San Diego Marchers Confront One Of The Greatest Political Hypocrisies During March Against Poverty

The James Hartline Report
- On The Frontlines Of The Culture War -
May 10, 2008

When Justice Confronts A Great Political Hypocrisy:

65 San Diegans March & Confront One of San Diego's
Greatest Political Hypocrisies During The March Against Poverty.

The Office of Congresswoman Susan Davis Looks Down Upon
The Poorest Neighborhood in San Diego, While She and Her Staff
Make Big Salaries and Do Nothing For The Poor!

(JHReport) Sixty-five San Diegans gathered on Thursday, May 8, 2008, in the economically-challenged San Diego community of City Heights to kick off a two-part event called the "March Against Poverty." The March Against Poverty has been organized by San Diego City Council candidate James Hartline. The event is part of Hartline's overall vision of bringing about long overdue economic improvements to the long-neglected City Heights area. With the large turnout for the first day of the two-day event, it is clear that San Diegans are ready to help increase public awareness of the terrible conditions that the poor and needy families in City Heights are living in.

While Hartline and his fellow marchers knew that they would see some of the most disenfranchised people in San Diego during the march, nothing really prepared them for one unbelievable encounter during the May 8th event. In the midst of City Heights, Hartline and the other marchers brought attention to the area's dirty slums, asthma-causing mold, extreme hunger and the devastating poverty that seems to engulf the community. However, there was one situation that city council candidate James Hartline says is one of the greatest examples of societal and governmental hypocrisy that he has ever seen.

The example that so shocked Hartline, as well as the others who attended the May 8th event, was the realization that Congresswoman Susan Davis, a politically entrenched Democrat representing the district, has an expensive high-rise district office in the midst of the horrific economic conditions which are plaguing City Heights families.

For the past two decades, liberal Democrats have controlled District 3 and the City Heights area. Incredibly, City Heights has gotten more polluted and even more financially devastated under the leadership of Democrats who claim to be more concerned about the social welfare of the area's citizens, as well better stewards of the environment, than their Republican counterparts.

What event leader James Hartline and the other sixty-five conscientious protesters discovered during their City Heights march is sure to shock the voters in Hartline's district. In the midst of the catastrophic pollution, extreme poverty, and gang-related activities of City Heights is this massive, disproportionately large skyscraper located at 4305 University Avenue. Among the rundown discount stores, the dirty liquor outlets, the hopeless moms and the homeless drunks, stands this gigantic, steel and glass palace located at 4305 University Avenue. Inside of this strange, bureaucratic tower is the district office for Congresswoman Susan Davis.

"It is absolutely a societal abomination that Congresswoman Susan Davis has an elitist office in the midst of all of the poverty in City Heights and she is doing absolutely nothing about it," says Hartline. Even more shocking for Hartline is the realization that one of his opponents for the District 3 City Council seat, Todd Gloria, has sat in the same expensive high-rise office as Congresswoman Davis, doing absolutely nothing about the gross poverty and injustices occurring right outside of his government funded office.

"This is one of the most pitiful examples of hypocrisy I have ever seen," says Hartline. "While City Heights families are lining up for bread in the local soup kitchens, Congresswoman Susan Davis and her district representative Todd Gloria have been getting rich off of their fat government salaries right in the middle of all this suffering."

Hartline points out that Todd Gloria makes it a point at every one of his candidate forums to let voters know that he lives with his homosexual partner in City Heights. Giving the appearance that somehow Gloria and his gay lover have much in common with the suffering families of City Heights, the district aide to Congresswoman Davis has sought to paint a picture with the district's voters of a man who has empathy with the City Heights families living in poverty.

"Todd Gloria has conveniently forgotten to inform voters that he has worked out of an expensive government office in the midst of San Diego's poorest families doing nothing about the poverty while he has collected a big, fat government paycheck," Hartline declares angrily.

"Both Todd Gloria and Susan Davis should be run out of City Heights," declares Hartline. "It is time that good and truly concerned people be given the opportunity to help the people of City Heights. These two are doing absolutely nothing about the horrific environmental pollution and poverty that is killing our people."

Among those participating in the May 8th March Against Poverty was Grossmont Union High School District boardmember Priscilla Schreiber. Mrs. Schreiber, who has spent the past eight years as a member of the East San Diego County school board, was shocked that a politician would have an office so close to so much suffering, but appearing to do little, if anything, to alleviate that same suffering.

Mrs. Schreiber was not alone in her dismay regarding Congresswoman Davis. A large contingent of mothers who are currently participating in a long-term program at the San Diego Rescue Mission joined Schreiber in their concern for the obvious lack of action on the part of the congresswoman. Nearly a dozen women from the Rescue Mission, most of whom have very little in this life, gave up their afternoon to stand with the moms of City Heights. Being aware of how difficult it is on poor families in the City Heights area, many of the Rescue Mission moms felt it was important to stand in the gap for their City Heights sisters who cannot put enough food on the table to feed their kids.

While dozens of working moms participated in the first day of the two-day March Against Poverty, San Diego pastors were conspicuously absent during the event. Although hundreds of local San Diego pastors had been given invitations to stand with the suffering families in City Heights during the two-day event, not one pastor showed up for the May 8th kickoff of the March Against Poverty.

For James Hartline, this is a reality which challenges his creative skills. "We are just going to have to come to terms with the realization that taking care of the poor families in City Heights is going to have to be done without the help of the pastors who will not leave their comfortable suburban homes to help the poor in City Heights," says Hartline. "We will have to make it without their help. And with the large turnout for this first part of the two-day event, we are convinced that God is moving upon the hearts of the right people to come help us in City Heights," he adds.

In addition to all of the overwhelming poverty that is unneccesarily plaguing City Heights, parents are now forced to forego buying basic food purchases at Albertsons, the only major retail grocery store in City Heights. Albertsons is aware that they are the only store that many of the mothers in City Heights can easily get to, yet they continue to drastically mark up their prices on basic food items. This is one of the most grievous examples of corporate greed being inflicted upon the poorer families in San Diego.

James Hartline and the large contingent of concerned San Diegans will continue to march on behalf of the families in City Heights who are crying out for help in this time of great financial distress. Up to this point, those cries for help have fallen on the deaf ears of the San Diego City Council and the mayor's office. "We are going to see that a financial revolution is created in San Diego," says candidate James Hartline. "We will not rest until justice is apprehended for those who are suffering in City Heights and if that means we have to march every week in City Heights, than that is what we will do."

Part Two of the two-day March Against Poverty will be held on May 15, 2008 beginning at 11:30am at the City Heights Retail Village. The City Heights Retail Village is located in front of the Albertsons Grocery Store on the corners of Fairmount Ave. & University Ave., San Diego, 92105.

A donor who believes in James Hartline's vision to help the poor and needy families of City Heights has donated 200 t-shirts which are being distributed to participants of the two-day event. T-Shirts can be obtained by calling James Hartline at 619-793-9661.

March Against Poverty, Part 2 of 2 Events, May 15, 2008 - starting at 11:30am
City Heights Retail Village, Fairmount Ave. & University Ave. (in front of Albertsons)
200 San Diegans will be participating during the two events.

For further information or interviews:
James Hartline
cell: 619-793-9661

This article has been published by the James Hartline Report.
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