Leave Our Kids Alone -- The Idiots of San Diego Gay Pride Are STILL in Denial

San Diego Gay Pride has a documented history of hiring pedophiles to work in their organization, including "Marty the Clown" a convicted pedophile who was hired to entertain children in the San Diego Gay Pride children's garden in 2005. Every year, the San Diego Gay Pride events are overrun with pornography, S & M sex advocates, transvestites dressing up as Catholic Nuns and "The Leather Realm" a leather S & M bondage tent in their twisted festival that teaches participants all about sexual bondage. In a civil trial this year, The San Diego Gay Pride event was found responsible for the sexual harassment of four San Diego firefighters who were forced against their will to participate in the 2007 gay pride parade. Last year, a male dancer hired to perform at a San Diego Gay Pride party, was shot and killed by San Diego Harbor Police when the go-go dancer, deemed to be under the influence of multiple drugs, attacked the police.

And San Diego Gay Pride conducts a youth event within the San Diego Gay Pride Festival each year!
And they can't understand why we don't want their organization around kids at Petco Park???

Sorry, we are not going to apologize for trying to keeps our youth away from your perversions!

Here is the latest idiotic response (Below) from San Diego Gay Pride regarding the growing national outrage at the San Diego Padres mixing a youth event at Petco Park during this year's San Diego Gay Pride Out At the Park event. This twisted organization just doesn't get it. They don't understand that pornography is destructive. They don't understand that responsible adults DO NOT have porn vendors operating in an event that also features a youth event. They don't understand how offensive it is to Californians and Americans to have half-naked men, as well as transvestites marching down the street as nuns, mixed in a parade with elementary school children. The more that San Diego Gay Pride attacks citizens for speaking out against their immoral rot, and the more they defend their sexualization around minors, the more our side gains support.

And the idiots of San Diego Gay Pride wonder why so many African Americans are angry at their agenda and are big supporters of traditional marriage. The idea that these radical homosexual activists continue to compare their demands for acceptance of their chosen sexual activities to the horrific war that was waged against our black brothers and sisters via slavery and racial discrimination continues to backfire. Note their comparison of the discrimination against our hero Jackie Robinson with the outrage being expressed by parents over the mixing of the porn-promoting San Diego Gay Pride group and kids at Petco Park:

Here is their latest response to complaints about their porn-promoting group being around kids in Petco Park:

From the San Diego Gay Pride website:
We've got a long way to go - Action Alert!
HolyCoast.com posted this homophobic warning Friday, May 22 regarding the upcoming Gay Day at Petco Park on June 7 - "You might want to keep the kids out of the special Gay Pride section. There could be some "padres" up there."
This homophobia and outrageous fear mongering has got to stop. The criticism of the behavior is hauntingly reminiscent of the opposition efforts lodged against old time Black baseball leagues and of Jackie Robinson's entry into the major leagues back in 1947, which of course broke the color barrier in professional baseball.It is also reminiscent of when African Americans were forbidden to fight in the military and then later placed in segregated units and battalions while dutifully serving in the armed forces.
To counter these negative, fear-fueled actions against our community we need your support. Don't let hateful propaganda shame the Padres for supporting equality, freedom and diversity. Don't let them keep us out of the ballpark. Click Here for ticket info


Ken said…
Some of those kids that will be attending the ballgame on June 7th will be gay when they get older; they just don’t know it yet. It is important that they have role models and know that God did not create everyone as a heterosexual. Gay people are part of our community and it is very important that we be visible to young people so that when their sexual orientation develops they will know that a gay sexual orientation is perfectly normal. This is why we march every year in the parade, to let people know that we exist and that we are PROUD of who we are.

I will be at the game on June 7th and my sexual orientation will NOT be hidden. I am a very OUT gay person and I love every minute of it it. I am not interested in these kids sexually but I feel I have a responsibility to contact as many kids as possible and let them see a REAL gay person and let them know that the gay lifestyle is OK.

James, I appreciate your efforts to keep the religious people out of the ballpark on June 7th. The world would be a better place if you religious folks would just stay in in your churches and pray. Your little demonstration in 2007 at the ballpark provided a little entertainment for us secular folk but accomplished nothing more. In your wisdom you are not repeating that mistake this year. Keep up the good work.
Ken said…
Some of those kids that will be attending the ballgame on June 7th will be gay when they get older; they just don’t know it yet. It is important that they have role models and know that God did not create everyone as a heterosexual. Gay people are part of our community and it is very important that we be visible to young people so that when their sexual orientation develops they will know that a gay sexual orientation is perfectly normal. This is why we march every year in the parade, to let people know that we exist and that we are PROUD of who we are.

I will be at the game on June 7th and my sexual orientation will NOT be hidden. I am a very OUT gay person and I love every minute of it it. I am not interested in these kids sexually but I feel I have a responsibility to contact as many kids as possible and let them see a REAL gay person and let them know that the gay lifestyle is OK.

James, I appreciate your efforts to keep the religious people out of the ballpark on June 7th. The world would be a better place if you religious folks would just stay in in your churches and pray. Your little demonstration in 2007 at the ballpark provided a little entertainment for us secular folk but accomplished nothing more. In your wisdom you are not repeating that mistake this year. Keep up the good work.
Anonymous said…
This Marty The Clown has not been around since 2005. The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence and the leather guys are not to be taken seriously, just for a laugh.
The Sisters are not nearly as outrageous as Pope Benedict in his red Saturno hat, flowing robes, and red shoes.

