The Great Rainbow Robbery: Gay Activists Costing America Billions Of Dollars In Medical Expenses To Pay For Unsafe Sex Practices

The James Hartline Report On The Frontlines of the Culture War January 29, 2007 The Great Rainbow Robbery: Gay Activists Costing America Billions Of Dollars In Medical Expenses To Pay For Unsafe Sex Practices (JHReport) James Hartline, Publisher of the James Hartline Report, is known throughout the United States as one of America's most vocal Christian activists. However, ten years ago Hartline was anything but a committed Christian. With a history of drug abuse and stealing to support his crippling addiction to methamphetamines, Hartline's life was fast heading towards a destructive end. In the winter of 1997, the final blow was struck against James Hartline. His long record of poor choices and the dark results they brought, paled in comparison to one bleak event in the first week of December, 1997. During one of his many visits to the gay bathhouse called the Mustang Spa, James Hartline was infected with the AIDS virus. California law bans bathhouses like the Mustang Spa wher...