ACTION ALERT: San Diego Voters Forced To Look At Gay Porn Magazine Prior To Voting At Gay Center Polling Place

The James Hartline Report Action Center
Action Alert!
November 9, 2006

San Diego Voters Forced To Look At Gay Porn Magazine
Prior To Voting At San Diego Gay Center
Used As Polling Place

Take Action: Tell San Diego Registrar Of Voters
To Rescind Gay Center's Right To Be Polling Place!

Gay Center located at 3909 Centre Street
Stacks Of Gay Adult Magazines Placed In Lobby Of
Organization's Building That Receives Nearly $2 million In Tax Dollars Per Year!

JHRActionAlert - Voters in the Hillcrest neighborhood who were required to vote at the San Diego Gay and Lesbian Center (, got more than a long wait in line on November 7, 2006 when they showed up to cast their ballots. As a 501(c)3 non-profit charity, the San Diego Gay and Lesbian Center has earned a notorious reputation for using its tax-subsidized building for gay sex events, drag queen contests, and activism for gay marriage. But now this radical organization has crossed the line once again into one of its favorite areas of immorality: promoting pornography.

As voters entered the front door of the gay center on election day, they were confronted with a stand-up display featuring Pulp Magazine. This month's cover of Pulp Magazine features a nearly nude man dressed only in an S & M leather sex outfit, with the headline reading, "Turn Up The Heat at Palm Springs Leather Pride" and "Hot House Hunk Exclusive Francesco D'Macho."

To see Pulp's outrageous cover you can go to the magazine's website at This month's edition of Pulp features disgusting articles like the one called "Cyberslut" which details the immoral perversion of physical abuse for sexual gratification. The classified section of Pulp features a multitude of graphic and immoral male prostitution ads, escort services and employment for gay porn movies.

Finding Pulp Magazine on the premises of a taxpayer funded program, which is supposed to be providing services to those with HIV, just adds to the long and reprehensible waste of much needed public funds that flow into the Gay and Lesbian Center of San Diego. However, the fact that filthy adult magazines were standing up on a display rack in such a way that every voter entering into the polling place was forced to look directly at the cover prior to voting, is a disgusting display of moral turpitude.

The San Diego Gay and Lesbian Center receives nearly $2 million in public funds each year under the guise that it is providing legimitate HIV and other social-psychological services for community members ( In reality, the money is used to pay for the organization's building which is then subleased to an enormous array of radicalized sex groups, drag queen "beauty contests", lesbian parenting classes and groups devoted to legalizing gay marriage. In 2003, the center's main building was used by a radical environmentalist to teach a bomb making class (

If hardworking parents had brought their young kids with them while they voted at this gay center, their young children would have been mentally assaulted by the cover of Pulp Magazine. The time has come for the taxpayers of San Diego and beyond to demand that action be taken against the horrific entity known as The (LGBT) Center and what they are using their publicly funded property for.

Demand that the San Diego Registrar of Voters rescind its use of
the Gay and Lesbian Center as a polling place
due to voters being forced to look at offensive,
pornographic materials prior to voting.
The Gay and Lesbian Center cannot be trusted to keep pornographic materials off of its taxpayer funded property. Employees at the Gay and Lesbian Center may love their porn, but voters do not!

San Diego Registrar of Voters
Telephone: 1-858-565-5800

This information has been provided by The James Hartline Report.
Now Read By Over 7,600 Concerned Citizens Everyday!

I Am Making My Stand! Are You?

James Hartline, Publisher
The James Hartline Report
Educating The Church
Fighting For Our Generation


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