When Silence is the Loudest Voice During A Clash of Fools

When Silence is the Loudest Voice During A Clash of Fools: When An Unexplained Absence From School is a Powerful Platform For Opposing Evil.

Gay activist seek to draw absent James Hartline into war of words during clash at San Diego High School. Extremists in the Culture War clashed in front of San Diego High School today in one of the surest signs that San Diego has become ground zero in America's culture war. Hatemongers from the Fred Phelps Cult have arrived in San Diego to protest in front of a local high school. Phelps and his followers also plan to target Jewish centers while in San Diego. The Phelps clan is notorious for protesting at the funerals of military soldiers killed on the battlefield and for their equally wicked and despicable website God Hates Fags.

A large group of homosexual activists descended upon the San Diego high school to clash with the Phelps Clan. Mike Tidmus, a radical homosexual and atheist activist based in San Diego, issued published taunts in an attempt to lure former homosexual James Hartline into the clash.

However, Hartline didn't bite the bait. "I only go where God tells me to go. My steps are ordered by God, not by members of the radicalized agenda of anti-christian activists," responded Hartline. "I ignored today's hateful actions by the Fred Phelps clan and the proponents of the radical homosexual left because Satan is the author of confusion. And confusion is the foundation of the extremists on both sides of the idiocy being displayed today in front of San Diego High School."

"Today, the volume of my voice was louder by my absence from the clash of fools."

The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way. Psalm 37:23


Anonymous said…
"I only go where God tells me to go. My steps are ordered by God, not by members of the radicalized agenda of anti-christian activists," responded Hartline.

God has not sent James on ANY missions lately. Maybe God wants to put James out to pasture and bring out others with fire in the belly. Those City Hall jaunts are no longer working, if they ever did.
Anonymous said…
James, have you considered that if you only where God wants you to go and you read Mike Tidmus' blog, God must want everybody to read Mike Tidmus' blog.
FreeSpirit said…
Religion is a horrible disease that has caused much suffering and death throughout the history of mankind. Fortunately this disease can now be cured and there is a vaccine to prevent future infections. Most of our public schools, outside of the Bible Belt, start administering the anti-religion vaccine as soon as they enter the school system and booster shots are given throughout their school career.

This religion immunity system is gradually reducing the incidence of religion in society, especially in those people under 30 years of age. In the older population treatment is more difficult but progress is being made. The religion virus is usually spread through contact with infected people, mainly evangelical church people. Evangelism is beginning to lose its power as science has dis-proven many of the biblical myths that religious people have been infected with.

A recent survey revealed that over 20 percent of Americans are completely free of the religion virus and this number is growing rapidly. Religion is no longer the fatalistic disease that it once was and through the efforts of many who were once afflicted with this malady, word is spreading that there is a cure available.

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