
Wed, 1 Nov 2006 02:13:44 EST
[CUSP-SD] Letter to the Editor: Gay & Lesbian Times
Sadly, politics at its worst plays right here in our own yard.Nicole Murray-Ramirez' s latest diatribe against Republican 76th Assembly Candidate Ralph Denny ( http://www.voteralp ), is nothing but lies. Mr. Denny is in favor of same-sex civil marriage, always has and always will be. Gay marriage, which is exclusionary to the transgender and bisexual communities, is not marriage equality. Mr. Denny recognizes that abortion is a woman's health issue and he will always do his best to protect the rights for all women to live healthy and happy lives. Mr. Murray-Ramirez' s attacks against Mr. Sterling for a lapse of judgment made decades ago is unforgivable, as those who hold Mr. Murray-Ramirez' s past prostitution practices against him. Shame on you, Mr. Murray-Ramirez for your continual lies against Mr. Denny.Furthermore, it's a shame that so many gay Democrats I personally know have done their best to perpetuate these and other lies against Mr. Denny. I'll continue to encourage anyone who registers to vote to check non-party status. As much as hate and bigotry has become the face of the Republican Party, deceit and lies has become the face of the Democratic Party. PaulThe Curmudgeon
The Republican Party, who has recommended Ralph Denney for election (, should be very happy with Denney's campaign staff stating:
"As much as hate and bigotry has become the face of the Republican Party, deceit and lies has become the face of the Democratic Party."
For pro-lifers who are determined to see Prop. 85, the Parental Notification Initiative, pass on Nov. 7th, Anderson's involvement with the TaxpayersAdvocate.Org, is particularly disturbing. While Anderson has received over $3,000 from Jim Holman, the financier of the Prop. 85 movement, Anderson is affiliated with a group that does not even support Prop. 85. Here is the position of TaxpayersAdvocate.Org on both Prop. 83 (Jessica's Law) and Prop. 85 ( recommendations for San Diego County & State Propositions:
STATE PROPOSITIONS FOR NOVEMBER 7, 2006Propositions require 50%, unless stated otherwise.
83No Position
Sex Offenders. Sexually Violent Predators. Punishment, Residence Restrictions and Monitoring.Initiative Statute.
85No Position
Waiting Period and Parental notification Before Termination of Minor’s Pregnancy.Initiative Constitutional Amendment
"They have also cast lots for My people,
Traded a boy for a harlot,
And sold a girl for wine that they might have a drink."
Joel 3:3
The time has come for all God-fearing Americans
to rise up and use their vote as an investment
in the moral revival of America!
This information has been provided by The James Hartline Report.
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