Lighten up!!
James Hartline said…
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James Hartline said…
Child molesters would love for me to lighten up on the battle to protect kids in San Diego from the immoral rot of the San Diego Gay Pride events. You would attempt to minimize the sexual rot that goes on inside of the San Diego Gay Pride Parade and Festival. Included in the current sponsors of the events are ID Lubricants and
the Gay and Lesbian Times which features a multitude of sex for hire and explicit xxx ads in its classfieds. And then there are the extensive number of paid entrees in the parade and festival that feature adult porn vendors, adult lubricant ads on trash cans and the Leather Realm which gives public demonstrations on S & M sex acts. This is all done under the umbrella of the San Diego Gay Pride organization which is producing the youth event at their festival at the same time as all the other perverted businesses are promoting their pornography wares.

This is the same San Diego Gay Pride that chose June 7th as their Gay Day in Petco Park which just happens to be the same day that the Padres are having their youth event in the ballpark. And if San Diego Gay Pride is in mid-July, why did the homosexual group schedule their event at the ballpark on the youth event day in early June?

And you think we're going to back off from taking a stand against the rotten agenda of this politically motivated, porn-promoting group and their harming the youth of San Diego.
It ain't gonna' happen!
Leave Our Kids Alone!
Jonathon Stalls said…
This is crazy to me. I am a very passionate Christian..who loves Jesus deeply. I am also a man who is working hard to be free in my sexual orientation.

Both sides of this "argument" are horrific.

You have extreme angles of "Gay Pride Activity" which throws sex all over the place with NO real understanding for its long-term effects on both the potential youth and on the idea of acceptance as a whole. It is awful, immature, and selfish; however, so much of this is rooted in the history of the "Church" in our country...


You have the hardcore Christians (seems to include this James Hartline Report) who throw up Jesus as this angry attacker out to kill anyone who doesn't conform to the industrial, safe, and utterly fake persona that is intended to be displayed by "all". (Hurry, clean that stain on our white picket fence!!)

we are all broken people.

PEOPLE need God. People need healthy community. There has got to be a way to have solid, slow, and patient conversation with Church/Neighborhood leaders and the leaders of this Gay Pride movement.

...love others.
James Hartline said…
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James Hartline said…
Jonathan Stalls claims to be a passionate Christian.

Really, based on what? You don't hold to the teachings of the Bible so one must wonder where does this passion come from. Jesus said that if you hurt one of the children or lead them astray it would be better if that person had not even been born than to suffer the damnation that comes with doing such things to children.

Yet, Jonathan Stall's type of Christianity seeks to "negotiate" with such evil. Your Christianity is the kind that doesn't cost you anything, doesn't make any waves and simply goes with the flow, a flow that doesn't require you to step out and make a stand for truth and righteousness. And Jesus called that the lukewarm believer. And Jesus said of the lukewarm believer in the Book of Revelation: "I wish that you were hot or cold, but because you are lukewarm, I will spew you out of my mouth."

The Apostle Paul stated this to his disciple Timonthy right before he was executed for his faith:
"Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived."

You, Jonathan Stalls, seek to avoid persecution. You want to be liked and accepted and have your Christian cake and eat it too. La, la, la, di, dah.

He who stand for nothing, will stand for everything. But true sheep will know their true shepherd. For the true shepherd will guard the sheep against the wolves when the wolves are coming in to devour the flock.

You sir, see the wolves and you let them right on in to have dinner because you want to be such an openminded host. Well remember this, the wolves do not differentiate between the sheep and the shepherd. They both will be devoured if they are let in to feast.
David R. said…
James wrote, “Yet, Jonathan Stall's type of Christianity seeks to "negotiate" with such evil. Your Christianity is the kind that doesn't cost you anything, doesn't make any waves and simply goes with the flow………..”

James, apparently you do not like Jonathan’s strategy for solving problems. O.K. fair enough, but let’s look at YOUR strategy. This problem has existed for at least 5 years and during this time your strategy has been to write letters to city council members and to give 3 minute prepared speeches at the City Council meetings. This strategy has not worked because the Pride Parade is still there and it gets bigger and raunchier every year. Clearly we need to try something new. The homosexuals are laughing at us because they know that our letter writing and bitching to City Council will get us nowhere.

Jonathan’s strategy of negotiation is not unreasonable. God himself was willing to negotiate over the city of Sodom; in Genesis 18:26-33, an unchangeable and all-knowing God negotiates with Lot's uncle, Abraham, about the fate of Sodom. God originally specified the finding of fifty righteous people to spare Sodom, but Abraham negotiated him down to ten.

James, if you don’t like Jonathan’s strategy, what do you advocate that we as Christians do in order to bring closure to this problem that occurs every Summer. Are you proposing that we just continue writing letters, and give 3 minute speeches to the City Council, or what? To solve the Padres problem, do you recommend that we just continue boycotting our local team and stay home and write letter? This strategy is clearly not working for us. What do you suggest we do now?
James Hartline said…
Excuse, huh, where is Sodom? You mention something about negotiating over Sodom. Huh, now where is Sodom?

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