Action Alert: How Christians Are Funding Planned Parenthood By Purchasing Poinsettias!

The James Hartline Report Action Center
Action Alert!
November 28, 2006
How Christians Are Funding Planned Parenthood:
Welcome To The Garden Of Death:
Ecke's Ranch - America's Biggest Supplier of Poinsettias
One of The Biggest Financiers of Planned Parenthood
Lizabeth Ecke of Carlsbad gave $100, $900, & $3,000 to the No on 85 campaign.
Jinx Ecke of La Jolla gave $2,550 & $4,500 to the No on 85 campaign.
Thus these two Ecke women continued their financing of the abortion industry
by giving thousands of dollars to prevent the Prop. 85 - Parental Notification Law
from passing in 2006.
Purchasing Poinsettias from the Ecke Family is allowing these women to fund
the abortion industry!
(JHR) They are red, blood red to be specific. During the Christmas season, millions of pots of red poinsettias can be seen in nearly every church in America. It is also a good possibility that those same poinsettias were purchased from an Ecke Ranch broker or supplier ( The Ecke Family, which owns Ecke Ranch in Encinitas, California, supplies 70% of all of the poinsettias sold in the entire United States ( The Ecke Family is also one of the biggest financial supporters in the United States of the abortion mills of Planned Parenthood. The red in Ecke Ranch poinsettias are not just red from a horticultural perspective. They are red, stained with the blood of thousands and thousands of exterminated unborn babies courtesy of the Planned Parenthood abortion mills which have been funded, in part, by the very networks tied to the Ecke Family.
The insidious and destructive ties of the Ecke Family to Planned Parenthood cannot be understated. In the Fall, 2005 San Diego/Riverside County Planned Parenthood Newsletter, the Ecke Family entrees on the Planned Parenthood President's Council major donor list to the abortion provider took up a good portion of the list. Here is a list of Ecke Family connections listed as Planned Parenthood's biggest San Diego donors:
1. The Ecke Family
2. Elisabeth (Jinx) Ecke
3. Lizbeth A. Ecke and David Meyer
4. Paul Ecke III and Julie Hampton
5. Paul and Magdalena Ecke Poinsettia Foundation
6. Sara Ecke May and Andrew W. May Family
Carlsbad, California will now be more capable than ever of continuing to exterminate unborn babies thanks to 74 year-old Ecke Family matriarch Elisabeth "Jinx" Ecke. According to a November 17, 2005 North County Times report (, Mrs. Ecke, who did not abort her own children, joined those same three grown children, Paul Ecke III, Lizbeth Ecke and Sara Ecke May, to contribute $250,000 of the needed $340,000 for the renovation of the new Planned Parenthood Abortion Clinic at 1820 Marron Road in Carlsbad ( At the dedication of the new Carlsbad abortion provider, clinic staff honored the Ecke Family with a catered reception. While many of those in attendance chowed down on fancy food, some of the women there, gleefully reiterated their increased drive to support the abortion movement.
According to a Logan Jenkins column in the San Diego Union Tribune (, the Ecke financed abortion clinic in Carlsbad will now be able to "service" up to 1,500 patients a month, twice the number of the old Planned Parenthood abortion mill in Oceanside, California. He also quotes Paul Ecke III, the abortion fanatic's son, who seems to be as agressively supportive of abortion as his mother:
"As children, we licked a lot of envelopes, we made a lot of phone calls, we walked door-to-door to encourage people to vote. Those causes were political campaigns,
4-H club, school bonds, Planned Parenthood and others.
"Our mother demonstrated to us that a family like ours -- even though you've got a business and we all chipped in and worked hard in the business -- we also learned to give back. You don't do things because you should, you actually have to do them, they become must-do things."
Paul Ecke III
Without question, this Ecke Family name will forever be enshrined in the halls of pure evil. The diabolical efforts of the San Diego Ecke clan to associate its name with family and children's charities while pouring huge amounts of money into the abortion industry, is one of the great satanic stories in modern America.
Magdalena Ecke, the original wife of Ecke Ranch founder Paul Ecke, has her name attached to the YMCA: Magdalena Ecke Family YMCA ( The idea that the Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA), would allow the family name of one of America's biggest financiers of abortion to be attached to its Christian organization is truly an abomination of Biblical proportions. This marketing of evil by the Ecke Family seems to know no scrupulous boundaries.
