2009 Obadiah Awards For Outstanding Christian Activism

California Christian News
In Partnership With
The James Hartline Report

The 2009 Obadiah Awards
Honoring Those Who Honored
America's Christian Community
During The Year 2008

With a readership that now exceeds 50,000 daily readers, The James Hartline Report and California Christian News seeks to regularly publish articles that will inform, improve, prosper and transform America's Christian Community. Each year publisher James Hartline reviews and investigates people, places and things that he feels are newsworthy to the Christian Community. In 2008, James published some of the most important socially conservative news stories in America. His investigative news alert about the same-sex marriage legal brief being brought before the San Diego City Council was the igniting factor that lead to the Prop. 8, California Marriage Amendment campaign.

In 2008, The James Hartline Report and California Christian News were determined to let the world know what personalities impacted the lives of Christians along with their families and their churches. Hundreds of grateful Christians wrote back to the James Hartline Report in 2008 to let Hartline and his ministry partners know how thankful they were for the important work being done by James Hartline in alerting them of the important events that the secular media may, or may not, even report on.

After meeting with many Christian leaders over the past twelve months and reviewing thousands of news articles, books, television programs and radio interviews, publisher James Hartline has now produced his annual list of individuals and organizations which have impacted and honored the interests of America's Christian Community. Since 2006, this annual list has been called The Obadiah Awards. The name Obadiah was chosen because it is based upon one of the Bible's most important and courageous characters in the Old Testament. Obadiah was a man who served God and sacrificed his life to do the right thing for God's people during the dangerous reign of Israel's King Ahab and Queen Jezebel.

The 2009 Obadiah Award winners were the best of the best during the previous twelve months in their respective professions and spheres of influence. These Obadiah Award recipients helped change the social landscape of America for the better in 2008.

With so many honorable men and women involved in critical battles to preserve the historical definition of marriage, uphold the sanctity of life, and stand up for Biblical morality in the political arena, it has been difficult to limit the choices for this year's Obadiah Awards. Please know that this year's list of award winners does not, in any way, diminish the importance of the thousands of other hard working and dedicated Christians who made life better for all of us in 2008.

In presenting this special edition of the James Hartline Report, we will only be presenting the biographies of certain award winners. However, throughout the upcoming year of 2009, we will periodically publish news articles about each of the 2009 Obadiah Award winners. Also, this year, in addition to an official letter of appreciation being given to each award recipient, we will be delivering to each Obadiah Award winner a gift of one pound of Holy Roast Coffee, the most delicious coffee in the world. With the Biblical verse of John 3:16 on the outside of each package of solid coffee beans, Holy Roast Coffee is also helping to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the international religious community.

America: We now present you with this year's 2009 Obadiah Award Winners.

The 2009 Citizen of the Year:
Charles L. LiMandri - President, Law Offices of Charles L. Limandri
Rancho Santa Fe, California

For outstanding legal work on behalf of the religious liberties of the citizens of America during the previous twelve months, there is no question that Charles L. Limandri has had a lasting impact on the lives of all Christians in the United States. Over the past five years, Charles L. LiMandri has successfully litigated the preserving of the cross which sits atop the Mt. Soledad Veterans War Memorial and many other important issues which are sacred to America's Christian Community. Over the past five years, Mr. LiMandri has donated over $3 million worth of legal work on behalf of Christian causes, demonstrating that this true professional in the legal arena has put his faith above profits. For his continual vigilance and commitment to Christian liberties and his tremendous spirit of patriotism and faith in Jesus Christ, we salute Charles L. Limandri as our 2009 Citizen of the Year.

The 2009 International Citizen of the Year:
Andrea Minichiello Williams - Attorney at Law, Director, Christian Legal Centre
The United Kingdom
Andrea Minichiello Williams is a United Kingdom-based attorney and the Director of the Christian Legal Centre. During the previous twelve months, Andrea was closely involved with cases where Christians were defending their right to speak Biblical truth in the public sphere. There is perhaps no woman on the international scene who has done more to promote the causes of religious liberty and the protection of unborn children than has Andrea Minichiello Williams. Initially specializing in Criminal and Family law, she has for many years been involved in the public arena seeking to influence Government Policy for Christian values. Andrea continues to focus on policy matters and Christian Interest cases, specifically freedom for Christians to speak truth in the public sphere, and to live according to biblical standards. We are proud to announce that Andrea Minichiello Williams is our 2009 International Citizen of the Year.

