Gay Republicans Demand Schwarzenegger Sign Gay Marriage Bill - Even As Gay Log Cabin Activism Continues To Erode GOP Base

Gay Activism Inside Of Republican Party
Continues To Erode GOP Conservative Base:

Log Cabin Republicans Now Demand Schwarzenegger
Sign 2007 Gay Marriage Bill In California:
(Governor's Signature Would End Christian Support For Calif. GOP)

Promotion of Homosexuality By Gay Republicans
Has Dismantled Christian Coalition Within GOP:
The Cost: GOP Lost Control of Congress in 2006
SENATE : GOP Loses Control
To Democrats
33 at stake, 0 undecided

49 Republicans

51 Democrats

0 Independets
HOUSE GOP Loses Control To Democrats

435 at stake, 0 undecided

202 Republicans

233 Democrats

* Total for Senate Democrats includes two independents

(JHReport) Apparently, some Republican Party leaders have not gotten the memo. The memo reads: Gay Republicans are destroying the GOP's ability to hold onto its majority Christian base, costing the party their majority control in both houses of congress.

Despite the fact that Republicans suffered numbing and devastating losses in the 2006 general elections, GOP officials, in an almost suicidal fashion, are continuing to tolerate the party's biggest enemy from within: the Log Cabin Repubicans ( Except for the very naive, most GOP veterans know that the Log Cabin Republicans are nothing more than Democratic Party gay activists who, in parasitic fashion, are destroying the GOP from within. In reality, the Log Cabin Republicans are the GOP's Trojan Horse nightmare come true.

There is really nothing that separates the Log Cabin Republicans' verbage or ideology from their liberal homosexual Democrat Party counterparts. Both groups are for gay marriage. Both groups despise Christian Conservatives. Both groups promote the legalization of homosexual sodomy in the military. And both groups are on a mission to remove Christian Conservative influence from America. One group does it through the Democratic Party. The other does it within the GOP as the Log Cabin Republicans.

Talking points from the Log Cabin Republicans' website reveals just how radical this group's war against Christian influence within the GOP is:

Talking Points: Why It's Okay Being A Gay Republican
2. Defeating the radical right and transforming the GOP will allow gay and lesbian Americans to achieve full equality much sooner-decades sooner. The radical right represents the last obstacle on the path to full equality. Defeat them in the grassroots of the GOP and all of us can enjoy the benefits of liberty much sooner.

It won't take a GOP novice very long to see the Log Cabin Republicans in action to prove where this double agent group's dark hearts and priorities lie. A recent article by the News Center demonstrates just how married the Log Cabin Republicans are to their liberal Democratic Party brethren:

Log Cabin Pressuring Schwarzenegger On Gay Marriage by Newscenter Staff

(San Francisco, California) California gay Republicans have begun a major effort to convince Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger to sign a bill legalizing same-sex marriage if it passes the legislature.
The Religious Freedom and Civil Marriage Protection Act was introduced in the Assembly last month by Assemblyman Mark Leno (D-San Francisco). The bill is identical to a one passed last year in both the Assembly and Senate but vetoed by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.
The legislation has the backing of the full LGBT caucus at the legislature - all Democrats and is again expected to narrowly pass both houses. But this is the first time the governor is being pressed by gays in his own party.
Log Cabin Republicans have mounted a full scale lobbying effort San Jose's KNTV reported Monday.
"When it comes to marriage, we believe in the fundamental fairness of the American people. There has never been a major civil rights movement that has failed in the United States," statewide director of the Log Cabin Republicans, James Vaughn, told the station.
Despite his attempts to be seen as a moderate most Republicans do not believe Schwarzenegger will sign a marriage bill this year if it reaches his desk.
Nevertheless, Log Cabin Republicans are busy building support - meeting with the Schwarzenegger administration, seeking appointments to state boards and commissions as part of their grassroots campaign.
Leno's bill would amend the Family Code to define marriage as a civil contract between two persons instead of a civil contract between a man and a woman, and reaffirms that no religious institution would be required to solemnize marriages contrary to its fundamental beliefs.
It will go before policy and fiscal committees in the Assembly and Senate later this year.
Meanwhile, the California Supreme Court this year will hear an appeal of a lower court ruling that upheld the state ban on gay marriage.
The case dates back to 2004 when San Francisco mayor Gavin Newsom began issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples. Some 8,000 couples exchanged vows before the state Supreme Court ruled Newsom had acted illegally.
The court nullified the marriages but said its ruling dealt only with Newsom's actions. The justices said at the time the question of whether barring same-sex couples from marrying violated the state's equal protection clause of its constitution was a separate matter.
Legal challenges on the constitutional question were begun almost immediately. Three separate suits ultimately were wrapped together into a single case.
In March 2005 a Superior Court judge in San Francisco ruled that the law denying same-sex marriage was unconstitutional.
"It appears that no rational purpose exists for limiting marriage in this state to opposite-sex partners," County Superior Court Judge Richard Kramer said in a written ruling.
In striking down the state ban on same-sex marriage Kramer wrote that the state's historical definition of marriage, by itself, cannot justify the denial of equal protection for gays and lesbians.
Kramer stayed his ruling while the state appealed. In October, the California Court of Appeal in a split decision overturned Kramer's ruling.
"The time may come when California chooses to expand the definition of marriage to encompass same-sex unions. That change must come from democratic processes, however, not by judicial fiat," the Appeals Court ruling said.
In a dissent, Justice Anthony Kline wrote, "[T]he inescapable effect of the analysis the majority adopts is to diminish the humanity of the lesbian and gay men whose rights are defeated. The right to marry is of fundamental important for all individuals."
The Supreme Court has not set a date to hear arguments.
© 2007

