URGENT: Rally To Support Our Christian Firefighters - Jan. 27, 2009

The James Hartline Report
Citizens Action Alert

Rally To Stop Government Discrimination
Against The Constitutional Religious Rights Of
San Diego's Christian Firefighters & Police Officers

Tuesday - January 27, 2009
San Diego City Concourse
202 "C" Street
San Diego, California 92101
8:30am - 11:30am

Stand Up! Be Counted! Let Your Voice Be Heard!

Will You Stand Up For These Four Christian San Diego Firefighters?

In 2007, four Christian San Diego firefighters were forced against their will by Fire Department superiors to march in the San Diego Gay Pride Parade. These four brave firefighters were exposed to pornography, male prostitution and perverse sexual taunts in violation of their Christian beliefs. Now, these four firefighters are suing the City of San Diego and demanding that they be compensated for the degradation and humiliation that they were put through during the porn-filled parade. It is time that the government understands that the vast majority of American citizens agree with the morality of these firefighters and not the immorality of the government-sanctioned homosexual political movement.

The outcome of the upcoming firefighters' civil lawsuit will impact the entire future of Christian liberties in America!

Pray! Pray! Pray! That Attorney Charles LiMandri prevails in this historically important, precedent-setting court case. Your future rights as a Christian in the United States depends on the outcome of this case.

Will You Let The Four Christian San Diego Firefighters
Know That You Are Standing With Them During
Their Lawsuit Against The City of San Diego?

Rally To Stop Government Discrimination
Against The Constitutional Religious Rights Of
San Diego Firefighters & Police Officers

Tuesday - January 27, 2009
San Diego City Concourse
202 "C" Street
8:30am - 11:30am
(Parking is free in the Horton Plaza Parking Garage)
8:30am: Prayer Rally on Ground Floor outside of City Hall
10am: Speech at the San Diego City Council Meeting after
the Rally. Join James Hartline as he declares our united
support for San Diego's Christian Firefighters & Police Officers
(10am City Council Meeting is on the 12th Floor at 202 "C" Street)

First, the United States government took prayer out of the schools in 1963. Then, the government took away the right of parents to be informed by school officials when their little daughters leave school property to get surgical abortions. In 2003, the controversial U. S. Supreme Court ruling in the Lawrence v. Texas case took away the right of voters in their respective states to regulate the destructive act of homosexual sodomy. In 2000, California voters, who enacted Prop. 22 with 62% of the state vote, declared that marriage shall be restricted to a union between one man and one woman in the state of California. In 2007, the California Supreme Court defied the will of the vast majority of California voters by throwing out Prop. 22 and ordering the redefining of the definition of marriage in the state to include homosexual and lesbian relationships. We are the government's employer, but they are not listening to us!

In 2007, the San Diego Fire Department told four Christian San Diego firefighters that they did not have the right to refuse participation in the San Diego Gay Pride Parade, a porn-filled, adult-themed homosexual, anti-family spectacle. How low will the government stoop in its war against the rights of hard working, law abiding citizens to be free of these government-sanctioned attacks against people of faith? Where will the government strike next? It is time to let our government know that they work for us and that we are their employers. We have rights guaranteed under the United States Constitution and these attacks against people of faith must stop and THEY MUST STOP NOW!

On Tuesday - January 27, 2009, we will be gathering at the San Diego City Hall to make our stand on behalf of the religious rights of the four Christian San Diego firefighters who were forced against their will to participate in the 2007 porn-filled, adult-themed San Diego Gay Pride Parade. These four firefighters were humiliated and victimized by homosexual activists during this parade. Is it right to force Christian employees of the government to participate in porn events that degrade their faith? It is time to declare, "Enough is Enough!"

In two weeks, Charles L. Limandri will be fighting in court for the future of these four San Diego firefighters, as well as for the religious liberties of Americans everywhere. In the upcoming trial, Mr. LiMandri will be demanding that the City of San Diego acknowledge the terrible violations that were committed by the City of San Diego against the religious rights of these four firefighters when they were forced to march in the San Diego Gay Pride Parade. Over the past five years, Charles L. LiMandri has dedicated his career to preserving the religious rights and freedoms of all Americans. During this period of time, he has donated over $3 million worth of legal work to important religious liberty cases like the preserving of the Mt. Soledad Cross, the Prop. 8 California Marriage Amendment and the current case in defense of the four Christian San Diego firefighters.

We are asking for all San Diegans: Christians, Faithful Catholics, as well as Christians from around America, to stand up on Tuesday - January 27, 2009 to declare your support for these four brave and courageous San Diego firefighters. We are also asking you to declare your support for Charles L. LiMandri, our legal soldier in the courtroom.

Will you be there on January 27th to make your stand
for religious liberties in America?
Email RSVP James Hartline with your intention of
coming to the San Diego City Council on Jan. 27th.

We have rights! The government works for us and it is time that we reminded the government of that fact!

This has been a Citizen's Alert from The James Hartline Report
Now Read Daily By A Growing Audience In Excess of 50,000 Readers!

I Am Making My Stand in 2009!
Have You Started Making Yours Yet?

You can read other major Christian Conservative news stories
California Christian News

James Hartline, Publisher
The James Hartline Report
Educating The Church
Fighting For Our Generation


Anonymous said…
“In 2003, the controversial U. S. Supreme Court ruling in the Lawrence v. Texas case took away the right of voters in their respective states to regulate the destructive act of homosexual sodomy.”

The Supreme Court was merely restoring to gay people what we were entitled to from the beginning under the Constitution. The voters NEVER had the right to tell gay people that they could not engage in sodomy. Gay people have a constitutional right to engage in sodomy. If you want to take away that right you will have to make some major amendments to the United States Constitution. Where in the constitution does it say that we have to follow “God’s” law as written in the Bible?

If it harms none, do as you please.
James Hartline said…
You made a claim that it hurts no one? Prove your claim!

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