San Diego GOP Leadership Refuses To Interview Christian Candidate During Endorsement Meeting

The James Hartline Report
- On The Frontlines Of The Culture War -
December 5, 2007

San Diego GOP Leadership Refuses To Interview Christian Candidate
During Endorsement Interviews Of City Council Candidates

San Diego Christian Candidate James Hartline Is Turned Away
From County GOP Endorsement Meeting By Party's Executives

(JHReport) "Out with Christianity and in with homosexuality." That was the perceived theme of the San Diego County Republican Party's Novermber 2007 meeting, according to James Hartline, a well-known Christian candidate for the San Diego City Council. According to Hartline, individuals who are promoting homosexuality were celebrated at the monthly November GOP gathering, while he and other Christians were disrespected and ignored at the meeting.

According to Hartline, he was not even permitted to put his name on the sign-in sheet for announced Republican candidates when he showed up at the monthly GOP meeting. "When I went to the table to put my name on the sign-in sheet for candidates, I was told that that there was no such sheet." As a result, all of the candidates for public office were recognized during the meeting by having their names announced to those in attendance -- every candidate except Hartline.

Accompanying candidate Hartline to the meeting were ten supporters and members of his campaign for the San Diego City Council. "Not one member of the county's GOP executive leadership greeted any of our team," says Hartline. Adding insult to injury was the fact that Mayor Jerry Sanders was given a standing ovation by approximately 90% of those in attendance. Sanders recently approved a San Diego City Council order to issue a legal brief in support of same-sex marriage: something Sanders had promised voters he would not do during his 2005 mayoral campaign.

"It was a sad night," bemoans Hartline. "It seemed to be a room full of people who were heavily drinking alcohol while making decisions that will affect the lives of every citizen in San Diego." For the ten Christians who showed up with Hartline, it was a very uncomfortable evening. "We just had to sit there and endure a bunch of middle aged caucasian men and women drinking booze and mocking our faith. This is what has become of our local party leadership," adds Hartline.

James Hartline states that leaders within the San Diego County Republican Party refused to interview him along with other candidates for the San Diego City Council. On the evening of Nov. 6, 2007, Hartline received an application for the party's endorsement from the San Diego Republican Party headquarters. Hartline was given less than 72 hours to fill out the extensive application and fax it back to them no later than 12noon on Nov. 9, 2007. Additionally, Hartline was ordered to call the party headquarters directly to confirm that they had received the application. Hartline followed their instructions completely. Yet, no one from the party bothered to inform him that they would be interviewing candidates the following Tuesday night for endorsements for the city council races.

Red County, a San Diego County political website, ran an updated blog at the exact same time that the party was meeting on Tuesday night to interview candidates for possible endorsements. While writers on that blog were telling readers that homosexual activist Carl DeMaio had just been interviewed and endorsed, Hartline was not even told by the party headquarters that interviews were being conducted. While Hartline and his ten member team were at the party meeting for 90 minutes, not one person informed him or his team that endorsement interviews would be conducted that night.

"In my seven years of fighting for the protection of children from predators, as well as standing up for morality in the city of San Diego, this is the first time that real bigotry prevented me from doing my job," declares Hartline. "The idea that a person involved in homosexuality like Carl DeMaio was patted on the back, while they refused to interview a Christian candidate should tell all Christian voters in San Diego that the local Republican Party has gone down a very dark path."

Carl DeMaio, who announced to the world in an April edition of San Diego Magazine that he was involved in homosexuality, is seeking a seat on the San Diego City Council. DeMaio went on to degrade the will of the voters during that interview by stating: "But at the end of the day, I don’t think it’s very relevant (his homosexuality) when you consider all the things that are really important to voters."

Robert Sutton, a prominent San Diego attorney and former law enforcement officer, is serving as Hartline's campaign manager. Sutton contacted party headquarters to find out why Hartline was never called in for an interview with the other city council candidates during their Tuesday night endorsement meeting. After two days of silence, Sutton was finally contacted by county Republican Party COO Jonathan Buettner. "Buettner told me that a vote was held prior to the endorsement meeting to exclude any candidate from being interviewed based upon three specific criteria. Those criteria included any candidate who had previously been convicted of a felony and candidates who had given support to non-Republicans."