San Diego: Ground Zero For The Culture War

San Diego is home to one of the largest concentrations of Christian Conservatives in California. Without the support of Christian Conservatives, the local Republican Party would virtually be diminished to the point of losing nearly every elected office in the county. That is why many San Diego GOP Christian leaders are bewildered as to why the county GOP leadership continues to promote the interests of the Log Cabin Republicans. Take for instance the statements of San Diego GOP Vice Chair Michael McSweeney when he spoke at the San Diego Log Cabin Republicans monthly meeting in 2005:

( Michael McSweeney, first vice chair of the San Diego County Republican Party, told the Log Cabin Republicans San Diego chapter at a public meeting held at The Abbey Café that the GLBT community had “great untapped potential” and insisted the community’s voice was both welcomed and needed within the Republican Party. He contended that the Republicans did an “abysmal” PR job within the GLBT community and that far-right stereotypes of the party would only be overturned by the inclusion of groups such as gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgender people. “We do an abysmal job of selling what our party stands for,” McSweeney said, “and there’s a high number of people in the gay community who have a hard time identifying with the [Republican] party they see on TV. I bet a third of people in that [the GLBT] community think as we do, but do they see themselves as Republican? Hell, no! It’s those people we have to reach out to, and it’s the two or three voters in each district that can make that big difference.” McSweeney added: "It's the people in this room who are better sales people for what this party stands for than I could ever be... [as] a straight, white man in a suit."

McSweeney, who stepped in at the last minute in place of scheduled speaker Ronald Nehring, chair of the San Diego County Republican Party, faced a barrage of heckles during a question and answer session, in which some Log Cabin members felt unsupported by the party and called for public solidarity.

McSweeney concluded that if a gay candidate could successfully campaign and be elected for the Republican Party, “I can guarantee that this party will be all over them” with support.

Perhaps, some of the energy that feeds the local GOP leadership's agenda of harvesting the Christian Vote without actually giving any respect to the will of Christian voters can be seen in the mission statement of the San Diego Lincoln Club. The Lincoln Club is a group of wealthy Republican business leaders who hold sway with much of what the local GOP leadership does in its candidate recruitment and ideology. The membership focus from the Lincoln Club website reads: The Lincoln Club has emerged as the premier business and political organization in San Diego County. The Lincoln Club maintains and advances the effective message of providing quality education, job creation, personal and fiscal responsibility. The Lincoln Club fills a huge gap in the public discussions as a reasoned, pragmatic voice on education and fiscal matters. The Club avoids divisive social issues, uniting and building political victories in a political market overcrowded with more picket signs than actual accomplishments. From school boards and judicial seats to legislative and congressional offices, The Lincoln Club identifies and supports those men and women who will effectively move this message forward. The past couple years have seen a remarkable 300% increase in membership, as the San Diego community realizes the importance of engaging in the process.

Larry Stirling, a former judge and state assemblyman, typifies the very message of the Lincoln Club, as well as the contaminating influence that that message has had within the local Republican Party. Stirling professes to be a born again Christian who attends Horizon Christian Fellowship ( Stirling and his wife Linda profess active involvement at Horizon ( Stirling has long been involved in Republican Party campaigns as well as the Lincoln Club as noted in this San Diego City Beat report:

( State Senate - This seat currently belongs to Democrat Dede Alpert, who’s being termed out of office. Alpert endorses Christine Kehoe, and so do we. Kehoe’s opponent, Larry Stirling, gave $1,500 to the Lincoln Club of San Diego County this year, and the Lincoln Club gave $5,000 to George W. Bush.