The 2009 Man of Faith Award:
Alex Mladineo Jr. - Member, Patients Like Me
San Diego, California

There is perhaps no greater testament to the power of faith and perseverance than the example being set by Alex Mladineo Jr. After being diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis in 2002, Alex could have given up and allowed the disease to overcome him. Instead, Alex allowed his faith in Jesus Christ to dictate his course of action in battling this life threatening disease. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, also known as Lou Gehrig's disease, is a neurodegenerative disease that usually attacks both upper and lower motor neurons and causes degeneration throughout the brain and spinal cord. While Alex Mladineo Jr. suffers greatly with his affliction, he has used this great trial to start a nationally-recognized online ministry. In 2008, Alex joined the prayer ministry team of the Hillcrest Mission, a San Diego-based ministry that prays for those who are suffering with homosexuality and AIDS. Alex Mladineo Jr. is a real hero and a real man of faith.

The 2009 Woman of Faith Award:
Dawn Stefanowicz - Founder, The Ministry of Dawn Stefanowicz
London, Ontario Canada

Internationally recognized speaker and author Dawn Stefanowicz was at the forefront of educating thousands of Christians in North America in 2008 about the consequences for children who have been exposed to the negative influences of homosexual parents. Dawn grew up in a homosexual household during the 1960s and 1970s in Toronto, Canada, thus exposing her to many different people in homosexual, lesbian and transsexual subcultures, as well as the explicit sexual practices of these groups. Sadly, she lost her father to AIDS in 1991. Despite having faced so much adversity as a child, Dawn Stefanowicz has overcome the effects of being raised under a homosexual parent and is now prospering in a ministry that seeks to help parents protect their kids from the destructiveness of the homosexual lifestyle. Her new testimonial book, Out From Under, is a must read. We are proud to present Dawn Stefanowicz with our 2009 Woman of Faith Award for the outstanding work that she did to positively impact the American culture in the previous twelve months.

The 2009 Teacher of the Year:
Tina Marie Carpenter - Teacher, Central Elementary School
San Diego, California

For over two decades, elementary school teacher Tina Marie Carpenter has been dedicated to providing outstanding services to the students of San Diego County. Tina, a single mother, has also been raising two beautiful daughters on her own. When Tina is not in the classroom, she can be found at her local church singing in the choir or working with the church youth ministry. Rarely in today's society can we find a woman who does not just teach in the classroom, but instead, has also made her own life a classroom. Over the past twelve months, just like she has done for decades, Tina Carpenter has demonstrated an exemplary combination of professionalism and motherhood. With a strong faith in Jesus Christ, Tina has also taken her commitment to God out into the community so that today's youth will be tomorrow's teachers and community leaders. There is no question about it: Tina Marie Carpenter is our 2009 Teacher of the Year.

The 2009 Businesswoman of the Year:
Diane Chapman - President, Flex Systems Inc.
El Cajon, California

It seems that in 2008, Diane Chapman was everywhere in San Diego County. From numerous appearances at political events like the rally in support of Prop. 8 at the San Diego City Council to a protest march on behalf of those suffering with poverty in City Heights, Diane Chapman was a stand out woman of faith in 2008. However, it was Diane's successful management of her manufacturing company in El Cajon, California that has earned her our award as the 2009 Businesswoman of the Year. While many small American businesses have had to shutter their doors due to unfriendly trade policies and an expanding global recession, Diane Chapman has continued to employ workers who manufacture goods right here in the United States. Diane's very consistent faith in Jesus Christ, mixed with a tremendous work ethic, has shown that in the midst of hard economic times there are still some very bright spots shining upon America's economic landscape.

The 2009 Businessman of the Year:
Todd Lipscomb - Owner, Made In USA Forever
San Clemente, California
One of the great business endeavors in the last twenty years is the revolutionary online business called Made In USA Forever.com. Founder Todd Lipscomb went into high gear in 2008 with his internet store that provides Americans with products that are made only in the United States. Realizing that many countries like China are persecuting Christians and treating their workers like slaves, Todd is countering those bad Chinese economic and political policies by allowing Americans who do not want to buy products made in China with his truly innovative option of purchasing goods that are still made by Americans in America. There is no man in America who is better deserving of our 2009 Businessman of the Year award than Todd Lipscomb, Founder of Made In USA Forever.com

The 2009 Christian Service Award:
Aremie Ambrose - Secretary, Calvary Temple Assembly of God
San Diego, California

For eleven years Aremie Ambrose has served as secretary at Calvary Temple Assembly of God in San Diego, California. What makes Aremie's job such a powerful example of service to the God of the Bible is the church environment that she works in. Calvary Temple Assembly of God is located in the heart of San Diego's homosexual community. This makes the spiritual warfare inside of Calvary Temple a very difficult battle to say the least. It takes a real committed Christian to stay the course inside of a church that is located inside of a homosexual community. In addition to her secretarial duties, Aremie volunteers in ministry at the local women's jail. She also ministers inside of Mexico, as well as serving in much of the San Diego area. Without question, Aremie Ambrose is a dynamic Christian example to many and is a clear and convincing choice as our 2009 Christian Service Award winner.