It would appear that the local Republican Party is picking and choosing when they apply these newly-found exclusionary standards. Dayna Hydrick, Voter Registration Task Force Committee Chair for the San Diego County Republican Party endorsed and supported liberal Democrat Scott Peters in his 2004 campaign for the San Diego City Council. Yet, Hydrick is a chairwoman within the local party's leadership. Additionally, while the party's state platform forbids the promotion of homosexuality as an alternative lifestyle, a number of party leaders are backing DeMaio. Some of DeMaio's backers also claim to be Christians.

Having overcome tremendous obstacles in his life, Hartline is accepted around the United States by church leaders and many other Christians for his bold stand for Jesus Christ. He is currently scheduled to participate at a national leadership summit along with Republican presidential candidate Alan Keyes and conservative activist Coach Dave Daubenmire. That event, called "A Gathering of Eagles," will commence on December 14th in Coshocton, Ohio.

In 2006, James Hartline's life story was featured on an international broadcast of the Christian Broadcasting Network's 700 Club. While he is standing up for Christian values around the United States, as well as his own city of San Diego, Hartline is forced to endure great disrepect from his own party's local leadership. "The message that local Republican leaders are now sending out to all Christians in San Diego is that 'it's fine if God forgives you, but we are God in San Diego elections, and Christians with a past need not apply,'" says Hartline.

James Hartline has every intention of confronting the bigotry that is percolating within the hearts and minds of certain San Diego Republican leaders. "If they think that Christian voters are going to accept this mistreatment of me while they are glorifying homosexuality and alcoholism, they are indeed very mistaken," warns Hartline.

"I have come too far and overcome too many obstacles to allow a few small-minded and misguided Republicans to defeat me," Hartline declares. "I am part of a new breed of political leaders in San Diego and corruption, bigotry and greed are not a part of our agenda."

To put the disturbing bigotry of the GOP attack on Hartline in perspective consider this: While Hartline has been in a long conflict with many leaders of San Diego's gay community, even they allowed Hartline to present his campaign credentials and platform at the Hillcrest Town Council's candidate forum in October. "Although we disagree on many family values issues, even gay community leaders were far more respectful to my campaign than have been leaders of the San Diego GOP executive committee," said Hartline.

This should really show Christian voters in San Diego just how spiteful and anti-christian are certain local GOP leaders. "Is there any wonder why the San Diego Republican executive committee reaffirmed their committment to Jerry Sanders in his re-election bid for mayor even though he disrespected every voter in San Diego when he flip-flopped and endorsed gay marriage?" The Republican Party of San Diego simply does not want the Christian vote. And after their treatment of me, they certainly don't deserve it!" Hartline retorted.

Dozens of prominent Republican leaders, pastors and businessowners are supporting Hartline's candidacy. This support runs in complete contrast to those who are currently running the San Diego party headquarters. Former judicial candidate for the San Diego Superior Court Larry Kincaid and popular board president of the Grossmont Union High School District Priscilla Schreiber are two of the many GOP stalwarts that have endorsed Hartline.

"There is a real evil spirit that has saturated the San Diego Republican Party headquarters. My recommendation to every Christian in San Diego: Vote for Christian candidates and boycott every other anti-christian Republican candidate in the county of San Diego. "If they don't want our values, then they are not going to get our votes!" This is the only way that they are going to get the message that they had better start respecting us -- and they had better do it now before the 2008 election comes around," states Hartline.

James Hartline encourages Christians to support him by sending their endorsement of his candidacy via email: or visit his campaign website at

This has been a Special James Hartline Report Update.
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Anonymous said…
Just goes to show the dubious activities of some politicians - definitely not the kind of people that I want to be leading and making decisions for San Diego!