In true hypocritical fashion, Stirling betrayed the Christian Community he claims to represent, by recently endorsing Ralph Denney for the 76th State Assembly race ( Denney is one of the homosexual leaders of the local Log Cabin Republicans (

The same can be said for Mike Turk. A long term leader with the Lincoln Club (, Mike Turk has also been involved with Horizon Christian Fellowship (
The same hypocrisy that permeates Larry Stirling's politics, is clearly manifested in Turk's political affairs as well. During the recent campaign for mayor, Turk and his wife hosted a liquor bar fundraiser in their home for pro-homsexual Mayor Jerry Sanders. Despite the fact that Sanders had particpated in eight San Diego Gay Pride parades, and is a big proponent of homosexuality and abortion, Turk and his wife were not only financial donors to the Sanders' campaign, but they aggressively supported his campaign as well (

The same kind of hypocrisy can be found swirling about Republican millionaire Phil Thalheimer. Prior to 2004, few San Diegans had heard of Thalheimer. Owner of the San Diego Flight Training International School (, Thalheimber has become a very wealthy and influential GOP businessman. Wealthy enough, that he has been able to throw large sums of money into some of the most popular public-issue campaigns in the past two years.

After losing the 2004 San Diego City Council race to Scott Peters, Thalheimer began pouring in huge sums of his own money into initiatives that he knows are important to Christian Conservatives. San Diego City Beat is reporting that Thalheimer is preparing for a 2008 return run for that city council seat when Peters is termed out ( Whether Thalheimer is trying to buy a reputation with Christians so they will vote for him when he runs for the 2008 city council seat, is a matter of some debate. What is known about Thalheimer, is that he is a big supporter of the radical homosexual agenda and he is sure to advocate that position on the city council if he is elected. Homosexual activist Nicole Murray Ramirez had this to say about Thalheimer when he interviewed him in 2004 for his column in the Gay and Lesbian Times:

( "Our popular District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis, the first GLBT elected to this office in the nation, has endorsed Phil Thalheimer for San Diego City Council along with other GLBT leaders like Big Mike Philips (board member at The (Gay) Center), City Commissioner (transsexual) Julia Legaspi and many others.
"This past Monday, I had a meeting with Phil Thalheimer at City Deli and let me tell you, all those rumors and stories about Phil being anti-gay, aligned with the Christian right, etc. are all completely false. I found Phil Thalheimer to be very down to earth, blunt and honest and just really a nice guy. Thalheimer supports the use of marijuana for cancer and AIDS patients when prescribed by their doctors. He has come out against the federal marriage amendment, he believes that the Boy Scouts organization should be paying the fair market value for rent in Balboa Park, and he supports the AIDS needle exchange program and study that is now going on in our city…. Phil Thalheimer’s grandparents are Holocaust survivors; he understands oppression, hate and bigotry. Phil Thalheimer will be making an outreach effort to the GLBT community and I urge you all to get to know him and ask him questions… he will be in our parade and have a booth in our festival. By the way, one of Phil Thalheimer’s highest-ranking executives in his company is a transsexual!"

The Republican Party: Minus The Christian Vote

What will the Republican Party look like without the Christian Vote? A taste of that image was manifested in the recent 2006 general election. Close votes in key U.S. Senate races were lost by Republicans because Christian voters refused to vote for Republican candidates that had betrayed their previous promises to support family values issues. Virginia Senator George Allen suffered a deafening defeat due to his support for embryonic stem cell research and his support for the radical left's inclusion of homosexuality in federal hate crime's legislation ( Allen's loss was made all the more sharp in light of the fact that a state constitutional ban on gay marriage passed overwhelmingly by voters in the same election (

One thing can be guaranteed in California should Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger entertain the venemous demands of the Log Cabin Republicans to sign the gay marriage bill being pushed by the radical left in the state legislature. If he signs that bill, there will be a mass exodus by Christian Voters into a newly formed political party. This will surely drain the California GOP, forcing them to beg from the paltry ranks of the Log Cabin Republicans' morally bankrupt accounts.

It is clear that Christian voters will no longer allow themselves to be used as a GOP doormat where politicians walk over it on their way to their own self-serving interests. Throughout America, Christian leaders are engaging their followers with one simple message: "If you want our vote then you must also uphold our values. The selling out of Christian voters in America is now over!"

This article has been provided by The James Hartline Report
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James Hartline, Publisher
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