The 2009 Religious Liberty Achievement Award:
Chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt - Founder, The Pray In Jesus Name Project
Colorado Springs, Colorado
“Chaps” was court-martialed for wearing his Navy uniform while publicly praying “in Jesus name”
Gordon James Klingenschmitt is a former U.S. Navy Chaplain who made national headlines by standing up for the rights of military chaplains to pray publicly “in Jesus name.” By sacrificing his 16 year career and a million dollar pension, he helped overturn national policy and secured the rights of chaplains of all faiths to pray according to their conscience. Due to the bravery of Chaplain Klingenschmitt and his unwavering dedication to preserving the religious rights of all Americans, he is our 2009 Religious Liberty Achievement Award winner. Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt: We all thank you!

The 2009 Political Candidate of the Year:
Bill Daniel - Candidate, San Diego City Council
San Diego, California
Bill Daniel has been a full time San Diego-based teacher for over two decades. Yet, it wasn't his stellar teaching career that caught our eye in 2008. Instead, it was the fact that Bill Daniel decided last year that he would make sure that Christian Conservatives were well-represented in San Diego, California's local municipal elections. As a first time candidate in one of the most populated major cities in America, Bill Daniel garnered over 1,000 votes in his bid for a seat on the San Diego City Council. While many other candidates were trying to hide their Christianity, Mr. Bill Daniel made his faith a key component of his campaign. With a small financial reserve, Bill made up with His faith, what he lacked in campaign contributions. To garner 1,000 votes in any campaign as a rookie candidate is an amazing accomplishment. Subsequently, we recognize Bill Daniel as our 2009 Political Candidate of the Year.

The 2009 Woman of Integrity Award:
Priscilla Schreiber, Member - Grossmont Union High School District
Lakeside, California
The Bible says that if you are a true follower of Jesus Christ you will be persecuted for your faith. Priscilla Schreiber has certainly proven that to be the case. During her successful 2008 campaign for a third election to the board of the Grossmont Union High School District, Mrs. Schreiber was the target of some of the most horrific attacks of any Christian politician in America. Her opponents did everything possible to ensure that this longtime Christian Community leader was defeated at the polls. In the end, Priscilla Schreiber's well-documented faith in Jesus Christ saw her through a terrible assault on her character as she was reelected to the school board she has represented with dignity for nearly a decade. We are proud to present Priscilla Schreiber with our 2009 Woman of Integrity Award.

The 2009 Man of Integrity Award:
Gregory Thompson - 2008 Candidate, Governor of Missouri
Humansville, Missouri
Determined to make sure that the people of Missouri had a Christian candidate during its recent 2008 campaign for governor, Gregory Thompson announced his candidacy for the Show Me State's highest office. Indeed, during the campaign Gregory Thompson allowed all Missourians to see a true statesman in action. After serving with honor for nearly seven years on a local school board, Gregory was fired in 2004 for refusing to keep His Bible off of his office desk and for refusing to keep the Ten Commandments out of the schools under his jurisdiction. Imagine being fired for telling kids, "Thou shall not kill." Mr. Thompson then went on to form one of America's most impactive religious education organizations: America Asleep kNOw More. Whenever service and sacrifice come to mind, a picture of Gregory Thompson is sure to follow. We are very proud to declare Gregory Thompson as our 2009 Man of Integrity Award winner.

The 2009 Father of the Year:
Mike Farmer - Owner, Mike Farmer Entertainment
Santee, California

While many of today's fathers forget that they have children in need of attention, Santee, California father Mike Farmer not only cherishes the relationship he has with his 12 year-old son Christopher, but he has also set out to become a public example of fatherhood to all of the children of America. In July of 2008, Mike Farmer took on the entire homosexual political movement when he gave a powerful speech in defense of today's youth and on behalf of father's everywhere at the San Diego City Council. Many churchgoing men remain silent as homosexual political activists seek to indoctrinate young sons and daughters in the public education system. Last year, Mike Farmer stepped up to the plate and gave a powerful and passionate speech in resisting the San Diego Gay Pride proclamation during a time when same-sex marriage advocates were forcing their agenda on the entire state of California. We proudly declare Mike Farmer as our 2009 Father of the Year. Our only regret is that there are not more fathers like Mike.

2009 Mother of the Year:
Janet Cobb - Home School Teacher, Mother of 4 + 1
San Diego, California

For over a decade Janet Cobb has been a tremendously gifted and dedicated mother. She has faced many challenges during that time. 2008 was perhaps her most challenging year as she lost a precious baby that she was waiting to bring into the world. Demonstrating that her faith was strong and her commitment as a wife, mom and Christian were amazingly evident, Janet Cobb pressed through this trial to continue her shining example to other mothers in San Diego, California. Janet currently homeschools her many children and is now expecting another baby. While many women forget the importance of motherhood in this chaotic culture. Janet Cobb is proving that motherhood is the greatest example of what a real woman should seek to achieve in this life. We are very proud to announce that Janet Cobb is our 2009 Mother of the Year.

