Hometown Heroes of San Diego Series: The Mike Farmer Story, A Real Hometown Hero

The James Hartline Report
The Hometown Heroes of San Diego:
Telling The Stories of Christians
Who Are Making Their Stand For Righteousness
In 21st Century America

~ How One Man Became San Diego's Most Valuable Baseball Fan ~
This is The Story of Mike Farmer, A Real Hometown Hero

Out of the thousands of fathers who take their sons to San Diego's Petco Park, Mike Farmer and his eleven year-old son Christopher would not stand out much. At first glance, they appear to be like any other father-son fans of the San Diego Padres. Oh, they might scream just a bit little louder than the average baseball fans when a Padres slugger hits a homerun, but Mike and Christopher are simply another good example of families who have fun at Petco Park. Having spent thousands of dollars over the past few decades on baseball tickets, hotdogs and sodas, Mike Farmer has helped finance Petco Park, a new downtown stadium that he proudly takes his son Christopher to on their many father-son outings.

Surely, Mike Farmer never contemplated that his avid support for the Padres would one day lead him into making one of the great moral stands in San Diego history. Yet, when it comes to making big plays for the home team, no highly paid Padres player comes close to the moral homerun that Mike Farmer recently hit for the families of San Diego.

In today's sex-obsessed culture, many parents end up neglecting their own children as they fantasize about being back in their pre-marital days of debauchery and irresponsiblity. The same cannot be said about Mike Farmer. Farmer has not only embraced the honorable role of fatherhood, but he considers his young son Christopher to be one of the preeminent aspects of his life. While many parents will simply give their kids more and more money to keep them occupied and out of the way, Mike Farmer is thrilled with the opportunities he makes to spend time with Christopher.

Mike credits his own father for instilling in him the qualities necessary for being a good dad. Unfortunately, the years that Mike had with his dad were far too few. "One day he was with me....and the next he was gone," Mike says in a very sad tone. "He died of a brain anyeurism when I was only sixteen," he adds. Perhaps it is the realization that a loved one can be taken away at any moment which motivates Mike to cherish every opportunity that he can to spend time with his son.

Since the 1960's when the Padres were part of the old Pacific Coast League, Mike Farmer has been cheering on the team. Mike Farmer and the Padres are very old friends. Three months ago, Mike could have never imagined that the baseball team which has brought so much joy to him and his son would soon turn on him and become an anti-family enemy. Sadly, on July 8, 2007, the San Diego Padres would become notorious for partnering up with an organization that promotes homosexuality, lesbianism and transsexuality. Incredibly, on July 8, 2007, longtime baseball fans, Mike Farmer and his son Christopher, were shoved aside by the Padres to make way for the celebration of the San Diego Gay Pride organization at Petco Park.

Baseball fans from around America were shocked as they learned that the Padres were celebrating an organization that had hired a dangerous pedophile to work in the children's garden of the 2005 San Diego Gay Pride Festival. Shock soon turned to revulsion as fans were informed that the Padres had scheduled the gay pride celebration in Petco Park at the same time that the team had already scheduled a children's free floppy cap giveaway at the stadium.

Something quite powerful was provoked within the heart of Mike Farmer when he learned about the San Diego Padres Gay Pride attack against the children of his city. Farmer's provocation soon turned this quiet and unassuming father into a real life warrior who decided to take on the powerful money interests of professional baseball.

"Families throughout America owe a debt of gratitude to Mike Farmer," says San Diego Christian activist James Hartline. Hartline says that he has received dozens of emails from supporters throughout America who are applauding Farmer and the other Christians who stood up for the kids at Petco Park during a July 8th protest against the sexually destructive San Diego Gay Pride organization.

It was Farmer who helped Hartline coordinate the 100 Christian protesters who held an educational vigil outside of Petco Park for three hours while the Padres were hosting the San Diego Gay Pride event. "While the Padres were allowing homosexuality to be honored in front of thousands of young kids, Mike helped to make sure that thousands of parents were given literature on the disturbing history of the San Diego Gay Pride organization," adds Hartline.

"I can't even imagine how the Padres could intentionally schedule a group with a history of hiring pedophiles to be around young kids," Farmer told the James Hartline Report. The San Diego Gay Pride organization hired numerous sex offenders to work for their group during the 2005 San Diego Gay Pride parade and festival. One of the pedophiles, Martin Ramirez, was employed by the organization to entertain young minors in the gay festival children's garden. Based upon that kind of information, Farmer and Hartline were motivated to plead with parents to keep their kids away from Petco Park on July 8th.