While the Ecke Clan is assuring that there will continue to be an assemblyline of unborn infant exterminations at Planned Parenthood's abortion mills, they are actually utilizing a network of charitable events with young children to counter their true
devious image. The Paul Ecke Poinsettias programs ( merchandises children's fundraising programs at Christmas time, as well as other elementary school endeavors (
The Paul and Magdalena Ecke Poinsettia Foundation is mentioned on the Planned Parenthood donor list for their abortion supporting President's Council list. It is truly one of the most obscene hypocrisies in America. While the Ecke family foundation is helping to exterminate new life via rampant abortions, it is using some of America's must vulnerable citizens - elementary school children - to alter the family's profile. One of the Ecke's most vile efforts in this dark repackaging effort, is their program, "Kids Flowers" ( With Kids Flowers, Ecke Ranch supplies their poinsettias and other flowers to elementary schools for fundraising projects for those same schools. The company website states about the Kids Flowers program:
"It's All About Kids. And Folks saying "Ooooh!"
A refreshing new way to raise funds for your school."
In another Ecke program, this major abortion-supporting family utilizes Christmas to remarket its holocaustic profile. Its Christmas program fundraising poster, which includes a child-like drawing of numerous children holding hands around a Christmas tree, reads:
"Help A Cause
This Holiday Season"
Help Support Our Cause -
Give Back To The Community
This Holiday Season.
The abortion-supporting Ecke clan is now spreading its namebrand to college sports as well. The recent, December 22, 2005 inaugural San Diego County Credit Union-Poinsettia Bowl held at Qualcomm Stadium was an intended Ecke poinsettia advertisement gimic, as evidenced by the event's promotion by Ecke Ranch guru Paul Ecke III (
Elisabeth "Jinx" Ecke has aggressively attempted to spawn her abortion rampage within conservative Republican circles as well. According to a December, 1999 report in San Diego News Notes (, Ecke, a liberal Republican, seduced disgraced Congressman Duke Cunningham to visit an Escondido Planned Parenthood clinic. At the time, Ecke was a board member of Planned Parenthood - San Diego/Riverside Counties. Both Ecke and Cunningham were also supporters of pro-abortion Republican candidate Charlene Zettel in her successful run in the 75th State Assembly race at the time. "Duke" Cunningham went on to support increased funding for Planned Parenthood while he was in congress, as well as his support for embryonic stem cell research.
Mrs. Ecke's socialistic beliefs and abortion fanatacism even extends to limiting the role of parents in their children's lives. In the recent Prop. 73 initiative which would have legalized parental notification when their little girls are considering abortions at Planned Parenthood, Mrs. Ecke was a big financier to defeat the proposition. According to the website Election Track, Mrs. Ecke donated $4,500 to the No On Prop. 73 campaign (
The Ecke clan has continued to extend its poisonous tenacles to affect major aspects of the entire economy of the county of San Diego, California. Unknown to many pro-life advocates and other concerned citizens, is the fact that Christians have poured in hundreds of millions of dollars in other revenue into the Ecke bank vaults. In 1957, the Carltas Company was formed by the Ecke Ranch to secure major agricultural land holdings. These holdings include Carlsbad Ranch and Encinitas Ranch. Since 1987, the Carltas Development Company has developed or planned more than 1,300 acres of prime California coastal land and more than 850,000 sq. feet of commercial and industrial buildings (
When parents, who object to the horrific Ecke-sponsorship of Planned Parenthood, bring their children to Legoland, they may not realize that Legoland sits on Carltas Company property ( The connection between the Ecke family and Legoland is clear. On the the Legoland website for youth programs, the Ecke named Magdalena Ecke YMCA is listed as a location for Legoland Youth Camp ( It is truly disturbing that thousands of parents opposed to abortion, are unwittingly paying millions of dollars in ticket sales to Legoland, while the amusement park landowner is tied to the Ecke Family.
When history is recorded and reviewed, the keen observer will pause to analyze the Ecke Family's obsession with the infanticidal insanity of the abortion industry. The mockery of family values by the Ecke-Planned Parenthood connections will be scrutinized by Christians for decades to come: How could Christians fill churches with Ecke-produced poinsettias and the bank accounts of Ecke-subsidized Planned Parenthood clinics at the same time? Hopefully, history will also record that one of the great moral indignations occurred as the result of an informed and awakened Christian community becoming aware of, and outraged over, the Ecke-Poinsettia-Planned Parenthood-Abortion connection.
JHReport Action Center
Take Action Now!
Introducing the new James Hartline Report Action Campaign:
"Choosing Babies Over Poinsettias!"
Take The "Choosing Babies Over Poinsettias Pledge!"
Until the Ecke Family completely stops funding the abortion industry and Planned Parenthood, will you commit to stop purchasing poinsettias?
Will you encourage your church to stop purchasing poinsettias?
It's that simple. Spread the word. Encourage everyone in America to stop purchasing poinsettias until the Ecke Clan stops supporting the killing of unborn babies.
You can also contact your local nurseries, stores and florists and tell them to stop carrying Ecke products, until they stop funding Planned Parenthood.
For a list of Ecke Retailers and distributors:
You can also express you displeasure with the Ecke family's support for the
abortion industry:
JHReport Action Center
This information has been provided by the James Hartline Report Action Center.
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