The 2009 Pro-Life Activist of the Year Award:
Sue Lopez (1956-2008) - Pro-Life Activist Extraordinaire
San Diego, California

The pro-life movement in San Diego is mourning the loss of one of its strongest and most dedicated advocates for the unborn. Sue Lopez, who for years organized prayer vigils outside abortion centers that saved hundreds of babies from certain death, orchestrated the city’s annual Life Chain and was involved in many other pro-life events, lost a year-and-a-half battle with breast cancer on Sunday night, Nov. 23, the Feast of Christ the King. Even in the midst of great pain in her physical body, Sue Lopez continued her stand on behalf of marriage and the unborn. "They got me," Sue Lopez wrote just one month before she passed away. She had written that email to let her thousands of followers know that someone had slashed her tires because she had a Yes On 8 sticker on her car. No one will ever be able to replace the one and only Sue Lopez. All any of us can do is try to step up to the plate and follow Sue's example. There is no question that in 2008, Sue Lopez was our Pro-Life Activist of the Year.

The 2009 Married Couple of the Year:
Matt and Robyn Connors - MVCF Home Fellowship Leadership
Matt Connors - Pastoral Care, Mission Valley Christian Fellowship
Robyn Connors - Teacher, National University
San Diego, California

The 2009 Family Values Leadership Award:
Dr. Scott Lively - President, Defend The Family International
Springfield, Massachusetts

The 2009 Excellence In Media Award:
Coach Dave Daubenmire - Host, Pass The Salt on WLRY 88.9 FM
Pastor Leo Giovinetti - Worldwide Host, Real Life Radio
Sandy Rios - Host, The Sandy Rios Show on WYLL Chicago Christian Talk
Tamara Scott - Host, Truth For Our Times on KPSZ Praise 940 AM
Wiley Drake - Host, The Wiley Drake Show on the Crusade Radio Network
Crosstalk Radio - Hosts Dr. Vic Eliason, Jim Schneider, and Ingrid Schlueter

The 2009 Pro-Life Organization Award:
American Life League - America's Largest Catholic Pro-Life Organization
Stafford, Virginia

The 2009 Community Service Award - Individual:
Gary Becks - President, Rescue Task Force
San Diego, California

The 2009 Community Service Award - Group:
Rescue Task Force - A San Diego-based International Relief Agency
San Diego, California

The 2009 Outstanding Public Affairs Award:
Schubert Flint Public Affairs - Frank Schubert and Jeff Flint, Partners
Sacramento, California

The 2009 Outstanding Community Church Award:
Calvary Temple Assembly of God - Pastor, Jack Sampier Sr.
San Diego, California
For 68 years Calvary Temple Assembly of God has presented the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the central area of San Diego, California. Located in the heart of Hillcrest, this church of 100 members has faced many radical shifts in societal trends. Twenty years ago, Hillcrest became the center of San Diego's growing homosexual population. Faced with a completely new reality, the church was no longer operating within a neighborhood of quiet seniors and military personnel. It could have closed up shop, but Pastor Jack Sampier, Sr. decided that his church would minister to San Diego's gay community rather than run from them. In 2008, Sampier and his small congregation continued to stand for the principles of the Gospel inside of the gay community when much larger congregations with far greater financial resources would not even reach out to those struggling with homosexuality. Calvary Temple Assembly of God is absolutely our 2009 Church of the Year.

The 2009 James Hartline Report Award For Excellence:
This award is given to an individual or organization who demonstrated an extraordinary act of courage to further the cause of religious liberty in the United States during the previous twelve months. This year we are awarding three churches, all based in San Diego County, with The 2009 James Hartline Report Award For Excellence. These three churches worked in harmony on Prop. 8, the California Marriage Protection Amendment, resulting in the passage of this critical state initiative. Because of the dedication and tremendous hard work of these three churches, California will no longer be forced to sanction homosexual relationships with the equivalent status given to that of traditional marriages.
The Three Outstanding Churches receiving this prestigious award are:
Mission Valley Christian Fellowship - Senior Pastor Leo Giovinetti
Skyline Church - Senior Pastor Jim Garlow
The Rock Church - Senior Pastor Miles McPherson

Please look forward to upcoming stories in 2009 on all of our Obadiah Award winners. Also, get ready for the publication of an exciting new Spiritual Warfare Daily Devotional by James Hartline. This new book will be published in 2009.

This has been a published article from The James Hartline Report
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