Mike Farmer never set out to cause trouble for anyone when he became a Christian. However, once the Padres decided to expose the kids of San Diego to homosexuality at Petco Park, Farmer decided that the team needed some trouble from their number one fan. Farmer made his feelings known regarding the Padres and their promotion of homosexuality at a July 10, 2007 San Diego City Council Meeting. Mike demonstrated his passion for protecting the kids of San Diego in a powerful three-minute clarion call that was reminiscent of the founding fathers during the early days of the Revolutionary War.

Farmer told the members of the San Diego City Council that it was the first time he had ever spoken at city hall. "Mike's speech was one of the best that I've ever heard. What is so incredible is that it was the first time he'd ever spoken at the city council," said Hartline, a veteran of many city council meetings. You can watch the entirety of Mike Farmer's speech by logging onto:

San Diego City Council Video Archives
View Video - July 10, 2007
Go to Non-Agenda Comment - Slide Time Ruler to Time of 1:04:50

"We as parents have a right to determine if and when we choose to discuss issues of sexuality with our kids, not the gay pride organization," declared Farmer. Mike's speech culminated with a powerful challenge to the city councilmembers who claim to be Christians, particularly during elections when the Christian vote is needed to win. Farmer stated, "There's Christians on this council. I'm looking at a couple. Every year you vote for this gay pride celebration. It is time for you to reconsider your vote on this matter!"

Oftentimes a man with the potential to hit a homerun for destiny does not demonstrate such greatness until he is placed in an environment that is conducive to producing such greatness. It appears that destiny and Mike Farmer have bonded with each other at the right time and under the right circumstances.

When he became a Christian approximately thirteen years ago, Mike Farmer didn't know much about the Bible or Christian activism. He never even imagined that in 2007 he would find himself in the middle of a battle to save the kids of his city. Yet, that is where Mike's love for his son and his commitment to Jesus Christ have taken him.

At the same time that Mike married his loving wife Suzie they were studying Christianity under the Bible teaching of an up-and-coming young pastor by the name of Leo Giovinetti. Mike and Suzie made the pilgrimage with Pastor Giovinetti to help start a new church called Mission Valley Christian Fellowship (MVCF) in 1994. In the ensuing years, Mission Valley Christian Fellowship has become one of the great stories in civic responsibility. Having produced many of San Diego's finest Christian activists, MVCF has the unusual title of being America's largest homeless church. Unbelievably, while well-known Christian activists like James Hartline and Mike Farmer have learned many of the tools necessary for making a difference in San Diego, the church itself has moved from location to location due to not having its own physical church property.

Over the years, Giovinetti has encouraged his thriving congregation to stay steadfast in their commitment to some very basic Christian principles. "Read your bible every day and take what you learn and enter the story," Pastor Leo reminds the 1,500 weekly attendees of Mission Valley Christian Fellowship.

Enter the story means active involvement in the culture. And that is exactly what Mike Farmer has done in his very public stand on behalf of the young kids and their families in San Diego County. Hopefully thousands of other dads in San Diego will follow the example of Mike Farmer and go to battle for the youth of their city. In a time when the San Diego Padres have chosen to promote homosexuality over Christianity, the kids of San Diego are desperately counting on real men like Mike Farmer to step up to the plate each and everyday to be the real heroes in America.

This episode in the series: The Hometown Heroes of San Diego
Has been provided by The James Hartline Report.
Now Associated With California Christian News.
With A Daily Readership of Over 12,000 Concerned Citizens of Conviction!

I Am Making My Stand In 2007!
Have You Started Making Yours Yet?

James Hartline, Publisher
The James Hartline Report
Educating The Church
Fighting For Our Generation


Anonymous said…
Kudos to Mike Farmer - a TRUE Christian - unafraid to take a stand in the Name of the Lord and for the sake of his son!
Kudo also to James Hartline! I applaud your courage, sir! Especially considering your earlier history. Perhaps you should speak at various churches around the area - we need to find more pastors/ministers/priests who are willing to stand up and speak out against the increasing influence of the homosexual agenda - which is so very destructive to our children! It absolutely breaks my heart to read of so many young children being forced to listen to the homosexual agenda being promoted as "normal" in public schools today! It is time for PARENTS to stand up and STOP the destruction and indoctrination of our children in schools - for which we are paying! PARENTS NEED TO TAKE BACK CONTROL OF THE SCHOOLS!
Thank you to all of you! And my prayers for the bravery of those four firemen who were forced to take part in the vile Gay Pride Parade! I've already sent a note voicing my opinion to the Mayor of San Diego!

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